Thursday night Passage Press sold out the Library of the Gilt Bar across the street from Chicago’s Merchandise Mart for a dinner with me.
Friday night (September 27) will be my appearance with Perry Abbasi (@ElectionLegal) and perhaps Daniel Schmidt in Chicago’s north lakefront (north end of Lake Shore Drive): Begins 7pm for premium ticketholders, 8pm for General Admission.
Perry and I will reproduce the Guardian and Atlantic Interviews with Steve Sailer, with Perry playing mainstream media interrogators Jason Wilson and Ali Breland while I’m playing myself.
After you buy your ticket, you will be emailed where precisely to go. That’s how you keep the Friends of Jason Wilson at bay. Although by Antifa adjacent standards, the Guardian’s doxer-in-chief Wilson isn’t a bad looking man.
Can Wilson find anything to dox about me, who has been publishing under my own name whatever strikes me as empirically true since 1991? We shall see?
Afterwards, we go out drinking tother for a couple of hours. So, sign up now:
If Wilson couldn't use the term "far right" his articles would be 50% shorter!
Eh, if he doxxes you we'll just rally a bunch of men with gold chains to stand in front of your house