If Biden really were a puppet of secret higher powers, you might think that the shotcallers would have had a contingency plan for how to replace him in case the stubborn old egomaniac becomes so senile that even the public notices.
As it turned out, the elites don’t seem to have had any plans. The Best and the Brightest are currently stumped by the fact that Dr. Jill and Hunter, while they despise each other, are in agreement that they, personally, would benefit from Joe being President until 2029. And Dr. Jill’s gay Mexican staffer agrees with them. So, the Deep State frets, whaddaya whaddaya?
What should the Democratic Establishment have been doing for the last few years to prepare for the possibility that Joe would not be in shape for re-election?
If you dominate media and academia the way that Democrats do, you have a lot of options. But the Democrats completely failed to exercise them.
For example, key Democrats could have pushed the press into playing up the reputation of one President who was enormously successful in his one term, but who then, having worn himself out in service to his nation accomplishing his four goals, chose not to run for re-election: James K. Polk.
During the 1844 campaign, Polk, a Jacksonian Democrat, promised to serve only one term as President. In office, he worked extremely hard for four years, achieving his four goals: something or other involving the Treasury (my view is that 19th Century American economic policy disputes are too arcane and archaic to worry about), tariff reduction, and the two big ones: the Pacific Time Zone.
While not wanting war with the mighty British Empire, Polk played hardball with Westminster and came away with Oregon and Washington, while ceding British Columbia, including Vancouver Island south of the 49th Parallel, which allowed Britain to have a secure Pacific port as a terminus for a transcontinental Canadian railway.
In contrast, Polk fought Mexico over the borders of newly annexed Texas and came away with what almost immediately turned out, when gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, to be a great prize of the 19th Century and the supreme prize of the 20th Century: California.
Worn out after acquiring the West for America, Polk obeyed his promise and retired after one term. On a triumphal post-Presidential tour, he caught cholera and was dead with a few months of leaving office.
Granted, it would be hard to pitch Biden’s first term as comparable to Polk’s one term, but Democratic elites wouldn’t have had to have the media convince the median voter of that, they’d just have to have convinced the narcissistic Joe Biden of that.
But they didn’t try.
While Joe, a pre-Baby Boom Democrat, might have been amenable to a media campaign to remind him that Democrat James K. Polk retired after only one term, the media itself is too woke to bring up Polk as a good example. After all, he was not a slaveowner, he was in the current terminology an “enslaver,” as if Polk had personally wandered around Africa slapping chains upon Kunta Kinte.
As for Polk’s role in preventing Alta California from being as well-ruled at present as Baja California, well, you’d have to be a real Nazi to be glad that San Diego is not Tijuana Norte.
Again: "Deep State", or better "Permanent Bureaucracy" means undemocratic and omnipotent, not competent.
If there is one thing I learned from this election cycle, it is that their is absolutely no grand plan and the elites (whoever they are) are inept.