Very good observation. Thank you

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Trying to push JD Vance as “weird”, then having him go on all of the “regular guy” podcasts and sound like a “regular guy” seems like it was a huge self own for the Harris campaign. I really hope so at least. People like Tim Dillon and Theo Vonn also have a sizable female audience as well. My GF and her friends introduced me to Tim actually. This is what most of my buddies and I, regular 28-35YO 9-5ers listen to at work, in the car, etc.

Also very funny that people act like Tony Hinchcliffe is some random racist far right comic coming out of nowhere. Just a weekend or two ago he was a guest picker of the Texas Georgia game on ESPNs College Gameday in Austin. Disney didn’t seem to take issue with him making a couple gay jokes lol.

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To be fair, the "weird" tag is a pretty good negative verbal tag generally. Weird is a vague tag, vague enough that everyone has their own definition, but its definitely something people---especially unmarried women ---find icky if he/she believes you are weird. And no one can prove they aren't "weird" because everyone has individual peccadillos, habits, likes, and activities that are weird to others.

If you are even slightly inclined to dislike someone, then every thing they do that is just slightly noticeable is "weird." Women don't like "weird" guys, so tagging a guy as "weird" makes it a turn off to women and they want to avoid. And its really hard to define what "weird" is, but once someone is trapped in a "weird" label everything they do to try to break out of it comes off as try hard, awkward, and more weird---everything reinforces the label once stuck.

In contrast, if a girl likes a person, then his weirdness is either laughed off as mildly harmless or framed in her mind as "rebellious" and "individualistic", but if she dislikes him its "weird." In an election where the female v. male turnout matters, Kamabla's attempt to paint him as weird was a good strategy, especially as Vance seems to be a spazzy gamma at heart. However, Vance hasn't spazzed out in public, hasn't tried to claim to directly contradict the claim/acknowledge it, has come to dominate/control hostile interviews/debates and come across as regular guy in friendly ones. So the "weird" label has largely failed, but largely due to Vance's reaction, not the label itself.

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"Weird" just means weak social outcast. People who stand up for themselves do not get called weird. Other things, yes, but not weird. So that's how to get out of a weird label: put up a fight like a man.

Because Vance has done this the weird slur fell flat.

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They were projecting it on to Vance while trying to make Walz seem like a normal everyday blue collar man. For what it is worth I have heard Minnesota residents say this act Walz is putting on now is not something he has done in previous campaigns, making his behavior all the more bizarre.

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I suspect the possible elevation went to his head, plus he wants to appear younger than he looks and livelier than Biden.

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One of the other really bizarre things they tasked Walz with doing was calling Elon Musk a dipsh!t. Walz went to Chadron State, which has long been known as the worst college in Nebraska. Looking online I see Chadron is reporting a 100% acceptance rate. Attendees fall into 3 categories:

1. DII Athletes who got recruited to play there.

2. Not terribly ambitious kids who grew up in Western Nebraska but still want a degree.

3. Kids from Nebraska who couldn't get into Nebraska-Lincoln.

Walz would have to fall into the third group. All the "real man" nonsense they have tried with Walz has been puzzling, but this takes the cake. Even uneducated, blue collar people are going to understand the guy building electric cars and launching rockets into space is without question smarter than the former Social Studies teacher running for VP.

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Wikipedia says he went to mildly selective Univ. of Houston right out of high school, but it doesn't say for how long or why he left. Then he worked in a factory in Arkansas before going to Chadron. He's been in the National Guard of 4 states.

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Wow, I can't believe your GF introduced you to a homosexual podcaster! Fascinating anecdote, thanks Thwap.

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When I heard Joe use “autogynephilia” my first thought was that he must be a secret Sailer reader, since you are the only non-psychiatrist I’ve read who uses the term.

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Nah, it’s reached escape velocity. People like Matt Walsh will talk about it.

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I thought it wasn't even really a secret. But I might've dreamed that.

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Mr. Sailer, what is your opinion/explanation for the trend?

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I dunno.


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Porn is always the answer, or, at least, an answer

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The real Narrative here (or the mega-Narrative) is how Civil Rights or the Hero's Journey From Victim to Liberation aka Social Justice became the sacred religion substitute for secular liberals.

Social Justice/Civil Rights, like all great faiths, has a priesthood/doctrinal wing, a proselytizing/missionary wing, a political wing and a fundraising/business wing (among many others, and with all overlapping). The root of Transmania is the unexpectedly quick victory of the gay marriage battle, which left the new faith without a sacred crusade to rally around—of course declaring Mission Accomplished and heading home was never an option, for political and financial reasons of course, but also because the modern Left's Permanent Revolution is like a shark that dies unless it keeps moving. There had to be some other oppressive load-bearing wall that needed to be sledgehammered and what they hit upon was the mammalian sex binary and the pain it causes certain sad creatures who believe that nature has played a cruel joke upon them and dropped them in a wrongly sexed body.

That all of it is based on pseudoscience and a Praetorian Guard of lies—still to this day no one can give a straight definition of "Gender"—has only made the movement that much stronger and more successful. People will rarely throw themselves and their kids into the volcano over facts and reality, but once they've absorbed a sacred myth, they'll gladly jump in with the whole family rather than relinquish it.

But no one's gonna admit to themselves that they mutilated their own or someone else's child just so men who like to jerk off in a bra and panties are allowed to wander freely in ladies' changing rooms. The enormous psychic and emotional energy that Social Justice believers place on their sacred Victims will need to gradually flow elsewhere—right now there's migrants and Palestinians, but it'll have to be somewhere closer to home.

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The homo crusade moved to homosexual marriage (which no homos in the past had an interest in) to transvestites as you say because they need a cause. But there's more to the story. They got the power to set the agenda like that, because they were brought in as support on all levels in Hollywood. 10% of Jewish men, an absurdly high number, had already declared themselves homosexual. And since that many can't have the birth defect that causes actual homosexuality it was obviously an ideological thing to roll in the mud at homosexual parties, sticking it to conservative White society. They brought in their homosexual friends to Hollywood. I remember reading a Hollywood technician mentioning the increasing number of homosexuals and how so many of them were Jews, brought in by other Jews. But then there were other homosexuals too, of course.

Once in Hollywood they were looking for attention, and so not only homosexual couples but homosexual marriage started showing up everywhere in the TV shows. As someone said, their homosexuality is their "child" and it's only real if it's in everyone's faces.

Joe Biden said that homo marriage wasn't invented by the party, it was forced on them by "the grassroots." Since the grassroots never decide anything that's obvious B.S. - it was forced on them by Hollywood, which influenced the grassroots and the party at the same time.

Remember Friends. The first season and much of the second followed an explicit script for propaganda in fiction: Have the everyman who is the stand-in for the audience, reluctantly accepting something as the story goes on. His friends and family are supportive of his acceptance, and he is also "thrown a bone" to show that you can surrender and still have your dignity intact. In the case of Ross he gets to choose his newborn son's name. (The son who will be raised by his ex-wife and the woman she cheated on Ross with. But hey, he gets to pick the name! And the word "cheated" is curiously never mentioned, in a single episode, in regard to Susan.)

(And yes, it is a written strategy. The same has been taught by Hollywood consultants to TV producers in India, when it comes to contraception. For example: The father is upset that his daughter is dating and having sex. Over the course of the season he learns to accept this, with the help of his firm but caring wife, and his cheerful friend. But he gets to have his way too: His daughter has to agree to finish her studies. That's the "bone" thrown. That's one TV show.)

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"The [Pew] survey finds that 4% of U.S. Jews identify as gay or lesbian, and an additional 5% say they are bisexual. About nine-in-ten U.S. Jews (88%) say they are straight. Compared with Jews by religion, somewhat fewer Jews of no religion say they think of themselves as straight (81% vs. 91%). Instead, Jews of no religion are more likely than Jews by religion to say they are bisexual (10% vs. 3%)."


Wikipedia: "Surveys in Western cultures find, on average, that about 93% of men and 87% of women identify as completely heterosexual, 4% of men and 10% of women as mostly heterosexual, 0.5% of men and 1% of women as evenly bisexual, 0.5% of men and 0.5% of women as mostly homosexual, and 2% of men and 0.5% of women as completely homosexual.[1]" ("[1] is Bailey, J. Michael; Vasey, Paul; Diamond, Lisa; Breedlove, S. Marc; Vilain, Eric; Epprecht, Marc (2016). "Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science". Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 17 (2): 45–101.)

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Nov 1Edited

That doesn't specify men or women, though. Was all of that in order to say "ACKSHUALLY, it's not exactly ten percent and many non-Jews say they are homosexual too"? You will notice that I described a situation many years back, recalling an article from long ago, which makes those stats meaningless. And regarding how many Gentiles say they are homosexuals today, that doesn't reflect our natural state since people are now following the massive, constant propaganda. The normal would be for about 1% of men to be homosexual, caused by a hormonal aberration right before birth. That today's state of higher homosexuality is created by propaganda is seen in that almost all the increase is among leftists.

You didn't get riled up because I criticized hallowed Jews, did you? You did? How amusing.

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My, you are paranoid. I looked up some numbers to check the reasonability of your assertion that "10% of Jewish men, an absurdly high number, had already[when?] declared themselves homosexual. And since I had bothered to look them up I reproduced them here. My tentative conclusion is that Jewish men do in fact appear to have somewhat higher rates of self-reported homosexuality than gentiles, and, yes, it is in the vicinity of 10%, which was to me surprisingly high. But I didn't reach any conclusion on your hypothesis and therefor didn't express any.

But, no, I "didn't get riled up because [you] criticized hallowed Jews". There are a whole lot of Jews I have a low opinion of, particularly any Lefty types such as those likely to favor homo "marriage", so criticizing them doesn't get my panties in a bunch.

How amusing that you had this little conversation with yourself that presumed that I felt otherwise because of my seat on the Council of the Elders of Zion.

You are a loon.

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further down in the same Pew article:

"The percentage of Jewish adults who identify as straight (88%) is similar to the share of the overall U.S. public that identifies that way (89%). And the share of Jewish adults under 30 who describe themselves as straight is on par with the share of U.S. adults under the age of 30 who say the same (78%)."

Also in response to the loon's assertion about propaganda, I don't know if I am especially strong-willed, but there is no propaganda that could get me to suck a dick.

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Thanks. I didn't read that far down the page. I simply didn't take Tell's Evil Jewish Supermen Adopting Homosexuality to Destroy the White Race hypothesis seriously enough to even think about.

22% of US adults under 30 are not exclusively straight? Wow. Who knew?

I would have just Liked your post, but that button doesn't work for me, presumably because I'm not a paid subscriber.

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"The real Narrative here (or the mega-Narrative) is how Civil Rights or the Hero's Journey From Victim to Liberation aka Social Justice became the sacred religion substitute for secular liberals."

What's wanted, then, is a 'sacred religion substitute' for secular conservatives:

In A Part-time Job in the Country, Luke Lea has penned a populist manifesto in behalf of the tens of millions of ordinary working- and middle-class men and women in this country for whom happiness would be an abundance of well-paying part-time employment opportunities in rural areas where land is inexpensive and families would have time to build their own houses, have gardens, properly care for their children and grandchildren, and pursue hobbies and other outside interests.

To turn this dream into a living reality, he proposes the idea of factories in the countryside that run on part-time jobs, looking not only at the new lifestyle such factories would make possible, but at the new kinds of local neighborhood communities and country towns that might develop around them. The result is an American Eutopia for the 21st century.*

Crucially, the author devotes a whole chapter to spelling out just why, with the right kind of wage bargain between labor and management, such factories—above all those that are most labor intensive—can be expected to run considerably faster and more efficiently than convent-ional factories, generating both higher hourly wages and higher rates of return on investment at one and the same time.

Even so, Lea acknowledges that we are unlikely to see many factories of this new kind anytime soon unless Congress enactsxs new pro-tective trade legislation that will cause American manufacturers to begin locating their most labor-intensive facilities in the US once again if they plan to stay in business.

To this end he advocates the founding of a revolutionary new type of national membership organization that can effectively serve the interests of every dues-paying American hoping to live this new way, a major goal of which will be to compel Congress to enact the necessary legislation to make it all possible.

This pragmatic, shrewdly realistic guidebook is meant to appeal to a new generation of social activists from across the US who would like nothing better than to launch such a democratic mass movement for change.

"[Luke Lea] is an excellent amateur economist."

Milton Friedman

*Eutopia (<Greek eu = good + topos = place, hence “a good place”) differs for Utopia (“no place”) in being a possible as opposed to an impossible ideal, given the existing state of a society’s political, economic, and technological development.

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Tommy Lee Jones as Trump, Glen Powell as JD Vance…I can see it.

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LBJ took the oath on the ground in Dallas.

Why did Vance first think Trump might be dead? Did he see it live?

Odd how much time they spent on the trans issue.

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Nov 1Edited

Indeed. Those who have studied transvestites have seen that there are two distinct types: Those who are turned on by the thought of themselves as women, and those who are turned on by the thought of men thinking they are attractive, after seeing attractive women get so much attention from men.

The former masturbate when looking at themselves in the mirror. But of course you won't see anyone saying that today. I remember seeing it twice on TV: A filmatization of a German play, where the man who walks in on his friend is disgusted by him pressing himself against the mirror, and the killer in Silence of the Lambs. Predictably today's leftists have condemned Silence of the Lambs. How dare they show a transvestite committing crimes!

Nowadays, of course, homosexuals and even heterosexual leftists become transvestites to get attention in the most media-favored group. On websites with prostitute listings in various countries the section for male prostitutes is now empty or almost empty, with all of them turning into transvestites . And apparently homosexual women who act feminine in a relationship can no longer find a girlfriend who act masculine in a relationship - those have all declared themselves to be men.

So enjoy the massively increased risk of suicides, and the massively increased drug use and alcohol abuse, as well as the increase in violent behavior and the taking part in left-wing extremist terrorism against immigration critics and other conservatives. The transvestites have to lash out when they didn't magically turn into the other sex.

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Beau Bridges guest-starred as a transsexual retired detective on a 2009 episode of "The Closer." They played it entirely for laughs, but he was obviously an autogynephile. I doubt if they had the nerve to do a similar show now that he would come off as an asshole like the Zoe Turd who threatened Ben Shapiro. I had forgotten girly boy "The Crying Game" came out way back in 1992. He was the type of tranny that appeared on "NYPD Blue" as hookers.

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At his age, Bridges must have needed a pay check.

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Vance would have been safe at a Reds game. The attendance usually gets pretty sparse by July as the Big Red Machine disintegrates into the little pink ponies.

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I would hate to give him an inflated idea of his importance but Joe may have swayed this election. Trump and Vance face to face for three hours each gives anyone undecided no reason to believe what the other side says.

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It's pretty striking. Trump and Vance can sit down and talk, BS, hang with Joe Rogan for a couple of hours, like actual, authentic human beings with a rich internal dialogue. Contrived politicians like Karamel and Walz can't. They're just too awkward and hollow and don't really like and aren't interested in people. Compare an old school Democrat like Tip O'Neill enthusiastically working the room, dispensing his threats and favors. Eggheads like Patrick Moynihan and Ed Koch also relished yakking away. They had a lot of opinions and experiences and loved to hear themselves talk.

Harris and Walz just don't have enough mental substance to generate opinions and narratives and ramble on about them. No way Harris would ever be able to prepare and present a felony case for trial. Walz's real job has been lesson plans and football drills. They shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.

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Just trying to imagine Kangala on camera talking to Joe Rogan, or anyone, for three hours. The mind reels at the prospect.

If they'd tried, that would have ended the campaign right there.

A few stories:



August, 2024: Democrats send out emails to "influencers" offering them money to make positive videos about Kamala.


Democrats sent by Kamala Harris' advisors to praise her a few years back actually confided to the New York Times that they'd "lost hope in her." (Hmm, how odd that the NYT link about this has disappeared.)



As early as April 2022, 11 of Kamala's staff had quit, the eleventh being her deputy chief of staff, Michael Fuchs. He advised her on both domestic and international issues, helped manage her staff and accompanied her on foreign trips. He had worked for Bill Clinton and Obama.

The staffers quit after constant conflicts in the office.

Kamala reportedly sent out her chief of staff to scold Biden's staffers for not standing up when she entered the room, the way they do for the president. And some in her office complained about Biden's "all-White inner circle."

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I found this in an article about Kamala’s mother, with whom she was close:

>”Dr. Gopalan Harris was a demanding and, at times, abrasive boss, foreshadowing reports about her older daughter’s management difficulties. She yelled at postdoctoral researchers. Undergraduates blanched when they heard her upbraiding colleagues or slamming things out of frustration.”


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Yeah, I watched a significant portion of both Trump and Vance with Rogan. To me, they both presented as someone I could meet in any social setting and have a fun conversation with. Trump is a natural storyteller; he's been a media figure for 40ish years. I became aware of him in the '80's. Remember the cameo he had in Home Alone 2, Lost in New York? I also caught part of his Green Bay rally; if you have not seen it yet, call it up on your favorite streaming video channel; Trump is absolutely hilarious as he recounts the details of how they developed the garbage truck photo op; I couldn't stop laughing.

Having said that, my sense is that whoever wins the election is going to face a significant financial crisis. Our debt level is at the same debt to GDP level as it was at the end of WWII. Only now we are not the last man standing after all the other major industrial powers were partially or fully wrecked. Our industrial base has been mostly off-shored, and there are only so many financial gimmicks we can create (QE, monetizing the debt, etc.) to alleviate the huge debt balloon problem.

If the election is very close (within the margin of fraud), that will further erode confidence in our system on both sides; add that to the financial situation, and the next administration has tremendous challenges. Apologize for the dip into blackpill, but there it is.

If anything, this presidential race has been the most interesting in my lifetime by far, though that does not assuage my concern about the future for my kids (and potential grandkids) any less.

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I watched the garbage truck speech, I was laughing out loud at least twice. Even though I had already read that this will make you laugh, which takes away the surprise. It was really funny. Not just the words, the delivery.

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Yes, you are right about the debt, the issue no one wants to admit.

They didn't want to admit it in Greece either. Let me recount this warning example, to see how far things can go.

The Left in Greece won elections by dishing out money; getting fired meant you scored the jackpot. Stores sold goods without using the cash register, so they could charge less and didn't have to pay taxes. People retired early, some even retired at the age of fifty. The Right had to keep the policies in order not to lose elections. They kept borrowing money from German banks so they could be rich, rich like Germans! Despite barely producing anything.

That kind of cushy economy, minus the store cheating, had also existed in Germany circa 2000, and in France, and in Britain up to the 1980s when the economy was in dire straits because of it and Margaret Thatcher therefore won three elections by wide margins, restructuring the economy. Likewise the welfare system in Sweden was restructures in the mid-90s to place demands on recipients - the unspoken reason being that it no longer worked with mass immigration bringing in even more welfare seekers. And in the other Scandinavian countries as well. Just that the social democrats either did this, or quietly agreed with right-wing governments, but then didn't explain it to the voters, and kept the same rhetoric as before.

Back to Greece:

They didn't have the inflation-resistant dollar, but they had Goldman Sachs, which they hired to help hide the debt as they applied to join the euro zone. So they'd be within the debt margin.

Finally they couldn't repay the interest anymore. And what did they do? Of course blame the Germans. How dare the banks want interest payments!

Angela Merkel then talked to the banks and they wrote off, I think it was 100 billion euro, right off the bat. That means bank losses, meaning higher interest rates for Germans and others to pay. Then Greece got free money, just like Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. (And just like Eastern Europe gets every single year, from my tax money.) Greece did nothing to improve their economy. They needed more money. Then Angela Merkel said: Okay, we'll take even more from the German taxpayers and give it to you, if you make some basic changes first, like everyone else.

Greek media then called the Germans "nazis" who want to "reoccupy Greece." With leftist protests. With the newly formed Marxist Syriza party winning the special election. An ugly name for a party, simply formed by the first letters of the names of the founders. So they'd vote themselves rich once again. Except curiously that didn't work.

When demanding that Greece actually shape up and get an adult economy, that was a rare moment when everyone in the EU was united. Northern, southern and eastern Europe. The North is constantly paying for the other countries, every year, and had already paid so much relief money. The southerners had restructured their economies, so why couldn't Greece do the same? And in East Europe there were actually countries that were POORER than Greece, such as Hungary. With the difference that it's way easier to be poor in Greece, with the warm weather and excellent coastline. "If you're poor in Greece, you're still living in Greece."

Finally Greece had to shape up. If you don't have the money, you don't have the money. While the Left talks about "betrayal" and so on, I doubt their politicians would change things to what they were in the past if they could. But they keep the get-rich-quick rhetoric, without ever saying that "we were wrong in having a borrow-and-spend economy."

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Kamala is particularly poor at speaking. Walz is pedestrian.

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Meanwhile, here's your president actually biting a baby. In case you were wondering what he was up to today.


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We all grew up in the same place, America, and in some cases the same city or town. But some of us live like they grew up on an island with no natural predators. How one diverges in that direction is beyond me.

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Autogynephilia researcher Ray Blanchard PhD on Twitter last night. Good thread.


In response to Rogan and Vance discussing AGP, Blanchard tweets, "How wrong I was."

Followed by this excerpt from the Forward to a book he wrote in 2013:

“My early writings on autogynephilia were published in specialty journals with limited circulations. They were intended for a small readership of clinicians who specialized in the assessment and management of gender dysphoric patients. The general availability of the Internet in the home and workplace was still several years away, and access to print journals for people unconnected to major universities was difficult. I therefore had no expectation that the readership of my autogynephilia papers would ever extend beyond the small group I had originally envisioned.”

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I think there is still a ton of deliberate ignorance about this phenomenon, even from people that should know better. I know a couple (divorced) whose college age son is transitioning through hormones and feminization surgery, and the mom is all over her Instagram crowing about her "daughter." The perplexed dad asked his son if he's gay or what and the kid is says he is bisexual but has a girlfriend (and had a couple in HS as well). I think it's kinda obvious what's happening here but mom says he's just being his 'true self' and basically cut herself off from anyone who has expressed discomfort about what is going on and concern that it might not be the best thing for her son. It's pretty stomach churning as I've known all of them since the son was just a few years old.

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I knew a high schooler who started transitioning his junior year. Big tall kid and classical pianist. It was pretty bizarre to watch this 6 ft 2 in strapping young man start wearing dresses and literal goddam pearls. The parents just dropped out of sight.

A friend's daughter decided to have her breasts chopped off and grow a beard. The parents are absolutely wrecked.

The vibe from transgenders is just completely off. It's something that makes me still believe in demon possession.

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It’s really disturbing to see in person. My friend’s son is naturally light boned and maybe 5’8” so not as grotesque as the 6’2” and 220 lb wildebeest at my local Whole Foods who is the least convincing woman ever. However, in his younger years he demonstrated a bit of detachment from normal people or other kids that was strange although I felt like he was pretty normal as a high schooler. He is very high IQ but apparently was very unhappy and claimed to have suicidal thoughts in high school. Both parents are very intelligent as well but the mom is 100% prone to fads, previously exhibited in diet and exercise trends, but she went all in on the trans thing and hid it from the father who is most definitely not on board.

At the end of the day these are largely kids who are somewhat autistic, gay, or genuinely have out of the ordinary teen emotional distress (or all three) and have fallen into the clutches of a contagion spread by perverted queer activists, unscrupulous clinicians, and adopted by parents who are either highly impressionable or mentally disturbed themselves. If I were emperor there would be extremely draconian penalties for anyone who enabled this atrocity.

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That is weird to have as your first instinct to protect your family. I am sure that does strike Jimmie as weird, he looks like a guy well versed in weirdness.

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