I'm an HBD guy but I can't believe the 80% black nfl players is all genetics. It has to be a combination of things?

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Back in the day lots more blue collar/tougher-upbringing white guys plus the fact that the game was slower and more hackey (lots of penalties today are thrown for things that were normal and accepted in the 50s-90s).

These days, with the death of union work, OSHA improvements, and the knowledge white families have about concussions in football, far fewer white kids go into football unless they're legacy or else they are QB/kicker all the way. Most of those athletic white kids that would've played football are playing lacrosse, swimming, hockey, or soccer these days.

One of my favorite older tough white players was linebacker"Sudden" Sam Huff. The son of West Virginia coal minors, he played extremely aggressive and angry, which he attributed to his hatred of his impoverished background and the coal mines and his fierce desire to get out of that lifestyle. He was one of the few linebackers who could stop freight train Jim Brown one-on-one heads up, mostly because Huff was determined to hit everyone as hard as humanly possible. He ended up a color commentator for the Redskins until dementia caught up with him.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

After 20+ years, the NFL found another fast white guy with bad hands.

Seahorn did alright for himself for a while. All-Pro and warried hottie actress Angie Harmon and had 3 kids with her. Then they divorced (sad), but he married again to a Megann Gundermann, who is some kind of "fire equipment heiress" who had the distinction of rejecting Prince William in college. So, apparently, Gundermann prefers jocks to princes. Who knew?


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It takes bad hands to play corner? I suppose catching interceptions is a plus, but maybe if they were really good at that they’d be wide receivers

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"If a DB could catch, he'd be a wide receiver."

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Theres a reason Tom Beady always threw to white guys. And look at Cooper Kupp and his insanely hogh target share and catch rate. Its not a genetic thing that white guys have better hands, its just that white guys have better fundamentals in almost every position, and same in basketball too.

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Tom Brady*

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

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Nice thank you

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(Insert Howard comment about "the Aryan barbarian is the greatest fighting man" HERE)

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Youth seem to be almost as uninterested in football as they are in baseball. Can't even remember the last time I saw a kid,of whatever ethnic group, wearing an NFL jersey here in NorCal. Back in '02 or so I saw a black kid at the Berkeley BART station in a "Namath" jersey.

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This problem is the same in football and basketball (but much more exacerbated in basketball). Coach logic: “I’m having tryouts for the highschool team and theres 20 white guys and 20 black guys trying out, and theyre all 14 years old. Theres 10 roster spots. I want to pick the guys that will be the best athletes by age 18, when theyre seniors. On average, a black guy will jump higher and run a little faster than a white guy. I therefore will pick 10 black players to be on the team.” This logic rests on the fact that at an individual level, its a better bet that the black guy will grow up to be taller or faster, skills aside. But obviously some of those white guys will grow up to be taller and faster amd stronger than some of those black guys, but you cant predict which ones. So you hope by picking all blacks you end up with a higher random average.

This is why so few white basketball players get on too AAU teams, or college scholrships. Its also the fact that white Americans are much more dispersed in small towns than black Americans, therefore less opportunity to play sports for big highschools or big AAU/little league teams.

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> Back in the 1990s, Jason Sehorn was a star cornerback for the New York Giants, but then he got hurt

The sad part is that is he got hurt in the 1998 preseason because he convinced Jim Fassel (NYG HC) that he should be a kick returner in addition to being a cornerback a la Deion Sanders. The game against the Jets was nationally televised by ESPN which means a lot of people saw it happen in real time but I can't seem to find a clip of it anywhere.

Another athlete who got hurt because he managed to talk his coach into doing something stupid was Jose Canseco, who blew out his arm by pitching the last inning of a 12-1 blowout on May 29. He played only 14 more games that season before shutting it down.

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He led the very average Giants to the Super Bowl in 2000. What more do you want from a cornerback? He was one of the best in the NFL for a 2-3 year period.

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"led" is doing a whole lot of heavy lifting there... He was a solid if unspectacular player by then, with the defense being led by Jesse Armstead and Keith Hamilton, with their coördinator being John Fox, who later led the Panthers and Broncos to the Super Bowl as HC. The OC was Sean Payton, who later led the Saints to a win in Super Bowl 44

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How about future hall of famer Michael strahan? That 2000 defense was actually pretty stacked. Overshadowed by the ravens D that year but that team was not “average” and certainly not so on defense.

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2000 was Hamilton's best year and he was the leader of the defensive line that year. Yes, Strahan was on that team as well but it was the only year in a seven-year stretch that he didn't make the Pro Bowl.

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Every time pedo ScarletNumber speaks:


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So, does the 'one-drop rule' apply to Thais or does Kaisviharn count as a white cornerback?

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Sep 25Liked by Steve Sailer

Interesting that it's the Broncos. I wonder if this white dude is somehow better adapted for the oxygen situation up there: think West African sprinters vs. distance runners.

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