“A joy that no White man can steal.” - sure, that's not racist as fuck. Can you imagine if someone wrote, "A joy no black woman can steal"?

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Black people can always steal our joy; the black tax works in insidious ways

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I thought they just stole our bikes?

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I don't think people would be so much outraged as confused...so...your wife is black? Or, is your boss...no I don't get it. What?

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We can agree that Biden & Harris aren't calling the shots.

TPTB realize Kamala is becoming known as "Kackles." Something has to be done to spin her cringe into an endearing quirk. Lots of effusive repetition should pull it off.

And why not? They got a charmless, obviously senile dufus installed in the Oval Office 4 years ago.

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Pat: “They got a charmless, obviously senile dufus installed in the Oval Office 4 years ago.”

Great sense of humor there, girl.

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I identify as a boy, no surgery required.

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I agree with everything you said except calling Biden "charmless." As oily and slimy as he was, he did have charm towards his base and towards the press, who protected him for 50 years because he threw parties for them, slapped them on the back, and got them a hooker in exchange for not publishing bad things about him.

We must not underestimate our enemies.

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Agreed, don't underestimate enemies.

As for charm, it helps, but it's not mandatory to wield power.

2 of countless examples: Abe Foxman & Jonathan Greenblatt.

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I can see Brandon's shtick working well at a D.C. dinner party where most of the attendees have heavy c.v.'s and social anxiety. But I cannot fathom how normal people would receive him as anything except a blowhard David Brent-type b.s.'er-- he even seems to recognize this himself, difference today being that he's too old to modulate it

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I actually knew some people way back when who were dyed-in-the-wool Biden heads. They bought the whole "scrappy Scranton backslapper" schtick hook, line and sinker. Generally, these are NPR-listening Boomer types who like to pretend they are blue collar toughies on the inside and Joe makes them think vaguely of JFK and other mid-century D's who actually had a working class background.

And don't forget Amy Poehler's character in the sitcom Parks and Recreation. Poehler (who starred and wrote the series) made her character a fanatical small-town blue-voting pro-government true believer, and that character's dreamboat crush was....Joe Biden. And while it was played for a joke that Poehler was such a government-loving person that her ultimate crush was an old D politician, it should be something that it was Dementia Joe that Poehler carefully chose for her character to love and idolize, not Clinton, Obama, or some other big name D pol.

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In 2016, Rush Limbaugh said that the upcoming election was between those who think America has taken a disastrously wrong turn and those who think everything is more or less fine. That's still the case, only more so. Those in the former group support Trump and they're not looking for a leader who thinks our current situation is a laughing matter. I like the fact that Trump wouldn't participate in the Washington Press Club dinner, where a Republican president would break bread with a press that hates him and good-naturedly endure ridicule from the likes of Stephen Colbert. It served no purpose.

At the same time, Trump, unlike Harris or any other politician I can think of, is actually funny. Professional comedians acknowledge his skill. Harris may laugh--too long, awkwardly, and inappropriately--but she's not making anyone else laugh. She's only funny unintentionally.

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Right. To check on this question, I watched Rodney Dangerfield (a consensus funny man) tell about 20 jokes. He might have chuckled once or twice.

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It is said that "to use exclamation points is like laughing at your own jokes." Alas, Kamala wouldn't understand what that means.

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Rodney might have the highest LPM (laughs per minute) of any comedian ever, the jokes just keep coming, all of them hilarious. Watching him do a set on Youtube is funnier than almost anything being done today, the man was a killer.

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Dangerfield will grow even larger in stature as time passes. This was the guy who stole Caddyshack from both Bill Murray and Chevy Chase in their prime years. Half the plot of the movie was cut (the part involving the young kid Danny) because Dangerfield showed up and was on fire.

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I picked out Rodney for my tiny study rather than, say, Bob Hope or Robin Williams because _nobody_ would say that Dangerfield wasn't funny.

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The dinner was also a chance for a bunch of high school students who were award scholarships to meet the president and members of Congress and the media. Trump's vanity would not permit that.

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Trump has always met with ordinary people. He would go straight to the workers at a construction site to talk to them before going to the office. He was always known and liked for this. If you didn't just read the NYT maybe you'd know that.

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Given how many small business that Trump stiffed on his bills, I doubt the story is true. Trump is a shoot the messenger type. Also, look up the story about Trump and two scoops of ice cream. As was written earlier, Trump would be the worst boss that almost anyone could ever have.

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lmao. Ok, paid opp. You've earned Mr. Soros's troll money for the day. Now run along, you've been exposed, no one believes you.

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Guest007 occupies the same role on Steve's Unz site.

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That is the best one can come up with. That anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Try reading


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The annual White House Correspondents dinner is still being held, so high school students can still meet members of the congress and the media. Trump is under no obligation to spend time with a partisan press that hates him and has become increasingly irrelevant as a result. I'm sure if they couldn't look forward to a thorough tongue bath, Democrat presidents wouldn't attend it either.

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Many conservatives and right of center media organization purchase tables at the event. Trump is just too vain to taking the teasing. Trump can dole out the insults but cannot stand the heat from others. Not a good sign of someone who is a great leader.

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Which conservatives?

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Jacqui Heinrichm, Fox News, is a board member of the WHCA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqui_Heinrich Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have tables at the event.

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Okay that’s two...and arguably the uniparty club.

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A labor union representative was the only White man on the anti-White Chicago City Council. He noted later that the Black women always acted like they had all the solutions, but when pressed for specifics or for information on what they had done since last time, they would always laugh. And they were constantly telling jokes.

In the infantilized leftist worldview acting like a child is something to admire, but in the real world it means not having the competence and not having read up on the issue.

I'm sure that's not ALWAYS the case when Kangala laughs, but she's used to that habit by now. And as we know from her constant word salads she talks faster than her slow brain can keep up with.

>“A joy that no White man can steal.”

Funny, when it's Leroy who steals the car stereo from a White family's car, to get the money for the crack that causes the laughter.

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Did I say now? What does "was" mean? Typical leftist trick to bypass the main point with some false assumptions of a side point. You must be a hoot at parties. "ACKSHUALLY...!" Next time you'll have a better grasp of the English language. Look at me, it's not even my first language, and I know it better than you, so here's hoping that you too can learn. Fingers crossed.

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Then name the time period so that one can look it up. And one did not even use the correct term for the office. Just a third hand anecdote that was meaningless. Try google next time.

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LOL Why should I do anything you say little socialist? Poor little socialist is trying to find anything to pick on, aww. Meanwhile you can't refute the main point. "Try google next time." LOL Your whole attempt to sound superior rests on picking on details, and then you are so dumb you can't even write Google. Typical low-IQ socialist. Crash and burn.

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I guess one failed to learn the less that insults do not make one look clever. Still waiting for the year when there was only one white assemblyman in Chicago.

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Aww, little boy so sad that he failed. LOL Have you learned to spell Google yet? Hilarious when you try to sound superior and then fail that hard. And no little low-IQ socialist, I don't have to answer any question from you, so keep whining and begging.

Aside from Steve Sailer who you follow because you need to vent your fuming hatred and hope to find some details to snipe in the comments, your Substack list consists of pathetic nu-males. "Liberal Democrat" Richard Reeves, hilarious! Marshall Kosloff, Yascha Mounk. What, no vegan recipes? LOL No matter, it's easy to see anyone could break you like a twig. Now go back to your usual "noo, you can't prooove your opinion so theeeere!" posting.

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And since the little socialist pretends xe is all about the facts yo, have you found a way to explain away the fact that Blacks commit the majority of murders in the U.S. yet? Do you need to go look at your list of nu-males to see if they have any lie about that for you to use? LOL

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lol. You're losing, little Harris-intern. Why are you so bad at this?

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Hardly any black joy during the BO Administration? It must have been inexpressible.

Why haven't we seen video of Kamala at those big events where politicians are supposed to laugh at themselves and each other? Did she fall out of her chair too often?

The first time I heard Trump speak more than a few seconds was the 2016 Al Smith dinner. The first half of his speech was funny but biting, then he changed gears, and the second half was angry--far worse than a "mean tweet." I believe Hillary deserved all the scorn, but he went over the top on her and probably lost votes. This year it's on October 17.

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Any honest adult sees Harris as she is. Laughs to cover her lack of knowledge, laughs because she’s nervous, laughs because she thinks it makes her look cool, calm and collected. Not answering questions is answering questions. The Ds and MSM have to cover for her.

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But how would any honest adult see Trump. I see Trump as an example of the worst boss one can ever have: sociopathic, narcissistic, kicks down, won't listen, and overestimates his own abilities and knowledge.

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Meh, we’re choosing between two really imperfect people. At least Trump has shown he can do the job. Harris?

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Other than a tax cut that added trillions to the national debt, what did Trump ever do that implied that he can do the job. Was it the high staff turnover? Was it his staff ignoring unrealistic order from him? Was it the inability to brief Trump on any issue? Was it his refusal to lead briefing materials?

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He fired many and many likely quit. Harris has probably the same track record as VP in firings or resignations. The Natl Defense Strategy refocused military towards China & Russia. Surprisingly remained hands off on marijuana legalization. Pushed congress to overhaul financial crimes making money laundering more difficult. Stopped usage of Chinese made drones. Attempted the first ever audit of the DD. Signed the 1st big bank dereg bill since Dodd-Frank. Exec. Act to promote and regulate AI.

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Name the legislation that passed on financial crimes. Provide a cite for the audit of the Department of Defense (DoD). Name the legislation on bank deregulation.

Compare that to the constant chaos at the White House to the point of ending the pandemic team on the National Security Council just before the biggest pandemic in a century.

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The financial legislation was a rider on National Defense Authorization Act. The banking deregulation was Econ Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act . Here’s a link on the audit. https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2018/11/15/heres-what-the-pentagons-first-ever-audit-found/

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Guest007 is a paid troll from the Harris campaign. As witnessed by his posts here. Ignore him or laugh at him, but don't seriously argue with him.

He might be Corvinus under a different name, or a tranny antifa member with child pron on his computer. Or both.

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Steve, the black women I work with aren't "joyful". They're tribal, angry, and of generally low intelligence. And I've noticed that whenever black people (men and women) gather in groups that they love to talk and laugh as loudly as possible. Ever sit next to a group of blacks at a restaurant? Then you know what I'm talking about.

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I suspect the authors assume the cackle will inevitably emerge…probably at an inappropriate moment. Voters correctly determined in 2020 she actually is awkward and uncool.

Prophylactic journalism.

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I think you’ve nailed it. And the MSM is playing right along with endless “Isn’t Kamala wonderful?” puff pieces.

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Unless they give her beta blockers or, conversely, electroshock treatment. Watch the debate and see if she starts suddenly twitching, shaking and acting jumpy when faced with a tough question---then you'll know the cattle prod was activated.

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Unlikely she will be faced with a tough question.

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"Ms. Harris, how hard is it to be liked so much?"

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I don't know how much I would make of the South Asian thing. It's not like every black person is charismatic and every South Asian isn't. I love John McWhorter's work but I'm not going to send him to work a room.

With the Obama thing you actually have specific examples of the type of white person he's descended from on his mother's side--academic Ivy League families, cultivated old-timers, college professors in Boston marriages. *That's* a personality type--he's not descended from Scotch-Irish frontiersmen, German farmers, Jewish moneymen or activists, or Irish bootleggers, to list a few other white archetypes.

What I do think is that she was chosen as VP precisely because she wasn't charismatic enough to challenge the front-runner...who himself was chosen because he wasn't going to upstage Obama. So she's a VP of second order (as I think you yourself said in an earlier bit). Unsurprisingly she's not Bill Clinton.

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Contrasting the multi-racial Obama with the multi-racial Kamala is fertile territory. Her interesting residence/educational experience in California and Canada before Howard U. should have developed her ability to be confident in novel settings.

She is trying to reflect diverse audiences via her accents. She’s better at it than the awful version of ghetto-speak that Hilary attempted, but nowhere near Obama’s skills. It strikes me as “off” and patronizing when I see it, but her supporters may still value the effort.

Her opponent lacks Obama’s chameleon-like skills, so it may not matter.

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I'd like to know what led her to Howard. Was it the same political ambition that BO had--to pass as authentically American black, was it indoctrination from her weird mother, or was it the best school she could get into?

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She was a Deep State groomed plant. The problem was she never was as smart as Obama or talented, and the Peter Principle + DEI boosted her up far beyond her abilities and before she could learn to drop bad habits like her cackle.

Her going to Howard was her attempt to get black points for her political campaign, as she was only a hapa. Similar to how Obama had to move to Chicago's black neighborhoods, do "community organizing", and go to Jeremiah Wrights' church: to get blacks to see them as "real" blacks and not rich interlopers. Obama made it work, Kackles not so much; she should still be AG of CA and ironing out her political kinks.

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The Deep State isn't like Ender's Game where they train adolescents for crucial roles.

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Now we know what she really meant by "that little girl was me."

One of my math profs told me that the intel agencies liked grads of southeastern schools because they had less exposure to dubious people and ideas. Before I knew it--literally--I followed my boss to the periphery of one.

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No, but they do follow folks who would be useful assets and boost them up as they go along.

Look at both Obama and Bill Clinton. Both identified young, both given miraculous openings through which they ascended on to the next one.

Obama was a nothing choomer but was (as you have implied many times) the son of a CIA honeypot who was deployed to service foreign dignitaries the old fashioned way. Barry O grew up a pothead who got into Occidental. Then, somehow, he miraculously got his act together, transferred to Columbia, and began a rise through Deep State channels. Its fairly obvious the Company identified him as intelligent enough and of the right temperament and with the right background to be an asset to them (and probably someone from the Company gave him a talking to at Occidental that he needed to transfer and get off the ganja). Little else explains his constantly being given great opportunities, doing nothing with them, and then given a better one.

Clinton was the bright, sociopathic son of a broken, twisted family in backwoods Arkansas who ended up in college at...a CIA service school (Georgetown's Foreign service school). He then went on to Rhodes Scholarship (which is half merit and half political), AG, governor of a state where the CIA ran drugs to contras, and then pulled off a major upset presidential victory. All while compiling an obvious body count that would have gotten an unconnected person canned at body #2, even if innocent of the issue (too many connections).

These kinds of connections don't happen by accident. It seems to be strong evidence to me the Deep State identifies young people of appropriate IQ and temperament in their teens and grooms them, seeing how they react with every boost. The ideal CIA high schooler is probably a person like Tracey Flick from *Election* (the movie ends with her working in D.C. as a Senator's aide, natch) or the scion of a previous agent.

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I was shocked recently by the claim that Clinton's SAT was only 1032, but the media fluffed his remarkable intellect so much in the 90s (as they did with Carter and JFK and Stevenson), I should have been more suspicious. They never made much headway doing the same for Biden and Harris, but they sure have not noticed the obvious, even in Biden's prime.

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Agreed. Sociopathic ability is not the same as IQ.

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It must have been all three. Growing up in Montreal and Berkeley, she wouldn't have heard of Howard on her own. Wouldn't a "normal," high-academia mother have objected to her slumming, literally and figuratively? Even without Willie(s), her life is as odd as BO living in Indonesia, then going from Hawaii to SoCal to Columbia to Chicago. Where have you gone, David Maraniss?

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Kamala's laugh isn't quite as grating as Hillary's, but it's in the same neighborhood. Her "my family laughs from the belly line" is a pretty stunning bit of rhetorical jiujitsu. Nobody was criticizing her laugh per se - the issue was her laughter at totally inopportune moments, like:

"Madame Vice-President, what's your comment on ISIS's use of a nuclear device to murder 30 million Americans?"

[belly laughter]

In both her case and Hillary's, the purpose of the laugh is a paradoxical combination of (1) nervousness over having no good answer to the question, and (2) haughtiness and smug self-satisfaction that anyone would waste the time of someone obviously so important as her with such a trifling issue that only the total rubes would care about.

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My favorite was when Stephen Colbert (!) asked her why she accepted the VP nom from Biden when less than a year before she accused Biden of being a rapist (Tara Reade). Kackles started laughing maniacally and saying, "That was during a campaign!" and Colbert, being the Deep State errand boy he is, let it drop.

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"It was a debate!" was her excuse I remember with someone not Colbert.

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This awkward, insecure, vindictive, childless woman is probably about to be handed the nuclear football (Hahahahaha!!!). Worst combination of traits to have in someone with authority.

Also wtf is wrong with white people? Reese Witherspoon crawling in Aunt Kamama's lap, Tim Walz ejaculating on stage, mirrored by his equally weird, inappropriate son.

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Kamala is more Indian than black personality-wise is an interesting take. I think I saw in the news cycle that Trump tried that line of attack a couple weeks ago, but it didn't seem to catch on.

I think part of the problem is that there aren't well-developed stereotypes on how upper middle class, second generation Indian women tend to act. Harris doesn't really register to me as a black or Indian women to me. Just sort of "brown" in an ambiguous way.

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Mystery meat! She's an Arby's American.

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Harris is much more black than Indian. Anyone who has dealt with black women in the government would recognize her immediately. They would never suspect that she was raised by a mother from India or that she went to high school in Canada. Harris seems to have remade herself while in college and gone with that remaking.

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I guessed that the "Party of Joy" thing was an attempt to rebrand from "The Party of Scolds and Harpies".

Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my Presidents to have a narrow affect. The speeches and debates of the second half of the 20th century were calm and stern even when candidates were delivering zingers or expressing outrage.

This might have been a reaction to microphones (you don't have to learn to be theatrical and project your voice) and/or Hitler (who ruined not only a mustache, but also yelling and wildly gesticulating)

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We and they have been told for decades that TV is a cool medium--emoting looks ridiculous, I guess because our natural, in-person empathy isn't engaged.

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I'm not sure. If your friend was emoting like a silent era movie star, wouldn't that be off putting? Excitement is good in person, but I excitement is also good on the screen, just not so much for politicians

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We're noticing that some people always have to invoke their copyright version of Hitler.

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uh, yeah Pat, way to get the point.

I'd like to apologize for the way we unfairly made your hero Hitler, unpopular

We're noticing you too

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What are you doing here?

Shouldn't you be genociding Palestinians?

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Elizabeth Taylor was once asked about how she, who didn't have much theater training (she had grown up a child movie star), had lasted most of her life as a screen star while many theater actors couldn't make it on screen, even though "theater" acting was considered by actors to be more difficult. She pointed out that theater actors had to over-emote to get the back row of the theater to get it, but on screen you had to take it way down and under-emote---e.g. a subtle slight arched eyebrow on screen was super effective at getting a message across, but anything more was cheesy.

Ready-for-TV pols have to learn this under-emoting. Hitler was speaking to crowds like a theater actor and with poorer microphones, not for television. Plus what we see of Hitler is usually the most emotional parts of his speeches, which look the most aggressive---he didn't start off like that on stage and keep it going that way the whole time. Hitler was a very great speaker objectively, and studied the art very much, otherwise he could not have hypnotized those crowds.

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that certainly makes sense

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"Black Joy" sounds desperate as a marketing ploy.

I don't recall Obama having to sell his blackness to either blacks or whites in either of his Prez campaigns. Yes, he didn't talk like Jesse Jackson, but that didn't make him dislikable to blacks, and whites found him the perfect black buddy to give themselves a gold star for voting for. He didn't have any overt verbal tics that hurt him (as a carefully groomed Deep State plant, he was perfectly milquetoast when delivering canned speeches), and the D base was enthused in 2008 for his Hope/Change schtick.

In contrast, Kamabla's attempt to re-interpret her nails-on-chalkboard cackles as "Black Joy" is an attempt to brand anyone making fun of it as racist, so as to prevent the obvious conclusion: she laughs inappropriately and in an ugly manner and as an obvious defense against tough questions/answers. But it also is an attempt to make blacks cozy up to her ("it's a symbol of 'black' joy, y'all!") and remind whites she is black and therefore they are racist if they are annoyed by it and don't vote for her.

In short, this sounds like a poor attempt to gin up the base and cover an exposed flank. The D's must have some poll numbers showing blacks and white D's unenthused about her and her cackles. They are hoping this rebranding of her cackles changes their mind. But having to work to gin up the base only 60 days from the election is not a good sign for them---they might not get enough turnout to plausibly steal this as they did in 2020.

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How ironic is it that both the first black president and the first black vice president were first-generation Americans from black fathers who were not descended from American slaves?

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