deletedAug 12
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Ehh.. you don't really need 51% anymore. Just 47% plus a little fortification

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If he hadn't been in the Guard while doing it, probably less suspicious. Then again, maybe he was working for Uncle while over there.

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Walz may have been an agent controlled by a CIA officer. His sketchy military background adds further grist for that particular mill. Obama's Democratic Party is less political, more operational. They are the American political action arm for the supranational hierarchy that is currently dismantling Western Civ.. Walz fits right in -- gender/race/climate.

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I assume these days that most high-ranking politicians were discovered at young ages and groomed for success by the Deep State. If one fizzled or became difficult suddenly his "meteoric" rise would stop and the offers would dry up.

For example, Obama. The son of a CIA honeypot and a Kenyan high-ranking official, who lived abroad much of his young life, and who had absolutely no accomplishments. But he went from high school pot head to transferring to Columbia, working at CIA fronts, Harvard law, state senator, u.s. senator---all without a single known accomplishment to earn those posts or to mark him out as anything beyond a timecard-puncher. He, to me, clearly seems to be a guy the Deep State started helping in college to move ahead because he fit a personality type helpful to them. Walz seems similar, but at a lesser level--- it took until after his drunk driving incident for him to sober up publicly and become Deep State front man material.

I've long wondered what all those Iowa tests were about back in school they made you take going back to 4th grade. I've come to suspect they are used by the Deep State to ID kids useful to them, so they can follow and groom people all the way up the ladder.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

OT: A bizarre puff piece with Nancy Pelosi in the New Yorker. She says she and her husband have never talked about the attack in their home, because his doctor doesn't want him to revisit it. It closes with this quote from her. “You take a punch, but you have to be willing to throw a punch. For the children.” These people are beyond satire.


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Aug 12Liked by Steve Sailer

". . . lots of normal young American men teach English in East Asia: they have Yellow Fever?"

Not just Americans, as anyone knows who follows John Derbyshire.

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Tim Walz was picked because, astroturf shock and awe campaign aside, Trump is probably going to be allowed to win this election, and the DNC needed to shit out a couple back benchers with no future to take the L

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

I'd agree with this were it not for the move-heaven-and-earth propaganda campaign the establishment has been rolling out starting immediately after Biden sent his resignation tweet. This feels like the propaganda equivalent to D-Day--a massive, massively expensive, extremely well planned, and tightly coordinated operation by the best and brightest. I don't think they'd be doing that if the game were in for Trump.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

The propaganda really is awe inspiring. I assume that even now, there are things preventing the propagandists from using their full power. If they can marshall this much raw power in what's nominally a democracy in service of a loser like Kamala, imagine the fanaticism they could inspire in the populace in a total war scenario.

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Aug 12Liked by Steve Sailer

There you go again, Steve, offering the most likely, non-crazy explanation.

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I bet he was in on one of those scams that get Chinese kids student visas for money.

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Aug 12Liked by Steve Sailer

It is still really weird he intentionally chose the day of the Tiananmen Square massacre for their wedding anniversary. Combined with his wife's comments about wanting to smell tires burning during the Minneapolis riots, you can't argue these are normal, well adjusted people just wanting to give high school students a vacation in another country. That doesn't make him a Manchurian Candidate in the traditional sense, but I could easily see him getting manipulated by the ChiComs, because he thinks he is an expert on them.

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We’ve had a problem in Canada with CPP influence due to the large number of Chinese immigrants. Someone like Walz is likely easily influenced.

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You may be right, but here’s the counterpoint: https://open.substack.com/pub/peachykeenan/p/beijing-tim?r=7gppg&utm_medium=ios

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She’s good!

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I don't know if he's so innocent. He gives me the creeps for some reason.

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"What the hell do you think spies are? Moral philosophers measuring everything they do against the word of God or Karl Marx? They're not. They're just a bunch of seedy, squalid bastards like me: little men, drunkards, queers, hen-pecked husbands, civil servants playing cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten little lives."

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His Saturday Night Fever pose and namastes at their joint rally were odd, but other VP choices have looked giddy or over the top at their first outing, too. Quayle for one.

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He could be a completely normal guy. I'm not sure. I just get a strange feel from him like his image is just too perfect and there is something big hiding underneath.

His slick lies about his military service show he's not above playing the dishonest political game. I'm also suspicious that he spends so much time with other people's kids. Again, could be Jeffrey Epstein syndrome but it could also not. His press pack from 2006 when he first ran for congress mentioned Dennis Hastert - who is a notorious pedo - twice:


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You sound like a crackpot

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Steve Sailer

China is not a crazy place the US media portrays it as. There are tons of English teachers there. They go to discos, they drink beer, they teach English ("A". "Apple"). Unless they want to be activists, they live normally. I have visited there, no issues, because I'm not an activist, and most people aren't. You're safer in a China city at 2am than most western capitals. The effect Democracy has is greatly exaggerated. Does the government care about it's people is the question, e.g. UK. The China government wouldn't let riots destroy your neighborhood (e.g. BLM).

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Aug 12Liked by Steve Sailer

I have never been to China, since as a math teacher I could always get a job here, but many liberal arts teachers are advised to go to China to teach English, as they are enamored of native-English speakers. The cost of living is low and if you are not unattractive you could probably pull yourself a decent amount of yellow poon, if you are into that sort of thing. Personally I never found Asian girls of any stripe attractive, but I seem to be in the minority (no pun intended).

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It is s surveillance state. There has been a major tightening over the past 10 years.

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Ask a Uighur about that.

Or Cardinal Zen.

You communist apologist.

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It's easy to not have riots when your fascist dictators can and do just imprison and execute anybody they want for any reason they want. We wouldn't take your hellhole society in place of our own even if you also weren't poorer and suffered from worse pollution than us. At least we could leave our homes when we wanted! and did it with fewer covid deaths, with which our authorities couldn't just lie about how many people they died as the crematories ran at full capacity.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

We just had a worldwide pandemic leak from a lab in China and you don't think a guy with 25 trips to China and who lived in China is something notable and worth taking a second look at?

Even after you've noted that Obama had a striking number of Deep State connections in his life which coincided with a meteoric rise in the world despite no accomplishments?

Honestly, sometimes I think you're trolling us.

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I will say that Twitter is currently proving Scott Adams correct that they were two alternate versions of reality. The Republicans are acting like the Walz pick means doom for the Democrats, while the Democrats are acting like it's a home run.

To me it's the Republicans who are sounding unhinged as Walz is a perfectly reasonable midwest Democratic governor. None of the spaghetti that is being thrown against him is sticking to the wall. All the talk of stolen valor is falling flat. Having said that, I don't think anyone will vote for the Democratic ticket because of Walz, but at least he isn't repelling voters like JD Vance is. It isn't an overstatement to say that Trump botched this pick, but since they thought they were running against Joe Biden it didn't much matter. The last-minute switch really seems to have thrown Trump for a loop.

If this October Surprise works for the Democrats, it's going to call into question the entire primary process. Maybe the smoke-filled rooms were the best way after all.

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deletedAug 13
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Aug 13Liked by Steve Sailer

Unless you were planning to vote for the Democratic ticket or were undecided, your opinion literally does not count. Any complaints coming from the right are merely concern trolling and should be disregarded as such.

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> To me it's the Republicans who are sounding unhinged as Walz is a perfectly reasonable midwest Democratic governor.

*Mostly* perfectly reasonable.

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What's with all these accounts with no history suddenly popping up to tell us how well Harris is doing?

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Aug 13Liked by Steve Sailer

I promise you I have more posts here than you do. In addition, I have been posting under this handle at Steve's other blog since he went over there 10 years ago. Stop deflecting; you're embarrassing yourself.

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"Brilliant plot playing out over 35 years" is a straw man.

He was a useful low-level agent of influence just as a teacher. It was enough that he'd be spreading pro-China views in that capacity. The fact that he got into politics and climbed the greasy pole to the VP nomination was just good luck.

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