Jun 29Liked by Steve Sailer

It would be more entertaining if he were in on the joke

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Jun 29Liked by Steve Sailer

To succeed in life you need two things: Ignorance and confidence.

- Mark Twain

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Biden's 2013 comment about Jewish "immense influence" ("and that's a good thing") is interesting in light of the heavily Jewish character of his cabinet and executive-branch inner-circle, after he took power in 2021.

Apparently there are -far- more Jews than White-Protestants involved in the Biden administration at senior levels. Certainly this is so if counting the top few-dozen slots, maybe even in the top few-hundred people (I once started to try a comprehensive count; I gave up on the project after a few dozen entries across all the departments and executive branch, but the huge ratio of Jews to White-Protestants was evident).

Whose choice was that? Biden's? Or that of his "handlers"? He/they really felt no shame at how it might look? Biden also saw fit to appoint, to the U.S.-ambassador posts in Japan and South Korea, two Jews. This at a time of high tension in East Asia; Biden, or whoever made those calls, is showing some combination of high preference for Jews or high confidence in Jews (or political spoils that favor Jews, in the case of Rahm Emanuel who, for some reason, was given the Japan post).

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Last I looked, Team Biden insiders tend to be about equal numbers of ethnic Catholics and ethnic Jews, with fewer white Protestants. That may seem strange in big parts of the country like the South, Midwest, and Rockies, but is pretty normal for the urban Atlantic seaboard or Chicago. The Democrats are the party of High Density America, where Catholics and Jews are more common than in Low Density America.

Trump similarly has a lot of Jews and Catholics in his inner circle.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

You should call it Highly Dense America so we can enjoy the ambiguity.

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I didn’t know that Catholicism was an ethnicity. I suppose it does run in families

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Prince Philip was funny. Biden is just a dope. It’s an example of how out of touch the bien pensants are that they were sure Biden would be loved by the blue collar guys who in fact, despise him.

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Personally, he’s never been right in the head .

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He also repeatedly slandered the driver of the tractor in the accident that killed his wife was drunk at the wheel, even though she was the one who ran a stop sign into the wrong lane:


Imagine how awful and selfish you have to be to lie like that about your own personal tragedy and an innocent man, after he's dead and can no longer sue you for slander, solely to garner voter sympathy. Him and Trump deserve eachother.

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Histrionic mad man .. liar 🤥

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You left out Biden's description of Obama from January 2007. Believe it or not, Biden meant it as a compliment, and Obama forgave him to the point of making him his running mate, no matter what his behind-the-scenes feelings were.

> I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man.

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Obama didn't pick Biden because he liked him. He picked him because he thought he was too old to be a viable candidate in '16, and would therefore be subordinate to him:


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LOL so he ended up the candidate in 20 and 24 🤣

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I know he was famous for being kind of an asshole, but Thomas Edison led a life of achievement, damnit! He was one-thousand times the American Abu Hunter was on his best day. As was Lewis Latimer, who didn't secretly invent the lightbulb, but was nonetheless an excellent inventor and draftsman who came up with an improved filent manufacturing process for incandescents, and he deserves better than to be dragged through a lie so a decrepit, senile mediocrity can play race politics.

If only both candidates had the decency to die of Covid back in 2020. What a travesty of an election this is.

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I like Joe Biden, as much as I like the unemployable fellow who hangs out at my local donut shop and tells outlandish stories about his life, but I’d never vote for either one

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IIRC, Joe did not let Hillary, it was the DNC that blocked him because Clinton Foundation saved the Dems from bankruptcy back than.

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