Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

That’s funny.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

"this kind of thinking.... strikes me as overly respectful of how influence is actually exercised". I totally agree. The real tragedy of Western liberal democracy is that it has spun out of control by anyone. Various reasons why. I think the biggest is probably the internet. Representative democracy depended - amongst other things - on a relative scarcity of information. Now we have a massive surplus of both information and disinformation - way too much for the individual to process.... hence chaos. Le Deluge is fast approaching... And Apres? We'll just have to wait and see.

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

I've been calling Biden a "demented meat puppet" since 2021. Recent events have validated my assessment.

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It's called "Noticing"

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It was a good call that Biden was either a hardcore demagogue or losing touch with his own nominal identity, by 2019, when he bizarrely launched his campaign with a long video crying about the Charlottesville protest of 2017.

Biden said he was morally outraged by the marchers who, he said, had mainly shouted anti-Jewish slogans and used torches to intimidate Blacks. These fiends wanted to end democracy, establish fascism, oppress gays, Jews, and blacks. This was intolerable, and worse was that Trump was their puppet. Only he, Biden, could stop this nightmare.

That was his 'pitch' in his campaign, all pre-2020 (pre-"racial reckoning").

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I think I pointed out on Unz that Jill seems to be a "fag hag."

A lot of powerful straight men think this is harmless, but it really isn't.

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What do you have in mind, specifically, with your suggestion that a straight White woman who surrounds herself with gay-male friends is socially harmful?

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Ever seen how gay men portray women, for example when they do drag? They tend to overemphasize and exaggerate some of the most destructive feminine characteristics, especially vanity and pride.

When they spend time with straight women they often encourage them to indulge in that kind of "diva" behavior themselves.

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FrauDoktorJill 's ex husband Bill Stevenson literally doesn't recognize her personality anymore. Then again they divorced while still in her 20s.

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That’s an insightful observation. It’s refreshing to see a comment that is not focused on physical and sexual aspects

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Good comment, on point.

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Well, I wouldn't have guessed this either!

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That’s not a string he’s pulling.

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I never cease to be amazed at the affinity of strait leftist women for gay men considering that lesbians don't care for them much. It seems that they are much more tolerant of "horndoggish" behavior if it is not directed towards them or their sisters.

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Not realizing that the gay men despise them.

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You may have put your finger on it. Never met or even heard of a lesbian fag hag. That definitely seems to be hetero behavior.

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Haha maybe they left the coke 😉

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I misread the headline as "Guy Caballero" and started imagining Joe Flaherty in a white suit and wheelchair along with Edith Prickley as the real powers behind the throne—or is it behind the Jazzy? Maybe with Dr. Tongue as Chief of Staff.

Now that would be a wacky Canadian coup!

Once things get this absurd, might as well push them to the extreme.

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"Why do you use a wheelchair when you don't need one Mr. Caballero?"

"It's for respect!"

RIP Joe Flaherty, one of the great ones.

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great actor, great show

also loved Count Floyd

never not funny!

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Fifteen years, looks totally different from typical DC cronies, and we're only now hearing about him?

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Reality is truly stranger than fiction.

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Jul 5Liked by Steve Sailer

Lizard people are more into Shakerism than Judaism. The prohibition on reproduction hasn't hit them as hard as humans, because their lower metabolism due to being cold-blooded has resulted in longer lifespans. We can still expect that eventually there will just be one Shaking Lizardperson colony deep within the hollow earth (the geothermal warmth there is a must), containing just a couple members and sustained by tourists curious about the 21st century. The arc of history is long, and while it may or may not bend toward justice, it certain bends against Shakers.

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yet another (as if any other were needed) reason that all "out" perverts should be in solitary confinement for the rest of human history.

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Or exiled to an artist colony like situation. It would be better for all of us really, life was much better when fags and trannies consolidated around places like Andy Warhol's factory. The art was better, and the fags kept to themselves and never dreamed of anything as boring as political power, or being a boring HR bureaucrat.

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Jul 5Liked by Steve Sailer

I think the argument against "Deep State" is quite a strawman: the Italian (and Turkish) term, "Stato Profondo" should be transalted as "Permanent Bureaucracy" not "Deep state" because no one in Italy (or Turkey) ever thought the Lizard People were competent. In fact, we (and the Turks before Erdogan) despise them BECAUSE they are incompetent: we are not a very democratic demos, if the Lizards were competent we would have never rebelled.

Wat meens: that the bureaucrats are incompetent doesn't means they aren't omnipotent and wholly disconnected from the democratic process.

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Right, the Turkish/Italian term "deep state" suggests that no matter who wins the latest election, the current politicians can't keep the generals and bureaucrats they fire from still calling the shots.

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I think the US one tho.

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Steve Sailer's definition here, of "the Turkish/Italian term 'deep state'," Why doesn't it work for the USA? What extra thing added on o the supposed U.S. meaning of this "Deep State" (a term no one used eight or ten years ago), what extra thing in the U.S. usage makes it super-crazy? Lizard people? This doesn't sound like a serious argument.

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I think that Sailer's definition adds "competent" to the Italian (and Turkish) definition of "permanent and undemocratic". So, for an Italian (and a Turk) it is absolutely possible that the Deep state is incompetent: it does not evolve because the democratic challeng does not apply to it.

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The Turks seem to see an important part of their Deep State as military and security service leaders who are nominally retired but are still calling the shots.

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Deng promoted his reforms while "retired", Taisho and Showa Japan was governed (also) by the Genro elderly statemen, the USSR was governed by the Party, not the State. It is common that informal power structures rule over formal ones (da Maistre described it 200 y.a.), people speak about Stato Profondo only in the democratic regimes where democracy fails to make parts of the State accountable: that's why I think it is wrong to expect competence from the Deep State and it should be better transalted as "Permanent Bureaucracy".

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The former head of their CIA (widely understood to have supported ISIS) is now their Foreign Minister

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Erdogan imprisoned his own high ranking officers though when he thought they tried to make a coup; pretty much disabled his air force for a while. Of course magistrates, judges, journalists, professors, etc are jailed too

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Long knives coming out.

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The reference to the NSDAP intra-party purge of the early 1930s (Was it?) fits awkwardly onto the anti-Biden frenzy. The people who have plotted and urged this purge (or palace coup) here are not 'nominally' in the government itself, but are media commentators and such. --- (Cf., "Media-run State" theory.)

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When someone in the Party believes he can safely say that a Rasputin is advising the President, the Party is increasing the heat. Of course they will first offer him the opportunity to bow out gracefully. The rhetorical knives will come out at the Convention.

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Gay Mexican? Is he pals with Nick Fuentes?

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