Jun 28Liked by Steve Sailer

Sounds scarily accurate...

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First shocking headline in NYT email: Biden struggles to defend...

Second (typical): Biden began the debate sounding raspy. MAGA world quickly pounced.

Most of what I watched was on mute: Unblinking Biden staring into space with his mouth open, looking scared--or listening to his earpiece. Someone must have told him not to do that in prep.

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Someone on the Alex Jones Show pointed out how we are now seeing WHO is on the Biden payroll and WHO is on the Uniparty-Dem-Deep State payroll by people's reactions....

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Joe has a huge ego, but no match for several DNC apparatchiks plus powerful donors. My $$ (such that it is) says Hillary and she will get to pick her running mate (with DNC approval). Newsom perhaps but California is such a mess. Hard to say but I will be shocked if Biden ends up being the nominee.

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MSNBC was indirectly promoting Newsom for replacement presidential-candidate on debate night. Others say Gretchen Whimter of Michigan (who ran one of the cruelest Covid-restriction regimes in the USA); and/or Josh Schapiro, governor of Pennsylvania. More than a few really seem to believe it could be Michelle Obama.

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Do you think that Obama can sell us another sock puppet? Is America that stupid? You can only cheat so much in an election.

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In some of the fallout I've heard, some D-teamers and adjacents are saying Obama is to blame for the Biden problem, insinuations coming out that Obama and his people have run the White House since January 2021 anyway. The further implication is: Obama would have to give the go-ahead for, somehow, replacing Biden.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Steve Sailer

Leonard Cohen's song, "Everybody Knows", seems to describe the political moment, this morning, exactly:

"Everybody knows that the boat is leaking, Everybody knows that the captain lied. Everybody got this broken feeling, Like their father or their dog just died "

"Everybody Knows" is a song that was never ever a hit or even on the public radar, but I cannot imagine a world without it.



In the early '90's, Cohen had "retired" to a moastary, when he discovered that his manager had embezzled all of his money. He had to -- literally -- come down from the mountain and re-enter the world. What he found were the LA Riots. His response was, "The Future", so scathing and prophetic that when Oliver Stone wanted to use it as the title song for "Natural Born Killers", the studio said NO, that's too dark and disturbing. It feels terribly specific about everything happening since 2016. But that is a longer discussion, about the song and whether prophesy is real. Still,

"The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it's Overturned the Order of the Soul."

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So on how many other topics have people been falsifying preferences? Private conversations have indicated quite a few

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Jun 28Liked by Steve Sailer

The biological reality on display during the June 27th Presidential debate and the concomitant shock is still coursing through the Nation's political bloodstream and its effects are still being experienced.

The Right/Center/Left organs are spasming a bit and it will take a few days to see the full effect(s), but this does appear to be a significant event.

Excellent comparison with the former (RIP) Genius of the Carpathians. My Nuclear Power brethren there have told some hair-raising tales about his reign.

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JOE bearly remembering how to stand while Trump have more energetic than he was in years.

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Jun 28Liked by Steve Sailer

Quoted above, from Prof. K, whom I assume is a Dem loyalist:

"...Biden is too frail and too confused to win."

WIN. Not, too frail and confused to fulfill his duties, or to govern. WIN. This is all we have heard from democrats, the media, even possibly neutral analysts. WIN. There is no thought at all for how this paralyzes the country. No consideration of duty. No protecting and defending the Constitution. Only the gaining and keeping of political and executive power to enact their partisan agenda(s). It's treason.

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Jun 28Liked by Steve Sailer

While, after the debate, there was a big chorus of calls on Biden to not run for re-election; it is too simplistic (probably wrong) to say that "Democrats were afraid express a preference for him to step aside".

To take the most salient example, in the New York Times, Ezra Klein has been expressing that view for a long time. It's true that he was in the minority, but he was hardly alone. Biden's poll numbers have been dismal for a long time and his age is clear to anyone who has eyes and ears.

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Everyone knew Ceaucescu was vile for years before the props got kicked out from under him and they were now free to voice what they had known all along. But they were the plebeians.

We have been gaslit for many years now about Biden. It the greatest disinformation scandal in the history of the US. FDR's polio was nothing by comparison. We must remember this always. Don't let it be forgotten the who establishment was in on it.

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Those who haven't seen it, I recommend this essay by Niall Ferguson, recent and highly relevant:


"We're All Soviets Now" (June 2024)

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There was a time when Joe Biden was merely unqualified and too incompetent to lead the greatest nation on Earth. I miss those days.

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I would ask a few questions of any potential replacement for Biden:

• Will you close our Southern border to illegal entry?

Preferred answer - yes.

• Will you stop discrimination against anyone to counter past discrimination to others?

Preferred answer - yes.

• Will you protect women's sports and rights to privacy from men?

Preferred answer- yes.

• Will you stop the chemical and surgical mutilation of children as recommended by the UK's Cass


Preferred answer- yes.

• Are you pro-choice?

Preferred answer- yes.

• Do you support action to reduce greenhouse gases?

Preferred answer- yes.

You are hired.

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