What is the "[=0/0]"?

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Although the Taki-Mag article of June 2013 did refer to the core of the matter, it did not include the word "Rotherham." There are no mentions of the word "Rotherham" by either you any blog-commenters, until the big story broke in late-August 2014.

The earliest use of the (related) phrase "grooming gangs" at the iSteve-blog was in June 2012, by Simon in London. Reposting here what he wrote at the time:



"[T]he Pakistani gangs preying on 15 year old white English underclass girls are routinely called paedophiles in the British media, whereas their attraction is clearly to exploitable post-pubescents who would be of marriageable age in traditional Pakistani culture. The Pakistanis clearly do not consider themselves pedophiles and show no sign of being attracted to pre-pubescents."

"It does make me angry, but primarily at the white ruling class who created this situation by destroying the white working class and importing alien and hostile cultures. The Pakistanis' behaviour remind me of the 'frog & the scorpion' tale – they are behaving 'naturally', according to their own lights – leaving aside possible murders reported by eg the BNP that have not made the mainstream media"

"I said upthread that Pakistani gang murders of white girls were not reported in the UK media – but this is in today's Daily Mail – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2155823/Social-workers-hid-fact-knew-teenage-mother-risk-sex-grooming-gangs-SIX-YEARS-brutally-murdered.html

(end quote from Simon in London, 2012)


That June 2012 'Daily Mail' article featured the core of the later "Rotherham" story (i.e., "grooming gang"; i.e., anti-White sexual exploitation story). As of the mid-late 2000s, I believe the BNP was making it a central issue but no one else wanted to touch it.

The June 2012 Daily Mail story reads in part:

"Laura Wilson, 17, from Rotherham had been groomed for sex [since age 13] by a string of British Pakistani men..." and was murdered in 2010.

So we have the sotry, somewhere out there, in 2012: anti-White immigrant sex-crimes, and we have Rotherham, England. But it would take more than two more years to get more attention to a known problem, before anyone was willing to pull the trigger on an allegation of a large-scale RACIAL problem.

The authority that finally publicized it was someone against sex-crimes within the Town of Rotherham government. It was only their official report that gave cover to media-outlets willing to cover a (basically) known problem.

The 2014 report said the Muslim rape-gangs targeting vulnerable White girls had been active already by the late 1990s in a systematic way in the Town of Rotherham. It can't have been a tightly guarded secret for too long once it began. I suppose that when the BNP near its height in the 2000s began pushing the matter, that mainstream opinion treated the BNP as either insane fabricators or near-fabricators (i.e., taking a small thing, a few isolated cases, and inflating them to enormous scale unfairly), racial-demagogues who wanted Muslims out of Britain. But it's funny who turned out being right and who wrong.

One question that remains: Why 2014? Why not earlier, in 2004? Or 2009? Or later, in 2019?

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Cops V. Teachers (last but one) mentions an Andrew Rotherham, not the town of Rotherham.

But good to see you have been keeping watch.

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The level of official delusion on the subject of Muslim immigration to various European countries is truly staggering. The only way to reverse it would be mass repatriation as well as significantly harsher criminal penalties, but just as in the US, the powers that be a) lack the guts and b) have enough institutional power to ignore what the people want.

The left in the West seems to think the passage of time inevitably results in a better society (ie, the arc of history is long but bends towards justice), but the chain of decisions made over the last 50 years means best case we will have highly fractured societies in which the historic peoples try to physically and culturally insulate themselves while upholding a system that gives the problematic arrivals significant political power. The only off-ramp is a serious and what would be viewed as barbaric/anti-liberal programme to alter the current demographic mix by expelling as many non-natives as possible. I doubt the will exists for this.

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Well said. We are, sadly, watching the destruction of Western culture before our eyes.

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Cultures that overlook rape when committed by clerics or kinfolk are breeding grounds for rapists and pimps.

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You do good work, Steve—there's no better "noticer" in the business, IMO. That's why you're my only paid Substack.

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This whole import-everybody-and-it-will-be-Wonderful Project is cultural suicide, IMHO.

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Sports Illustrated names Simone Biles its Sportsperson of the Year for 2024. This is a bit of a surprise as Time gave Caitlin Clark the same honor. Once upon a time they were sister publications so Time didn't give its own award but with the decimation of print media they are now under different ownership.

Clark definitely had the biggest impact on sports in 2024 but Biles had a better comeback story and has more Pokémon points, so Bob's your uncle.


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Everything old is new again. This is why they raised the age of consent in the first place. Ironically I saw a report that the local cops were told to lay off if the 13 year old were voluntarily whores...just the excuse made in the above linked expose.

This was about the first big investigative journalism in a magazine ever.

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Thanks - it's embarrassing that we have to air our dirty laundry in front of Americans to get anything done by our weak Establishment in Britain but thanks for taking our side, especially as you take little advantage from it. It's the greatest taboo in Britain at the moment, even moreso than Muslim terrorism.

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This was in 2004, I think the story was linked in one of Steve's Takimag pieces above:


"The explosive grooming story nearly didn't make the shortlist. Hall had already filmed several other stories through the children's department which she was unable to screen for legal reasons. "We weren't looking for this issue," she says. "It just kept surfacing. Social workers said, 'You can't do that story because it's too difficult.' What did they mean by 'too difficult'? Too racially sensitive?"

"The social workers she spoke to were appalled and frustrated, but also frightened of becoming targets of violence if they spoke out publicly, as were the mothers she spoke to. Hall decided to confront these difficulties and work with two mothers whose anonymity she promised to preserve.

"What emerges from these women's account, and from the testimony of two girls, one of them currently being groomed, is disturbing. Men from Bradford's Asian community, they claim, are targeting girls from 11 or 12 years up, taking them out in their cars, and giving them alcohol and gifts. The girls are flattered into believing that the men love them. Subsequently, they might be given heroin and crack cocaine and date-rape drugs, raped vaginally and anally, and in some cases, abducted and gang-raped.

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Thanks for doing what you do Steve.

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Okay, but what will you accomplish? The world is fucked and white former-colonizing or enslaving peoples are screwing over their own poor to assuage the guilt of their ancestors. Bravo. We've understood this for a century.

Do you want a better life? A happier, freer, world? Or just the frustration of "being right" about local tribal injustices and errors done to "your team" -- even while "your team" spurns you?

To what end?

I offer an end. A fix. I just need a mic.


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Here's a fired-up Douglas Murray repeating Steve's point about a major reason for the coverup:


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Canada, Germany and the UK are well on their way to becoming countries that suppress free speech much like Russia, Iran and China. We in the US must acknowledge this fact and realize that we can no longer be allies with countries that don’t share our love of freedom.

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I'm about say something horrible but we need to see reality.

I think maybe 15% of people in the US will utterly reject the truth of Rotherham because of Elon Musk. The combination of their personal hatred for him, deep brainwashing about "right-wing conspiracy theories", and their absolute certainty that racism is everything, everywhere ... it will not just be dismissed out of hand. The people will become MORE RECEPTIVE to enabling and excusing and ignoring violent gangs, terrorism, rape and jihad.

Who? My roommate. He gets offended by the Cockney term "Paki" far a corner store. I mentioned Rotherham a year ago and he looked it up at the Guardian and that proved I am racist. Mentioned it this week and "thats just Elon Musk spouting off".

To be as cynical as possible, I guess "Women don't lie about rape", doesn't apply here. Because they were children, see!

That's US. the UK and Europe are already lost.

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