At the moment, I'm visiting friends & extended family in Belmont. The trip comes with a reminder that most middle- and upper- class college-educated Americans take stories like this at face value. The continued high explanatory power of Charles Murray's "Coming Apart."
What seems nigh on impossible to correct with facts and stats like these, is the pervasive Will to Believe.... to indulge in deliciously masochistic White Guilt-tripping Syndrome. Meanwhile the truly unconscionable threat faced disproportionately by black Americans, in certain dysfunctional inner city areas, is the one that comes from being caught up in the violent underclass world of their neighbours. Middle class Progressives and student radicals do not surge into these neighbourhoods waving banners and calling for justice for the innocents caught in the crossfire. These black lives do not seem to matters to them.
I wonder if similar data exists anywhere for the 1960s, when many more black kids had fathers at home and before many systems were integrated. Authority hadn't yet been undermined then.
At my 7th grade in the early 70s, because we were unofficially(?) grouped by ability, I was in all-white classes for a few days, until they put a black girl from the bottom rung class into ours, with predictable results. I'm not sure now if it was the whiteness they wanted to hide or forbidden tracking. But the curriculum was dumbed and slowed down even without her, so the following year, my parents put me in a private school, with 1 black guy in 65, the son of Caribbean immigrants.
Until the black family is restored to a traditional nuclear setup, with mothers AND fathers in the household, teaching their sons and daughters how to be productive and responsible citizens of this great country, this problem will only get worse and worse!
Ok, what was the marriage rate of whites between 20 and 55 in 1954 and what was the marriage rate for blacks between 20 and 55 in 1954? Unless they are the same, then one is grasping at straws. Marriage rates were higher for all demographic groups in the 1950's.
Actually, it did, according to what I've read. While not at the levels of Whites, the percentage of blacks with two-parent families through the worst of Jim Crow was substantially higher than it is today. The decline started in the 1960's, with LBJ's "Great Society." 🤔
I'm too lazy to do real research, but here's an applicable line:
"Data from U.S. census reports reveal that between 1880 and 1960, married households consisting of two-parent homes were the most widespread form of African-American family structures."
The Great Society accomplished its goal, which was to reduce material poverty. Regarding the claim about culture, is there evidence that blacks had a much lower homicide rate in the first half of the 20th century?
According to this article by Inquisitive Bird, the black homicide victimization rate, and therefore perpetration rate, was lower in 2019 than it was in the 1930s and 1940s, despite the fact that fatherless was much higher in 2019 than in those periods.
I was commenting on family structure, not homicide rates. The decline in black family structure *did* coincide with the Great Society--as an unintended consequence (presumably), black fathers were made superfluous in an economic/financial sense.
You assume these fathers would be a positive influence when in fact they’d likely exacerbate the phenomena we’re currently observing with their presence.
Yeah, one really has to pay attention to selection effects, otherwise one might end up with ridiculous conclusions. Some leftists will use this conservative complaint to unironically argue that black criminals should be released from prison so they can be fathers.
The only things that work to reliably reduce crime, that we know of, are policing and incarceration. Look at El Salvador, Bukele didn't dramatically reduce the country's homicide rate by fixing the family home, he did it by incarcerating the country's criminal population. This is not to say that culture doesn't matter, but it's hard to change culture by just saying that people should change their culture, but we know that policing and incarceration work to both incapacitate criminals and to deter would be criminals, the latter being a form of culture modification via material incentives.
It's like living generation after generation in conditions that don't heavily select for getting along with others make guys more disruptive than usual!
Truth be told. I appreciate your work on this topic.
So-called advocates (not all but most, at least the best funded) for the advancement of the disadvantaged black child in the US continue to fail them because of a lack of will to face the facts and respond accordingly.
Also, I knew that news outlets such as the AP are deeply biased and serve as propagandists for certain Leftist causes, but I guess I didn’t know until I went down the rabbit hole—thanks to your posting the referenced story link and checking out the two bylined writers—the extent to which the AP reporting operation is funded by (bought by) some of the richest and most powerful organizations and foundations in America. Golly, it’s in a class with NPR, PBS, etc.
Gates, Carnegie, Woods, Rockefeller, Lilly, et al…
All politics around blacks are either about subsidizing them more or trying to mitigate the consequences of their behavior.
In the absence of intact families and internal social pressure to behave in an honorable way, expectations and discipline must be primarily enforced by 3rd parties. But remove the willingness to do that, and poor socialization really stands out. And when that happens, question the fairness or validity of the statistics that result.
Really the only way this sort of dishonesty goes away is if a critical mass of blacks are willing to disavow their dysfunctional co-ethnics politically and culturally, giving cover to institutions to act rationally. That doesn't appear to be on the horizon however.
It is entirely possible that black students are, on average, being disciplined more harshly for the same offenses, than white students, but the stats presented in the article don't come close to making the case. I've seen videos of cops arresting tiny children which argues for discipline has become stupidly harsh. I've also seen videos of black teens or preteens being so disrespectful and disruptive I can't understand how it was ever allowed to get to that point. Schools are still very divided by race. The stats in the article would be consistent with the teachers in the more black schools having shorter fuses than the ones in white schools. Why would they have shorter fuses? Culture? Experience?
When I was kid I wondered why suspension was a punishment. Don't those kids hate school? I guessed maybe the idea was they would be home and their parents would punish them?
They need to be removed from the system entirely. If they have no interest in learning and their parents don't care let them go feral and give the other kids a chance.
That's a bit harsh. Maybe try a special school with more discipline before we reflexively abandon misbehaving children? A lot of people are troubled in their teen years and turn it around later
Do I understand the gag pattern you are trying to establish? You are going give extreme versions of the kinds of positions expressed back on Unz, but purposefully misspell a bunch of words to convey that the position is actually that of a stupid person?
You don't "understand" anything if you think that slipping an extra "i" into "iunnecessarily" or similar indicates that I am "a stupid person". Instead that assertion indicates that YOU are stupid. And of course the opinion I expressed is not the slightest bit "extreme".
A better and less racist way to propose this would be to make high school optional. Take away the focus on school as a point of rebellion and everyone will go better.
Bernard of c ourse didn't say that only black miscreants could be feral or that only black parents, single or otherwise, could be uncaring about education. You are extremely tedious. And no one gives a damn about your name-calling.
There is a massive cope going around that the Great Awokening is over, but Woke is only over in the same way a war is over when the conqueror has full control of every city and every institution, has all the high ground, and is just involved in a few clean-up operations—and if you don't believe me try to find one institution in America from the Boy Scouts to the Catholics to the Pentagon to your local public school that don't all sing the same exact hymns to the great god of Diversity ("It's our strength!")
Social Justice owns every cultural and sense-making institution in America: the Ivy League and the upper rung of academia (including all the fancy private prep schools), the entire MSM, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Uniparty in DC and the federal bureaucracy, and every educated brain under age 30.
The Social Justice Cultural Revolution was locked in before most people knew it even existed, much like how academia was conquered while people hid behind other copes like "Those darn kids will grow out of it once they face the real world!"
It's too late now, America got too rich, fat and lazy and its eyes were watching their 401(k)s while the (New) Left quietly infested and conquered our entire societal brain—and once you own the brain you own the body.
The Great Awokening will not be dislodged it will have to collapse on its own, much like its grandparent, Soviet Bolshevism.
Social Justice is the official faith of the Global American Empire, which includes the entire Anglosphere and all of Western Europe. Our colonies all have the zeal of a convert, which makes sense as colonies and their rulers have the most to gain (or lose) from their perceived loyalty and obedience. And without our Bill of Rights there are very few defenses against total ideological capture and enforcement.
There’s a bit of pushback: the WSJ publishes articles on various companies rolling back DEI. However I suspect it’s still firmly entrenched in government and academia.
DEI offices can be abolished (or renamed) but DEI ideology and morality lives on in every liberal and/or managerial brain, with a few exceptions here and there (w the dissenters still mostly afraid to speak out publicly as they know this will mean social/career death).
I know we all only see the world through our own little corner of it, and mine just happens to be arts/culture (my closest friends are a film editor, TV producer, novelists and journalists and some theater people) and here obviously the Social Justice faith is locked in tight and you must pledge fealty to have any hope of a career, and I don't see this changing anytime soon, certainly not as long as the Orange Beast still roams the land.
Trump as Hitler Satan provides social cohesion for the liberal class (a Satan works as well as a God), and also works as an electric fence that makes it difficult for liberals to object to the illiberal Left and even entertain counterarguments.
"DEI is racially discriminatory, divisive, and should not be a litmus test in hiring etc"—ZAP! But Trump! is a racist fascist who wants to reinstate Jim Crow.
"Critical Gender Theory is a psuedoscience that has no place in public schools"—ZAP! But Trump! is a Christian fascist who wants to erase gay rights and discriminate against poor Trans people, who are only trying to live as their true authentic selves. (And this same argument works all across the board.)
I'm not saying this is all his fault, or that it will end when he finally leaves politics, but for liberals he has become like a talisman or incantation that makes it impossible for them to think clearly or to pursue any kind of sane politics. They are willing to burn all in their path as long as he burns too.
Steve, as a native Southerner, I can assure you from decades of first hand experience, including 12 years of public schools, that blacks simply aren't like White people. But I'm certain you've already "noticed".
I wonder how the teacher's union will handle this "delicate" issue. On the one hand, these students are their future electoral allies as well as a huge source of government largesse.
On the other, taking the power to discipline disruptive students away from schools will expose teachers to physical danger. It isn't a huge leap to go from beating up smaller kids, making drug deals in class and talking back to punching that obnoxious old white teacher lady in the face.
What's a good liberal teacher to do? Is it worse to be called racist or get a beatdown from a budding violent felon?
I'm convinced liberals are pathologically altruistic to the point of simply being malevolent. Boys "disproportionately are disciplined in school" relative to girls, being more rambunctious, etc. That doesn't mean people are discriminating against boys (well, it does, in the awful logic of civil rights). It just means they may need a firmer hand and more guidance. Anyone who's ever actually had black friends from functional households knows that the parents can be exceptionally strict disciplinarians. It's not a racist plot maybe kids are just disproportionately different.
Bad Black behavior should be the main culprit in bad Black outcomes, far more than IQ or any genetic reason. Blacks should behave better in K-12, more like Asians. They should study more, read more books, graduate from HS able to read and write and add & subtract at HS level.
They should get married before having kids, and more should get married before having sex.
They should obey laws and not get arrested—but also tell cops who the Blacks are that are committing violent crimes.
If this is only some 25% of Blacks, but 75% of Asians, that should be the constant story told.
It’s completely true, tho it’s not the total of relevant Truth.
Considering that the median age of marriage for college educated white males, does one really believe that those white males are waiting until marriage to have sex.
Besides, the fertility rate of blacks is about the same as non-Hispanic whites and the teenage pregnancy rate for black females has gone down.
If one looks back at the pro-life movement in the 1980's, one of the motivations was that non-Hispanic white women were having abortions at higher rates than black women. That concern has gone away. And part of the abortion rate is the contraception failure rate.
The graph I pointed to shows the black abortion rate is almost 3 times the "hispanic" rate. The telling contrast with your comment, "the fertility rate of blacks is about the same as non-Hispanic whites and the teenage pregnancy rate for black females has gone down" is obvious.
A problem is that caning is considered inhumane. Perhaps if kids in retarded mental maturity were caned at school a couple of times before being expelled, discipline might be more uniform among the different ethnic groups fewer blacks would grow up feral. But, as the article implies, more rigorous expelling would improve lower education and improve the quality of high school graduates. But I still contend that America blacks as a group need to fix their own culture.
At the moment, I'm visiting friends & extended family in Belmont. The trip comes with a reminder that most middle- and upper- class college-educated Americans take stories like this at face value. The continued high explanatory power of Charles Murray's "Coming Apart."
What seems nigh on impossible to correct with facts and stats like these, is the pervasive Will to Believe.... to indulge in deliciously masochistic White Guilt-tripping Syndrome. Meanwhile the truly unconscionable threat faced disproportionately by black Americans, in certain dysfunctional inner city areas, is the one that comes from being caught up in the violent underclass world of their neighbours. Middle class Progressives and student radicals do not surge into these neighbourhoods waving banners and calling for justice for the innocents caught in the crossfire. These black lives do not seem to matters to them.
I wonder if similar data exists anywhere for the 1960s, when many more black kids had fathers at home and before many systems were integrated. Authority hadn't yet been undermined then.
At my 7th grade in the early 70s, because we were unofficially(?) grouped by ability, I was in all-white classes for a few days, until they put a black girl from the bottom rung class into ours, with predictable results. I'm not sure now if it was the whiteness they wanted to hide or forbidden tracking. But the curriculum was dumbed and slowed down even without her, so the following year, my parents put me in a private school, with 1 black guy in 65, the son of Caribbean immigrants.
Until the black family is restored to a traditional nuclear setup, with mothers AND fathers in the household, teaching their sons and daughters how to be productive and responsible citizens of this great country, this problem will only get worse and worse!
2 hrs ago
"Until the black family is restored to a traditional nuclear setup..."
Did it ever exist?
For blacks, not really. How can one have nuclear family formation during slavery, Jim Crow, or high incarceration rates?
Wrong. Read Tom Sowell on this.
Thomas Sowell is an apologist. And there is no way to claim that black slaves had nuclear family formation.
He has the numbers and you have a big mouth and nothing else.
Right? That's why Jews historically had poor family formation.
One may want to expand on one's statement.
Segregation didn't prevent blacks from forming families.
Ok, what was the marriage rate of whites between 20 and 55 in 1954 and what was the marriage rate for blacks between 20 and 55 in 1954? Unless they are the same, then one is grasping at straws. Marriage rates were higher for all demographic groups in the 1950's.
Actually, it did, according to what I've read. While not at the levels of Whites, the percentage of blacks with two-parent families through the worst of Jim Crow was substantially higher than it is today. The decline started in the 1960's, with LBJ's "Great Society." 🤔
I'm too lazy to do real research, but here's an applicable line:
"Data from U.S. census reports reveal that between 1880 and 1960, married households consisting of two-parent homes were the most widespread form of African-American family structures."
The Great Society accomplished its goal, which was to reduce material poverty. Regarding the claim about culture, is there evidence that blacks had a much lower homicide rate in the first half of the 20th century?
According to this article by Inquisitive Bird, the black homicide victimization rate, and therefore perpetration rate, was lower in 2019 than it was in the 1930s and 1940s, despite the fact that fatherless was much higher in 2019 than in those periods.
I was commenting on family structure, not homicide rates. The decline in black family structure *did* coincide with the Great Society--as an unintended consequence (presumably), black fathers were made superfluous in an economic/financial sense.
You assume these fathers would be a positive influence when in fact they’d likely exacerbate the phenomena we’re currently observing with their presence.
Wrong. BnK in no way suggested that an improvement in black parenthood can be achieved without an improvement in black male parental behavior.
Yeah, one really has to pay attention to selection effects, otherwise one might end up with ridiculous conclusions. Some leftists will use this conservative complaint to unironically argue that black criminals should be released from prison so they can be fathers.
The only things that work to reliably reduce crime, that we know of, are policing and incarceration. Look at El Salvador, Bukele didn't dramatically reduce the country's homicide rate by fixing the family home, he did it by incarcerating the country's criminal population. This is not to say that culture doesn't matter, but it's hard to change culture by just saying that people should change their culture, but we know that policing and incarceration work to both incapacitate criminals and to deter would be criminals, the latter being a form of culture modification via material incentives.
It's like living generation after generation in conditions that don't heavily select for getting along with others make guys more disruptive than usual!
Truth be told. I appreciate your work on this topic.
So-called advocates (not all but most, at least the best funded) for the advancement of the disadvantaged black child in the US continue to fail them because of a lack of will to face the facts and respond accordingly.
Also, I knew that news outlets such as the AP are deeply biased and serve as propagandists for certain Leftist causes, but I guess I didn’t know until I went down the rabbit hole—thanks to your posting the referenced story link and checking out the two bylined writers—the extent to which the AP reporting operation is funded by (bought by) some of the richest and most powerful organizations and foundations in America. Golly, it’s in a class with NPR, PBS, etc.
Gates, Carnegie, Woods, Rockefeller, Lilly, et al…
And yet it claims on its website:
“AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats...”
> "the AP reporting operation is funded by (bought by) some of the richest and most powerful organizations and foundations in America."
And it's not just the funding. Much of the content was funneled in from the SPLC, a fraudulent, anti-white pseudo-philanthropy.
Thanks for posting those links!
All politics around blacks are either about subsidizing them more or trying to mitigate the consequences of their behavior.
In the absence of intact families and internal social pressure to behave in an honorable way, expectations and discipline must be primarily enforced by 3rd parties. But remove the willingness to do that, and poor socialization really stands out. And when that happens, question the fairness or validity of the statistics that result.
Really the only way this sort of dishonesty goes away is if a critical mass of blacks are willing to disavow their dysfunctional co-ethnics politically and culturally, giving cover to institutions to act rationally. That doesn't appear to be on the horizon however.
There is no reason to rely on blacks to do this. The tail doesn't wag the dog.
It is entirely possible that black students are, on average, being disciplined more harshly for the same offenses, than white students, but the stats presented in the article don't come close to making the case. I've seen videos of cops arresting tiny children which argues for discipline has become stupidly harsh. I've also seen videos of black teens or preteens being so disrespectful and disruptive I can't understand how it was ever allowed to get to that point. Schools are still very divided by race. The stats in the article would be consistent with the teachers in the more black schools having shorter fuses than the ones in white schools. Why would they have shorter fuses? Culture? Experience?
When I was kid I wondered why suspension was a punishment. Don't those kids hate school? I guessed maybe the idea was they would be home and their parents would punish them?
> "Why would they have shorter fuses? Culture? Experience?"
One more guess ... !
well, by experience, I mean they have experience with unruly students and what happens if you let it go longer
They need to be removed from the system entirely. If they have no interest in learning and their parents don't care let them go feral and give the other kids a chance.
That's a bit harsh. Maybe try a special school with more discipline before we reflexively abandon misbehaving children? A lot of people are troubled in their teen years and turn it around later
It's not a bit "harsh". It's harsh on better-behaved students to subject them iunnecessarily to the presernce of the disaruptive.
Do I understand the gag pattern you are trying to establish? You are going give extreme versions of the kinds of positions expressed back on Unz, but purposefully misspell a bunch of words to convey that the position is actually that of a stupid person?
You don't "understand" anything if you think that slipping an extra "i" into "iunnecessarily" or similar indicates that I am "a stupid person". Instead that assertion indicates that YOU are stupid. And of course the opinion I expressed is not the slightest bit "extreme".
A better and less racist way to propose this would be to make high school optional. Take away the focus on school as a point of rebellion and everyone will go better.
I was talking about students who regularly get suspended regardless of race. Yes I would agree with making high school optional, middle school also.
In what way "racist"?
The use of the term feral and parents not caring even though much fewer blacks than whites are being raised by parents but rather single mothers.
Bernard of c ourse didn't say that only black miscreants could be feral or that only black parents, single or otherwise, could be uncaring about education. You are extremely tedious. And no one gives a damn about your name-calling.
There is a massive cope going around that the Great Awokening is over, but Woke is only over in the same way a war is over when the conqueror has full control of every city and every institution, has all the high ground, and is just involved in a few clean-up operations—and if you don't believe me try to find one institution in America from the Boy Scouts to the Catholics to the Pentagon to your local public school that don't all sing the same exact hymns to the great god of Diversity ("It's our strength!")
Social Justice owns every cultural and sense-making institution in America: the Ivy League and the upper rung of academia (including all the fancy private prep schools), the entire MSM, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Uniparty in DC and the federal bureaucracy, and every educated brain under age 30.
The Social Justice Cultural Revolution was locked in before most people knew it even existed, much like how academia was conquered while people hid behind other copes like "Those darn kids will grow out of it once they face the real world!"
It's too late now, America got too rich, fat and lazy and its eyes were watching their 401(k)s while the (New) Left quietly infested and conquered our entire societal brain—and once you own the brain you own the body.
The Great Awokening will not be dislodged it will have to collapse on its own, much like its grandparent, Soviet Bolshevism.
Well said, and the situation is the same or worse in Canada.
Social Justice is the official faith of the Global American Empire, which includes the entire Anglosphere and all of Western Europe. Our colonies all have the zeal of a convert, which makes sense as colonies and their rulers have the most to gain (or lose) from their perceived loyalty and obedience. And without our Bill of Rights there are very few defenses against total ideological capture and enforcement.
Explain why it's far worse in Australia, UK, and Canada than the US if it started here smartypants.
lol thx
Yr welcome
It’s terrible in Canada and shows no signs of receding.
There’s a bit of pushback: the WSJ publishes articles on various companies rolling back DEI. However I suspect it’s still firmly entrenched in government and academia.
DEI offices can be abolished (or renamed) but DEI ideology and morality lives on in every liberal and/or managerial brain, with a few exceptions here and there (w the dissenters still mostly afraid to speak out publicly as they know this will mean social/career death).
I know we all only see the world through our own little corner of it, and mine just happens to be arts/culture (my closest friends are a film editor, TV producer, novelists and journalists and some theater people) and here obviously the Social Justice faith is locked in tight and you must pledge fealty to have any hope of a career, and I don't see this changing anytime soon, certainly not as long as the Orange Beast still roams the land.
"... I don't see this changing anytime soon, certainly not as long as the Orange Beast still roams the land."
That seems to be a reference to Trump, but if so it's a non-sequitur.
how so?
The connection between Trump's "roaming" and the persistence of DEI is non-obvious.
Trump as Hitler Satan provides social cohesion for the liberal class (a Satan works as well as a God), and also works as an electric fence that makes it difficult for liberals to object to the illiberal Left and even entertain counterarguments.
"DEI is racially discriminatory, divisive, and should not be a litmus test in hiring etc"—ZAP! But Trump! is a racist fascist who wants to reinstate Jim Crow.
"Critical Gender Theory is a psuedoscience that has no place in public schools"—ZAP! But Trump! is a Christian fascist who wants to erase gay rights and discriminate against poor Trans people, who are only trying to live as their true authentic selves. (And this same argument works all across the board.)
I'm not saying this is all his fault, or that it will end when he finally leaves politics, but for liberals he has become like a talisman or incantation that makes it impossible for them to think clearly or to pursue any kind of sane politics. They are willing to burn all in their path as long as he burns too.
DEI is being rolled back in the same way that affirmative action ruin is being rolled back in college admissions: Not at all.
Steve, as a native Southerner, I can assure you from decades of first hand experience, including 12 years of public schools, that blacks simply aren't like White people. But I'm certain you've already "noticed".
I wonder how the teacher's union will handle this "delicate" issue. On the one hand, these students are their future electoral allies as well as a huge source of government largesse.
On the other, taking the power to discipline disruptive students away from schools will expose teachers to physical danger. It isn't a huge leap to go from beating up smaller kids, making drug deals in class and talking back to punching that obnoxious old white teacher lady in the face.
What's a good liberal teacher to do? Is it worse to be called racist or get a beatdown from a budding violent felon?
I'm convinced liberals are pathologically altruistic to the point of simply being malevolent. Boys "disproportionately are disciplined in school" relative to girls, being more rambunctious, etc. That doesn't mean people are discriminating against boys (well, it does, in the awful logic of civil rights). It just means they may need a firmer hand and more guidance. Anyone who's ever actually had black friends from functional households knows that the parents can be exceptionally strict disciplinarians. It's not a racist plot maybe kids are just disproportionately different.
The new Netflix series: "Disruptive Behavior."
Bad Black behavior should be the main culprit in bad Black outcomes, far more than IQ or any genetic reason. Blacks should behave better in K-12, more like Asians. They should study more, read more books, graduate from HS able to read and write and add & subtract at HS level.
They should get married before having kids, and more should get married before having sex.
They should obey laws and not get arrested—but also tell cops who the Blacks are that are committing violent crimes.
If this is only some 25% of Blacks, but 75% of Asians, that should be the constant story told.
It’s completely true, tho it’s not the total of relevant Truth.
Considering that the median age of marriage for college educated white males, does one really believe that those white males are waiting until marriage to have sex.
Besides, the fertility rate of blacks is about the same as non-Hispanic whites and the teenage pregnancy rate for black females has gone down.
Racist dfacts:
If one looks back at the pro-life movement in the 1980's, one of the motivations was that non-Hispanic white women were having abortions at higher rates than black women. That concern has gone away. And part of the abortion rate is the contraception failure rate.
The graph I pointed to shows the black abortion rate is almost 3 times the "hispanic" rate. The telling contrast with your comment, "the fertility rate of blacks is about the same as non-Hispanic whites and the teenage pregnancy rate for black females has gone down" is obvious.
It is up to American Blacks to clear up their subculture if they can. No one else can do that for them.
A problem is that caning is considered inhumane. Perhaps if kids in retarded mental maturity were caned at school a couple of times before being expelled, discipline might be more uniform among the different ethnic groups fewer blacks would grow up feral. But, as the article implies, more rigorous expelling would improve lower education and improve the quality of high school graduates. But I still contend that America blacks as a group need to fix their own culture.