I don’t think you will want to be in Sarasota next week.

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It would be funny if he's sued by the guy whose photo is in the tweet. You might have to give evidence of what a pariah you are.

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The magic of the internet indicates that the guy in the photo is a random classical guitarist:


I'm sure he's thrilled about being roped into Dr. Dunn's antics.

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A classical guitarist? I thought it was a rather flattering fake picture of me!

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Have you ever been thought of as Welsh before?

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Let me guess… this black professor is close personal friends with Jesse Jackson and The Rev. Al! Or as the late great Rush used to call them… the Justice Brothers! We have to remember, liberals have one and only one set of truths they will accept, and don’t you dare challenge them! Or they will loose their F’ing mind!

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Good luck! I hope their security is ready.

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"A lot of very good professors lost their jobs [that chose to leave]..." Roland Fryer? Amy Wax? Carole Hooven? Greg Lukianoff? Nick Kristakis? Kathleen Stock? Shall I continue?

"It turned the school inside out from what used to be a safe, wonderful place for students who define themselves as being different and can go and not be harassed, and that's what we lost."

"define themselves as being different and can go and not be harassed..." LOL they're so different they all have the same ideas, beliefs and the same response to an unapproved thought: shrieking hysteria. (Also, is anyone more of a crippled conformist than the people who "define themselves as being different"?)

The academic Left are so deeply cloistered they have infantilized and lobotomized themselves. Besides tantrums and whining, their single response to every challenge is a pose of smug self-righteousness and the worst case of psychological projection since Freud put out his shingle.

"We had a nice quiet echo chamber/circle jerk/state-subsidized group-therapy session going but then that evil bigot DeSantis had to go and ruin it..."

These people don't need debates, they need their diapers changed.

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“Dress for the job you want”. Priceless!

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Sounds like he's blowing a very loud, very visible dog whistle to Antifa thugs to descend upon you and your talk.

God bless, be safe.

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The article has an example of that phenomenon I was writing about earlier, in which the text of the hyperlink is not supported by the page it links to. There really should be a pithy name for that. The text says Steve "espouses eugenics" (which I am pretty sure he does not) but the linked article (which is poor quality innuendo and name calling) merely asserts that HBD is the successor to eugenics. Ok, the two ideas are related but the most odious aspect of eugenics is not part of HBD, i.e. the "solutions" designed to improve the genetics of society.

Steve you might have a libel suit here.

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Can someone explain why that statement is NOT libelous? That was my first thought.

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As I understand it, if Steve sued and they wanted to defend they would have to show either/both that the claim Steve espouses eugenics is true and/or that even if it isn't true that he wasn't damaged by it. I think he could easily show damages from similar claims throughout his career. I wonder how that works? He never sued when it started so how could he claim that this instance is so incrementally damaging that they have to pay? Questions for an actual lawyer :)

There is a chance they could defend the eugenics charge with "quit being so literal" and that if you espouse views that eugenicists would then you are a eugenicist. It's like if you believe something a racist would, you are, nowadays, a racist.

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Is Marvin Dunn wearing blackface in that photo? Seriously, he looks like his face is about twelve tones darker than his natural skin color.

> "the thought of Sailer espousing his views to students"

I realize that educational standard have slipped precipitously to allow the likes of Mr. Dunn entrée to high status jobs, but can someone explain to him that "espouse" is not a synonym verb for "spout"? Rather it shares a root with "spouse".

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Well, good grammar is genetically driven...😍

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It's hard to deal with a kamikaze, a guy who's willing to make a complete fool of himself so that he can make a fool of you. There's basically no winning move except to avoid them entirely. My condolences that you got stuck on a panel with him. If it's any consolation, I'm certain that he's left a trail of destruction wherever he goes. Maybe you and the other victims of his stupidity can start a support club.

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Just put a sign out front saying, "You need at least a 100 IQ to attend this debate".

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Would be funny to see a man wearing a Klan outfit in hurricane force winds

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The title of this post is a microaggression. It must be prompted by your evil nature: in his remarks about you, Professor Dunn has been civil, respectful, and kind.

Worse, you are punching down. Dunn is a hapless credentialed emeritus full professor, forced to scrape by in retirement on a meager state pension of perhaps $90k/yr plus benefits. As a freelancing pundit, your pension is doubtless manyfold greater than his.

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Milton is currently scheduled to hit Florida on Wednesday. So you should be OK (with any luck).

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I think him wearing a pointy dunce cap will be most appropriate.

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What a moron, but what choice does he have. He certainly won't be able to refute Sailer with facts and data, so his only option is to distract the audience with hysterics and buffoonery. Or perhaps Dunn is included to make Reilly seem like the voice of reason.

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