It seems like the kidnappee was lucky to have moderately intelligent assailants. This could have gone so much worse for him at the hands of people I will not name

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The data suggests that Jews have been preferentially persecuted over the Centuries, by multiple powerful non-Jewish peoples. (Exercise in understatement)

The plain fact of their survival to this day is testament to God’s promise to bless them.

Reading the Old Testament one is struck by both the Jew’s perfidy and faith in God ( Reading Nehemiah at the present).

God remains the absolute Hero in this story over the Centuries, with obvious Honorable Mentions to his Holy Ones.

Trinity Vi, AD 2024.

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Acme Products? He got what he deserved!

--Wiley C.

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Sounds like a book right up my alley. Data is documented from the very beginning of time regarding Jew hatred and persecution. It goes all the way back to Egypt, and now the filth of 1933 Germany is alive and well in the USA.

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Was to be expected … Thanks, Steve. These people are such lying SOBs, aren’t they.

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The conservative David Horowitz started on the left. He changed after a friend was murdered by — he strongly suspects — Black Panthers. The victim had been working as a bookkeeper for the Panthers and discovered numerous irregularities in the books. He believes she was murdered for this. The case was never solved.

He now runs the conservative site Frontpage.

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> And then in the same edition of the New York Times, the novelist [Taffy Brodesser-Akner] writes a really long article about the true story behind her novel

A fascinating aspect of that article is Brodesser-Akner's guided tour of the birth of her firstborn, which she explicitly presents as a story of physical-then-emotional-and-psychological trauma, her gateway to a life where PTSD is never far from the limelight.

Relevant because this informs her perspective of Jack Teich's kidnapping. In her telling, when pressed, the seemingly resilient Teich agrees, more than halfheartedly.

This well-to-do intelligent and successful Ashkenazi lady of a certain age reminds me of another public intellectual with a similar profile, Abigail Shrier. Currently making the rounds to promote her new book <i>Bad Therapy</i>. (e.g. <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/is-therapy-bad-for-you-with-abigail-shrier/id1716338488?i=1000647662531">Coleman Hughes' hourlong podcast interview from March 2024</a>.)

As her title suggests, Shrier approaches PTSD with a very different perspective. Short version: 90% of the time, 90% of traumatized people can and should get back to living their lives, but mainstream therapists push their patients in the opposite direction, for reasons both ideological and self-serving.

It would be fun if Bari Weiss (to randomly pick a third writer) was to invite Brodesser-Akner and Shrier to climb into the ring and face off against each other. Weiss' debates (e.g. Red Scare girl vs Reactionary Feminist in LA last year) are reasonably productive exercises.

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