Even though her wikipedia page still maintains that she was not overtly racist, lol
I would posit that PP dropped the name of their founder - a spiritual patricide - is a good illustration of how malicious wokeness and intersectionalism work. In a similar vein, Bulgakov wrote about how in early twenties the Soviet literary circles conside…
Even though her wikipedia page still maintains that she was not overtly racist, lol
I would posit that PP dropped the name of their founder - a spiritual patricide - is a good illustration of how malicious wokeness and intersectionalism work. In a similar vein, Bulgakov wrote about how in early twenties the Soviet literary circles considered dropping Pushkin. Once Stalin took over power, the idea of dropping Pushkin was unceremoniously dropped.
Even though her wikipedia page still maintains that she was not overtly racist, lol
I would posit that PP dropped the name of their founder - a spiritual patricide - is a good illustration of how malicious wokeness and intersectionalism work. In a similar vein, Bulgakov wrote about how in early twenties the Soviet literary circles considered dropping Pushkin. Once Stalin took over power, the idea of dropping Pushkin was unceremoniously dropped.