How much black blood do you need for Black Privilege?
If the elites favored by the Democrats for their blackness are proceeding in just 16 years from the half-black Obama to the quarter-black Kamala, where does it end? 1/8th? 1/16th? 1/32nd? 1/64th?
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine on what Donald Trump’s silly assertion that black sorority sister Kamala Harris “was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person” will end up being about in America’s future:
My theory after forty years of observing Trump is that he’s neither a racist nor a genius. Instead, he’s an extremely self-confident egomaniac with a decent nose for sniffing out when something doesn’t quite smell right about the current orthodoxy. While he lacks the command of facts and the precision of thought to articulate what he’s sensed, most of the hatred he elicits is because, in his ham-handed way, he’s often onto something.
In this case, what Trump has semi-grasped is that Kamala’s coronation is exposing the inherent illogicalities of the post-1960s affirmative action era. At present, few whites like to talk about who qualifies for quotas, but it’s a fascinating subject that will only grow thornier with time.
In his nonliteral way, Trump is raising a question that will become increasingly relevant in a mixed-race America: Despite all the loose talk about white racism, white Americans tend to like black Americans and want to do nice things for them; but as the generations go by, who exactly should qualify for Black Privilege?
Read the whole thing there.
"My theory after forty years of observing Trump is that he’s neither a racist nor a genius. Instead, he’s an extremely self-confident egomaniac with a decent nose for sniffing out when something doesn’t quite smell right about the current orthodoxy. While he lacks the command of facts and the precision of thought to articulate what he’s sensed, most of the hatred he elicits is because, in his ham-handed way, he’s often onto something."
That is probably the most accurate summation of Trump that I've ever read.
My theory as to why he elicits such extreme hate from college-educated elites is that while he is in the "elite" class by income and net worth, he also seems to be the sort of guy who puts ketchup on his steak. He was tolerated as long as he stayed in his lane (tacky and intermittently amusing celebrity) but when he ventured into politics he crossed a line that People Who Put Ketchup On Steak absolutely must not cross. I think this is why he is the object of such fanatical devotion by some of his supporters as well - "he's a regular guy just like us! Yeah, he's got a gold plated toilet, but he probably puts ketchup on his steak!"
Now, a rich ketchup-on-steak guy who also spouted the Currently Fashionable Opinions would be OK; he'd be lauded as a man of the people. But a rich ketchup-on-steak guy who says unfashionable things is an anathema.
I've wondered this for some time - especially in college admissions. I wonder if the Ivies are fine with as little as 2%? Probably are!