Italian Deep State (e.g. judicial permanent bureaucracy: italian DAs and judges are coopted by sitting memebers, the litteraly definition of a caste) is trying the ex Home Minister, Matteo Salvini, for attemping to stop an NGO boat responsible of cooperation with aliens smuggler. The crime? Kidnapping. Really, look it up.
Ironically, the Nazis were big boosters of immigration, including into Germany. When practically every able-bodied German man between 18 and 40 was in uniform who worked in the factories, on farms, in construction, etc.?
French, Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Danes, Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs and many others.
Does anyone doubt for a moment that Albert Speer would have turned down Turks, Pakistanis, Vietnamese or Cubans if he had access to them?
Hell, the Nazis practically invented "invade the world, invite the world."
When you think about it, it is rather curious that Albert Speer slipped out of the hangman's noose, now isn't it?
The Nazis were crazy on a few things but sane on much else, which is how they managed to fight so long against so many enemies. Compare them to American WNs, many of whom don't even want Ukrainian immigrants.
Maybe they don't know any. Quite a few of my neighbors are Ukrainian immigrants, and I'd say they're considerably improved my quality of life. Well, one of them has, at least.
If we had had a serious grown up governing class in Europe 30 years ago, the bare bones of immigration policy would have been established along these lines: To the would-be immigrant:
1) Want to live in the West because you are attracted to it and value and respect its culture and traditions? OK but....
2) Don't expect it to learn your language or care about your traditions. Understand that it is entirely your job to fit in with the host country; not its job to accommodate you.
3) Understand that any state benefits will have to be earned - and only after a period of probation - and this may be hard on you at first. Don't like that?....then don't come.
4) Complain publicly about your new country or turn out criminal and you will immediately get sent packing.... and what becomes of you then is your problem entirely.
And to our own indigenous lawyering parasite class:
5) Want to be a 'Human Rights' lawyer? Fine but you must make your livelihood out of some other activity because income from'Human Rights' lawyering will be taxed at 100%.
Is NYT stringer Sarah Maslin Nir's article about reactions to the undeportable Islamist's murder of that cop, or is she reporting on the frontlash to the next regrettable incident?
Europe’s immigration policy (and resulting dark demographic future, as it were) is just like global warming, China’s WTO accession, cutting down the rainforest, or the ongoing mass-dumping of microplastics into the food supply: a slow-motion, cross-generation disaster which is as inevitable as the setting sun.
The 21st century will be defined by humans having the statistical capacity and historic perspective to recognize problems, but utterly lacking the political and ideological structures to deal with them.
As of the early 2020s, 80-85% of births in Denmark have been "core-ethnic" births. Babies born to either two full-Danish parents or to one Danish parent and one non-Dane Western foreigner, who is from ethnocultural stock so compatible as to be almost without justification to even call them foreigners. (Certainly a Swede or 'even' a Swiss or a Latvian are not foreigners in sense meant by the "Ausländer Raus" German satirical song of this year (which caused much a stir among Goodthinkers a few months ago.)
Around 10% of births are truly problematic, from an ethnpolitical point-of-view or long view. This is about the share of births to unassimilable foreigners incl. Muslims of any kind, Africans, some other non-Westerners.
That's 80-85% core-ethnic; 10% radical-foreign unassimilable; with the remainder a grey area involving less-Western fringe Europeans.
As of the mid-21st century, is a balance of 80-85% core-ethnic births and ca. 10% hardcore-unassimiblable "refugee" pets -- is this the minimum level of diversity required by the postmodern West's ideological superstructure?
A manageable level of boutique diversity. All-but totally absent from most regions of the country and not touching most social milieux, but just enough to say: "Here, kind sirs dispatched from the USA's honorable political-commissar organizations ADL and SPLC, here you can see that we do have the requisite diversity. We are not Nazis. Thank you for checking up on us."
Alternatively, is Denmark able to shore up its core-ethnic population balance thanks especially to being a small state? (Small-state privilege.)
What would NATO say if Denmark somehow instituted an even stricter policy?
Funny that you mentioned centenarian Nazis because there are several known Nazi war criminals still alive in various states (convicted, unfit to stand trial, Danes refuse to prosecute, etc.). There's a list in Wikipedia; the ones still alive are highlighted in yellow and can be easily popped to the top of the list by clicking on "Date of Death." (For some reason, the recently-convicted Irmgard Furchner is not listed, so there may be others in addition to the five still alive here as of this comment.)
Italian Deep State (e.g. judicial permanent bureaucracy: italian DAs and judges are coopted by sitting memebers, the litteraly definition of a caste) is trying the ex Home Minister, Matteo Salvini, for attemping to stop an NGO boat responsible of cooperation with aliens smuggler. The crime? Kidnapping. Really, look it up.
Ironically, the Nazis were big boosters of immigration, including into Germany. When practically every able-bodied German man between 18 and 40 was in uniform who worked in the factories, on farms, in construction, etc.?
French, Italians, Greeks, Dutch, Danes, Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs and many others.
Does anyone doubt for a moment that Albert Speer would have turned down Turks, Pakistanis, Vietnamese or Cubans if he had access to them?
Hell, the Nazis practically invented "invade the world, invite the world."
When you think about it, it is rather curious that Albert Speer slipped out of the hangman's noose, now isn't it?
The Nazis were crazy on a few things but sane on much else, which is how they managed to fight so long against so many enemies. Compare them to American WNs, many of whom don't even want Ukrainian immigrants.
Maybe they don't know any. Quite a few of my neighbors are Ukrainian immigrants, and I'd say they're considerably improved my quality of life. Well, one of them has, at least.
If we had had a serious grown up governing class in Europe 30 years ago, the bare bones of immigration policy would have been established along these lines: To the would-be immigrant:
1) Want to live in the West because you are attracted to it and value and respect its culture and traditions? OK but....
2) Don't expect it to learn your language or care about your traditions. Understand that it is entirely your job to fit in with the host country; not its job to accommodate you.
3) Understand that any state benefits will have to be earned - and only after a period of probation - and this may be hard on you at first. Don't like that?....then don't come.
4) Complain publicly about your new country or turn out criminal and you will immediately get sent packing.... and what becomes of you then is your problem entirely.
And to our own indigenous lawyering parasite class:
5) Want to be a 'Human Rights' lawyer? Fine but you must make your livelihood out of some other activity because income from'Human Rights' lawyering will be taxed at 100%.
Dream on
Islamophobes pounce.
Is NYT stringer Sarah Maslin Nir's article about reactions to the undeportable Islamist's murder of that cop, or is she reporting on the frontlash to the next regrettable incident?
Many lessons here for the US. Of course they will be ignored.
Europe’s immigration policy (and resulting dark demographic future, as it were) is just like global warming, China’s WTO accession, cutting down the rainforest, or the ongoing mass-dumping of microplastics into the food supply: a slow-motion, cross-generation disaster which is as inevitable as the setting sun.
The 21st century will be defined by humans having the statistical capacity and historic perspective to recognize problems, but utterly lacking the political and ideological structures to deal with them.
As of the early 2020s, 80-85% of births in Denmark have been "core-ethnic" births. Babies born to either two full-Danish parents or to one Danish parent and one non-Dane Western foreigner, who is from ethnocultural stock so compatible as to be almost without justification to even call them foreigners. (Certainly a Swede or 'even' a Swiss or a Latvian are not foreigners in sense meant by the "Ausländer Raus" German satirical song of this year (which caused much a stir among Goodthinkers a few months ago.)
Around 10% of births are truly problematic, from an ethnpolitical point-of-view or long view. This is about the share of births to unassimilable foreigners incl. Muslims of any kind, Africans, some other non-Westerners.
That's 80-85% core-ethnic; 10% radical-foreign unassimilable; with the remainder a grey area involving less-Western fringe Europeans.
As of the mid-21st century, is a balance of 80-85% core-ethnic births and ca. 10% hardcore-unassimiblable "refugee" pets -- is this the minimum level of diversity required by the postmodern West's ideological superstructure?
A manageable level of boutique diversity. All-but totally absent from most regions of the country and not touching most social milieux, but just enough to say: "Here, kind sirs dispatched from the USA's honorable political-commissar organizations ADL and SPLC, here you can see that we do have the requisite diversity. We are not Nazis. Thank you for checking up on us."
Alternatively, is Denmark able to shore up its core-ethnic population balance thanks especially to being a small state? (Small-state privilege.)
What would NATO say if Denmark somehow instituted an even stricter policy?
Funny that you mentioned centenarian Nazis because there are several known Nazi war criminals still alive in various states (convicted, unfit to stand trial, Danes refuse to prosecute, etc.). There's a list in Wikipedia; the ones still alive are highlighted in yellow and can be easily popped to the top of the list by clicking on "Date of Death." (For some reason, the recently-convicted Irmgard Furchner is not listed, so there may be others in addition to the five still alive here as of this comment.)
> Danes refuse to prosecute
Or Germany refusing to extradite with a lame excuse. Søren Kam died in Germany while living off his SS pension!
What is the exact meaning of the phrase you used, "his SS pension"?
“ while this may come as a huge surprise in modern Europe, but World War II wasn’t actually fought over Third World immigration policy.”