Nice to see he found room for the obligatory Hannah Gais quote there at the end. As I read I was getting more and more worried, frantic even, that one of these articles might be printed without her input, but my fears were baseless. Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night stays Gais from the swift insertion of her appointed addendum!
Fortunately the antifa leadership is getting pretty old and rickety, and a lot of their loyal donors are so old they're dropping dead.
Their foot soldiers are mostly living in encampments and smoking fentanyl. I don't see a lot of enthusiasm among genZ types for antifa-style activism. Peak antifa commitment seems to be an early genXer thing, so guys who are well into their 50s by now.
I'm not saying it's an entirely spent force, but definitely on the decline along with allied "respectable" outfits like the SPLC.
I don't think you have anything to worry about in Florida, since DeSantis would definitely prosecute them for criminal violence.
I'm not going to potentially murder or permanently disable someone for delaying me for hours. If they were a violent mob actively targeting me, about to inflict violence upon me, then I would consider putting the car in gear.
Would you say the same about the truckers in Ottawa blocking streets? I wouldn't carry out vehicular homicide in that instance either.
Castreau unbanked those who supported the truckers
I'm near Minneapolis where a trucker got on the freeway and encountered protesters by the hundreds who nearly lynched him, the state patrol facilitated the occupation of the interstate by allowing it to continue.
Minnesota department of transportation closed roads and put up signs but did not put up a sign at the on-ramp where he entered, could have killed hundreds as he rounded the curve.
Blocking streets is for fucktards
I'm sure you'd be all sorts of shades of sanctimonious telling your grandma suffering from a diabetic episode in the backseat just wait
What a deviant complacent mediocre thing to say
Soon the South African flamethrower car option will be implemented here as police continue to stand down
Direct Action is doublespeak for Activated Ignorance.
Antifa peaked in 2020. Just as the Bolsheviks became the Communist Part of the Soviet Union, so too has Antifa become part of the Despotic Supremacy of The Woke Regime. Of course, following the logic of this historical analogy, it could mean that Antifa's street violence will be replaced by the Regime's far more effective method of wholesale slaughter. I'd love to be wrong. But would it surprise anyone?
Jason Wilson is a notorious doxxer using the undeserved title “reporter” as his cover. He is actually nothing more than a stochastic terrorist, the kind that would publish that someone lives at 12018 NE Sacramento Street, Portland, OR, hoping that someone with more guts does something to the occupant.
“Blacks have higher average levels of violent crime and lower average levels of intelligence”. Both are true, but they forgot low impulse control. Oh, and most can't swim. Or even float. They sink like a rock. High bone density or somesuch.
I wish. I did put on 30 lbs when my thyroid slowed down about that time, but it isn't on my scrawny arms. Synthroid largely restored my energy level but not my old weight (155).
That notion that most blacks can't swim is false as is the notion that most don't float. I learned to swim when I read somewhere that blacks can swim well, then I learned that I'd been tricked by a falsehood. However, at least I became able to swim a short distance.
"DeSantis’s lieutenants’ actions at New College – like abolishing disciplines, removing bathroom signage and denying professors tenure – have seen the departure of more than a third of the faculty, and given rise to myriad legal actions."
He removed the bathroom signage so faculty left because they couldn't find the bathrooms? Was DeSantis trying to select for faculty with good bladder control? Do conservatives stereotypically have better bladder control? Hmmmm.
I like the choice of "lurch" in the title. It expresses that the move was not only bad and unwelcome but clumsy.
I had never heard of the New College of Florida. No offense to their alumni but if this is the highest profile example of a governor pushing a school to the right, I think the left can relax.
I imagine they had trans-friendly signage or they were all unisex.
New College has just under 700 students, so not surprising it's barely known. Avg SAT is 1230. The main building was a Ringling Bro mansion. It began as a United Church of Christ school but was bought by the State when its debts exceeded assets.
Great to finally meet you in person last night . I consider you and your family true Chicagoans - why don t you move back ? California nice weather will make you soft as my father always said the bad things about Chicago … build character :-) keep the father Steve
There’s nothing laudable about Anti1A’s original goal, nor has there been any reason to fight against a political ideology that was defeated by the Nazis before the end of WW2. Mussolini is long gone, but drug addicted street punks, green-haired sandalistas, and unemployable “studies” majors need some excuse to delay the suicide they deserve
My vague impression is that Stalin in 1928 to mid-1934 thought the real threat to the worker's revolution were the "Social Fascists" -- i.e., the German Social Democratic Party, so he wanted his Antifa brawlers bashing in Social Democrat skulls, such as the Social Democrat-dominated Berlin police force. As a scientific Marxist, Stalin _knew_ that the Nazis were just a distraction from the real threat: other leftists.
Per " The original professed goal of Antifa—to oppose fascism—is laudable" -- George Orwell's assessment of the usage of "fascism" in "Politics and the English Language" was "“The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable' ... In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”
Antifa apologists loudly claim that "Antifa is not an organization". For purposes of US law, under the RICO statute, Antifa IS an organization. Remember that the "O" in RICO stands for "organization".
"Domestic terrorism" (18 USC § 2331) [2], is a predicate act for purposes of RICO prosecution. [3, 4]
The Federal RICO Statute (18 USC § 1961) requires, for prosecution under the statute, two predicate offenses committed by “any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity;”. RICO predicate offenses include "any act or threat involving murder, ..., arson, extortion, ..." and "... any act which is indictable under any of the following provisions of title 18 ... section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations), section 1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement)".[1]
Am I naive to hope that a second Trump administration will pursue RICO indictments of Antifa members?
One of my favorite tactics people like Wilson use is the claim that a given person - like Steve - is not a credible commentator on a given issue because they lack some kind of degree. Obviously that isn't a tactic ever used on people on the left who quite often have the same perceived deficiency but are promoting the accepted gospel. Taking Wilson's logic further he is totally unqualified to judge the veracity of anything he reports on in which he doesn't have nice university issued certificate because obviously without it, full comprehension is impossible.
Agreed. Considering the commies own academia and most of the government, credentialism is a definite go-to for them. They installed themselves as gatekeepers precisely for this kind of power.
Nice to see he found room for the obligatory Hannah Gais quote there at the end. As I read I was getting more and more worried, frantic even, that one of these articles might be printed without her input, but my fears were baseless. Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night stays Gais from the swift insertion of her appointed addendum!
Fortunately the antifa leadership is getting pretty old and rickety, and a lot of their loyal donors are so old they're dropping dead.
Their foot soldiers are mostly living in encampments and smoking fentanyl. I don't see a lot of enthusiasm among genZ types for antifa-style activism. Peak antifa commitment seems to be an early genXer thing, so guys who are well into their 50s by now.
I'm not saying it's an entirely spent force, but definitely on the decline along with allied "respectable" outfits like the SPLC.
I don't think you have anything to worry about in Florida, since DeSantis would definitely prosecute them for criminal violence.
You know what we call protestors that block traffic here in Florida? That's right - speedbumps.
Ah, yes, very pro human of you.
Don’t be speciesist, bigot
Pfft, whatever that means.
Intentionally driving your car into a crowd of people, whatever crowd of people, is psychotic.
What about a crowd imprisoning you on the highway for hours, or one that’s trying to pull you out of your car and beat you? I hope it happens to you
I'm not going to potentially murder or permanently disable someone for delaying me for hours. If they were a violent mob actively targeting me, about to inflict violence upon me, then I would consider putting the car in gear.
Would you say the same about the truckers in Ottawa blocking streets? I wouldn't carry out vehicular homicide in that instance either.
No truckers blocked streets
Castreau unbanked those who supported the truckers
I'm near Minneapolis where a trucker got on the freeway and encountered protesters by the hundreds who nearly lynched him, the state patrol facilitated the occupation of the interstate by allowing it to continue.
Minnesota department of transportation closed roads and put up signs but did not put up a sign at the on-ramp where he entered, could have killed hundreds as he rounded the curve.
Blocking streets is for fucktards
I'm sure you'd be all sorts of shades of sanctimonious telling your grandma suffering from a diabetic episode in the backseat just wait
What a deviant complacent mediocre thing to say
Soon the South African flamethrower car option will be implemented here as police continue to stand down
Don’t play in the street, boy
No in street bad murder with car in street, bad. Car street good, person street bad. Must, murder,!
Silly boy, communists aren't people.
Do you have some kind of gulag for them then?
If they want people to think their lives matter, they should lead by example and not engage in dangerous behavior.
Good one.
Steve just left MAGA Country, Jussie said so.
I really dislike that guy. It's not just that he's a creep, he's an idiot to boot.
Direct Action is doublespeak for Activated Ignorance.
Antifa peaked in 2020. Just as the Bolsheviks became the Communist Part of the Soviet Union, so too has Antifa become part of the Despotic Supremacy of The Woke Regime. Of course, following the logic of this historical analogy, it could mean that Antifa's street violence will be replaced by the Regime's far more effective method of wholesale slaughter. I'd love to be wrong. But would it surprise anyone?
BTW, is Jason Whoever someone I should know, or know about. These US-based Guardian contributors are nutjobs from what I can tell...
He's an Australian based in Portland, Oregon. He's aligned with the American intelligence services.
Jason Wilson is a notorious doxxer using the undeserved title “reporter” as his cover. He is actually nothing more than a stochastic terrorist, the kind that would publish that someone lives at 12018 NE Sacramento Street, Portland, OR, hoping that someone with more guts does something to the occupant.
I’m wondering if there’s been a dopamine response study on Guardian writers versus say, Substack writers?
Just to see the relationship between dopamine levels and the article’s development.
And the predictable dopamine response when their article is published and the reactions come in from the readers.
It may be interesting.
“Blacks have higher average levels of violent crime and lower average levels of intelligence”. Both are true, but they forgot low impulse control. Oh, and most can't swim. Or even float. They sink like a rock. High bone density or somesuch.
I was surprised to discover in my late 50s that my arms float. Perhaps I once knew and forgot it.
Maybe your arms are fatter than you remember
I wish. I did put on 30 lbs when my thyroid slowed down about that time, but it isn't on my scrawny arms. Synthroid largely restored my energy level but not my old weight (155).
That notion that most blacks can't swim is false as is the notion that most don't float. I learned to swim when I read somewhere that blacks can swim well, then I learned that I'd been tricked by a falsehood. However, at least I became able to swim a short distance.
I see "scientific racism” as a concession.
"DeSantis’s lieutenants’ actions at New College – like abolishing disciplines, removing bathroom signage and denying professors tenure – have seen the departure of more than a third of the faculty, and given rise to myriad legal actions."
He removed the bathroom signage so faculty left because they couldn't find the bathrooms? Was DeSantis trying to select for faculty with good bladder control? Do conservatives stereotypically have better bladder control? Hmmmm.
I like the choice of "lurch" in the title. It expresses that the move was not only bad and unwelcome but clumsy.
I had never heard of the New College of Florida. No offense to their alumni but if this is the highest profile example of a governor pushing a school to the right, I think the left can relax.
I don’t understand what the “removing bathroom signage” refers to.
Men to the left of me, transvestites to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.
I imagine they had trans-friendly signage or they were all unisex.
New College has just under 700 students, so not surprising it's barely known. Avg SAT is 1230. The main building was a Ringling Bro mansion. It began as a United Church of Christ school but was bought by the State when its debts exceeded assets.
Could also be they removed the signs that said "Employees must wash their hands before returning to work" Republicans are crrrrrraaaaaazy!
Great to finally meet you in person last night . I consider you and your family true Chicagoans - why don t you move back ? California nice weather will make you soft as my father always said the bad things about Chicago … build character :-) keep the father Steve
Jaye Ryan ; ( Nom D Plum)
Quillette is too cooperative to say so but Emily Gorcenski is a man.
You’re correct. This is getting so common.
There’s nothing laudable about Anti1A’s original goal, nor has there been any reason to fight against a political ideology that was defeated by the Nazis before the end of WW2. Mussolini is long gone, but drug addicted street punks, green-haired sandalistas, and unemployable “studies” majors need some excuse to delay the suicide they deserve
My vague impression is that Stalin in 1928 to mid-1934 thought the real threat to the worker's revolution were the "Social Fascists" -- i.e., the German Social Democratic Party, so he wanted his Antifa brawlers bashing in Social Democrat skulls, such as the Social Democrat-dominated Berlin police force. As a scientific Marxist, Stalin _knew_ that the Nazis were just a distraction from the real threat: other leftists.
Per " The original professed goal of Antifa—to oppose fascism—is laudable" -- George Orwell's assessment of the usage of "fascism" in "Politics and the English Language" was "“The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable' ... In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”
Thanks to you, I found the full essay and the Orwell Foundations web site! Good work!
Antifa apologists loudly claim that "Antifa is not an organization". For purposes of US law, under the RICO statute, Antifa IS an organization. Remember that the "O" in RICO stands for "organization".
"Domestic terrorism" (18 USC § 2331) [2], is a predicate act for purposes of RICO prosecution. [3, 4]
The Federal RICO Statute (18 USC § 1961) requires, for prosecution under the statute, two predicate offenses committed by “any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity;”. RICO predicate offenses include "any act or threat involving murder, ..., arson, extortion, ..." and "... any act which is indictable under any of the following provisions of title 18 ... section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations), section 1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement)".[1]
Am I naive to hope that a second Trump administration will pursue RICO indictments of Antifa members?
One of my favorite tactics people like Wilson use is the claim that a given person - like Steve - is not a credible commentator on a given issue because they lack some kind of degree. Obviously that isn't a tactic ever used on people on the left who quite often have the same perceived deficiency but are promoting the accepted gospel. Taking Wilson's logic further he is totally unqualified to judge the veracity of anything he reports on in which he doesn't have nice university issued certificate because obviously without it, full comprehension is impossible.
Agreed. Considering the commies own academia and most of the government, credentialism is a definite go-to for them. They installed themselves as gatekeepers precisely for this kind of power.
Corcoran is only making $700K a year? What do other college presidents make? Like at Harvard or Yale or University of California?
DeSantis's lieutenants (or were they captains) removed bathroom signage? How will you know where to go?
A NIGGARDLY $700K a year!