good point. on a more current example, Sean Cardinal O'Malley of Boston is still in office more than five years after his theoretically mandatory retirement age of 75

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O'Malley turned in his resignation letter on time, its just that Jesuit Pope Francis hasn't gotten around to appointing a replacement. Partially because O'Malley has been a decent ally to Francis (despite some minor moves back towards traditionalism), partially because O'Malley did a very good job tamping down on all the bad press from the molesting priests Globe Spotlight scandal and still is running things soundly even if the attendance is dwindling, but mostly because the Church doesn't have that deep a bench (straight men don't like joining gay-dominated institutions) and Frances really wants to reshape the Church by appointing Marxist-gay Bishops, so he wants to find a good administrator who is also on board with his Marxist-gay ideology that wouldn't see the remain pew kneelers revolt. So O'Malley stays because there is no better replacement (in Francis's mind).

Also, N.B., O'Malley actually isn't from Boston. He's from the Midwest. He was partially chosen to fool the Boston Irish into thinking he was one of them.

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Are you talking about Sherriil Jackson Lee or Cynthia McKinney? Could never tell them apart; Same hairdo. By the way my spell check doesn't recognize the correct spelling of Ms Lee's first name. Is Microsoft racist?

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The old immigrant-dominated political machines loved an old patriarch.

Remember how long Tip O'Neil stayed on? Or how Reagan stayed even through his late-term dementia? Or how Whitey Bulger's brother, James Bulger, also hung on until they gave him a sinecure at UMass?

James Michael Curley wasn't just the sometimes mayor of Boston. He was also Governor and served a term in the House of Representatives. The man lived politics.

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White Jews are basically the same, but more to business than politics.

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I got around to reading The Year of the French a few years ago and found it to be an awful long walk for a drink of water. It was better than the Leon Uris book on the Irish troubles, the name of which escapes me now.

In general, I find the novels of the sixties and seventies to be very much of their time. I read a couple of Updike’s books on the recommendation of Jack Baruth and regret the wasted hours.

To the point, Joe Biden isn’t culturally Irish in any way at all. He visited County Mayo a few months ago. Shortly after his return, he wasn’t able to remember the location of his most recent foreign trip.

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Five of Biden’s eight great-grandparents are Irish.

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Daley 2 left office because: 1. the fun money was running out in Chicago (they have to keep begging the state for money, and the state isn't doing that well now, either - current mayor just got rebuffed by current gov, and when Rahm Emanuel stepped in place of Daley2, he had to tighten up) and 2. there was an oncoming danger of federal investigations

That's always the danger w/ being in the machine... at some point the machine may not protect you. Ask Mike Madigan & Ed Burke how that's working out for them.

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*A Modest Proposal*

Make it up to the Kennedys for their lost decades in power by voting for RFK Jr, the only presidential candidate we know can take a headshot with only a 50% chance of losing grey matter.


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I assume Caitlin Flanagan meant to say 'sinecure' (paying job requiring no work) instead of 'cynosure' (something remarkable).

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Ah, missed this before I posted a comment to the same effect. I imagine hers was a transcription error. Many people dictate posts, don't they?

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I remember watching WBBM-TV as a child in the Chicago suburbs the day Richard J. Daley died, when news anchor Walter Jacobson came on to announce it. He ended his piece with "an old Irish saying": "He had one foot in heaven before the devil knew he was dead."

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The old Irishmen wouldn't last if they weren't good at patronage. This is why Biden utterly fails as President. Sure, he's good at rewarding his friends and immediate family, but he's screwing most of the rest of America, and he's too clueless to even realize it.

Incidentally, I think this "Irish approach" explains why the Democratic party does so well in Massachusetts: everybody gets a piece of the pie.

On the other hand, the racialist/genderist Democrats are more akin to the Huns, looking to plunder and destroy their blood enemies.

Because California has adopted the ideology of the latter, I think the state will come crashing down when the old guard is finally gone, which won't be long now. Illinois seems to have adopted something between the two.

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"the joke behind the February 1977 special issue of National Lampoon saluting JFK’s Fifth Inaugural"

Biden leading the USA until January 2029 would be the age-chronological equivalent of John F. Kennedy leading the USA until May 2003.

(Then again, there is a considerable difference in health and what 'aging' means between the b.1910s and b.1940s cohorts on average. Is age "80" the new 70? Is 80 the new 65?)

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Not in terms of likelihood of dementia.

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Biden out; the palace coup against Biden finally succeeded, this afternoon.

Ann Coulter said she saw the whole four-week-long controversy as "the Blacks versus the Jews." With the latter fanatically or even histrionically committed to killing-off Biden, Coulter said that what she knew of American culture, power, and politics said: "I'm betting on the Jews."

Biden, July 8, 2024: "Do we now just say [the Democratic-primary] process didn't matter? That the voters don't have a say? I decline to do that. I feel a deep obligation to the faith and the trust the voters of the Democratic Party have placed in me to run this year... It was [the Democratic Party voters'] decision to make. Not the press, not the pundits, not the big donors, not any selected group of individuals... How can we stand for democracy in our nation if we ignore it in our own party?"

Ann Coulter, the same day (July 8): "This entire fight [about whether Biden should "step down"] is a fight between the Blacks and the Jews, the two most-important constituencies of the Democratic Party. We'll see who wins. My bet's on the Jews." "The New York Times, and the 'donors' are 100%-opposed to Biden.... The Democrats will do anything if they think that candidate is going to lose."


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It's any wonder why the Mafia became so necessary in the United States, as Italians constituted the only force committed enough to counter their natural enemies, the shifty Irish.

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