I venture to say that adopted kids end up bitter, ungrateful, and maladjusted, no matter how good the adoptive parents.

Look at Colin Kapernick, the black adopted athletic superstar of loving white parents, who rejected them and became a sullen America-hating negro who kneels for our national anthem, blaming race for all his problems. Ditto this little ungrateful whiny Chinese chick; she doesn't count her blessings, as she could have been sold into brothel work instead or else outright killed. (also: an East Asian chick claiming her asian hair was "unruly"? WTF. That's just plain lying. Straight Asian female is coveted precisely because it isn't unruly. It's the good hair!).

I also venture to say that female adoptees also end up headcases, more so than male adoptees. Men are born to be rejected by the vast number of people and have to earn friendship, social acceptance, and love, but women are born by nature to expect the vast number of people to like them for being female (especially men). The fact that mommy and daddy -- the people who are to love and accept her the most, especially Daddy -- reject a female child does numbers on an adopted female child's head to an extent males can't comprehend.

I knew a female adoptee raised by loving parents (married male-female couple) with good income, and she was an absolute mess of mental trauma. I blame it all on her adoption.

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I didn't know Steve was adopted.

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>also: an East Asian chick claiming her asian hair was "unruly"? WTF. That's just plain lying. Straight Asian female is coveted precisely because it isn't unruly. It's the good hair!

Indeed. Cindy Huijgen will spit at Whites for adopting her and giving her everything; how dare they want to adopt an Asian child! But she will never write about Blacks who buy wigs made from the hair of poor Asian women.

Just google "real human hair." Or search for that phrase in Pinterest, for example. You'll see how Blacks post openly about gluing the hair of other races to their scalp, and describing which race and country the hair is taken from.

That is ACTUAL "cultural appropration," or even racial appropriation, and though the Blacks are paying for it with the money they get in a White-built society the leftists would immediately call it exploitation and supremacism if Whites were the ones who bought the hair.

Stand up for Asians, Cindy Zhu Huijgen, by condemning the racial appropriation that occurs when Black women wear Asian hair glued to their heads. Do that or admit you're just writing anti-White stories for profit.

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Chris Rock made a whole documentary about this.

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Maybe she plagiarized that line from an op-ed written by a black woman.

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Steve Jobs wasn't the nicest guy in the world, but he had a fine relationship with his adoptive parents.

These days, though, it's harder to call up the adoption agency and get a Steve Jobs.

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It's funny how Steve Jobs felt no connection to his adopted sister, but felt an immediate kinship to his birth sister, the writer Mona Simpson. For those who don't pay attention, Jobs was given up for adoption by his birth parents but those same parents kept Mona, who is only 2½ years younger.

> R.G. Camara: I venture to say that adopted kids end up bitter, ungrateful, and maladjusted, no matter how good the adoptive parents.

I find your restraint regarding R.G.'s opener amusing 🤣

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Steve Jobs' biological sister is called Mona Simpson?

Did the brainiac writers of The Simpsons (much-praised by Steve Sailer over the years) know this fact, when they named Homer Simpson's long-lost mother "Mona Simpson" in the 1995 episode introducing the character ("Mother Simpson")?

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Are you kidding? Richard Appel, who wrote that episode, was married to Steve Jobs' biological sister. He decided to immortalize his then-wife by naming Homer's mother after her.

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Wiki says Richard Appel is Jewish. But Steve Jobs (and Mona Simpson) were of half-German and half-Syrian-elite origin --- zero family ties to the East European Jews and raised amid the cultural institutions of NW-European society. Mona is only "Simpson" because her mother remarried a man of full-White-Christian origin named Simpson when she was about age five.

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And Mona Simpson was well-known in literary circles for a short story on sexual abuse called "Lawns."

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My aunt and uncle were named Marge and Homer...much mirth ensued.

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I always felt sorry for Steve Jobs adoptive sister from a sibling rivalry standpoint: you're just an ordinary little girl, but your big brother is the World's Greatest Salesman, so anytime he and you have a conflict over what your parents should choose, he wins.

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Mona Simpson's eulogy for her brother Steve Jobs is one of the most famous of the last generation, ranking up there with Princess Di's brother's eulogy for her.

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My half brother (born in 1953 due to an affair of my father) found me and my sister on 23andme. While he was excited that we could tell him all about his father also said he’d had a great upbringing—no complaints at all. Of course we’re all white.

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Was the ethnic-ancestral origin of the mother the same as your mother's? That data would come up with high accuracy on 23andMe, even if the individual might not be able to be identified.

To make the question generalizable: All else equal, do men tend to "cheat" with women of similar origins to their own wives? Or the opposite, towards the exotic?

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a few years ago I connected with a cousin on 23AndMe who was the result of an affair my father's first cousin had with his secretary. She is extremely interested in learning about her biological grandpa; I wish I could help more. They're small town gentiles who never knew they were crypto-jews. Her brother became a software engineer and hilariously (i'm sure the Sailer comments section will make hay) an actual dedicated communist. oops

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Were they real crypto-Jews as in Spain and Latin America, ie 100% Hebrew but outwardly catholic? Crypto-Jews are people who are in reality halachically Jewish. If they just had a Jewish father, or even a Jewish grandfather then they weren't halachically Jewish at all...

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yeah, it's a joke. The kids were a quarter Jew from their paternal grandfather so not official automatic Jews. I just thought it was funny that it was enough to turn a small town kid into a communist software engineer

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Well, you know - all 3 sons of the US communist party chair Earl Browder were halachically Jewish AND genius mathematicians. Nevertheless, it's a rare occurence.

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Did he ever express regret that he held this attitude? (I don't have time to read the book)

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Regret? Over the bitter clingers?

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According to Kramer adopted kids become serial killers, or, at the very least, write obsessively about human biodiversity

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The kind of parents whose kids end up in adoption these days tend to be messed up people and due to heredity the kids are also likely to be a mess regardless of whatever kind of childhood they received from their adoptive parents.

That's my sailerian noticing.

Darwin > Freud

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That might be a bit different for the case of Koreans and Chinese adopted away several decades ago.

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I thought Steve was adopted, seemed pretty happy, and was making a gag that stories like that don't sell.

With women doing most of the reading these days, stories about overcoming your trauma through self-exploration and forming community are more popular than stories about overcoming your trauma through climbing mountains or starting a business.

The two adopted people I know were kinda messed up, granted. Though how much of that is selection (people in trouble are more likely to surrender a child for adoption) and how much of it is the damage from adoption is anyone's guess.

P.S. You're right about the hair. She was probably copying all the hair stories from black women in the NYT.

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"When she announced that what had essentially become a legalized form of child trafficking was indeed now over..."

This form of sentence structure is fascinating. Did the government spokeswomen actually state China was involved in child trafficking?

Or, was "essentially become a legalized form of child trafficking" inserted by the op-ed author?

A Google lookup "September 5 Chinese Foreign Ministry's daily press briefing" brings up the Chinese FM statements. Here is the spokeswomen's (Mao Ning) statement:

"The Chinese government has adjusted its cross-border adoption policy. Hence after, apart from the adoption of a child or stepchild from one’s collateral relatives by blood of the same generation and up to the third degree of kinship by foreigners coming to China, China will not send children abroad for adoption. This is also in line with the spirit of relevant international covenants. We express our appreciation to those foreign governments and families, who wish to adopt Chinese children, for their good intention and the love and kindness they have shown. For more specifics, I’d refer you to competent authorities. "

Hmmm, no legalized form of child trafficking mention? But expressions of appreciation for those foreign families for their good intentions and love and kindness shown.

And of course, the author has just released a memoir of her adoptive experience (Dit Is Ook China), which appears to be only available in Dutch (why publish in such an oppressive language?). But since a NY Times op-ed (e.g., press release) was just published, I expect the English (yet another oppressive ...) version out shortly.

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It's as if as the Chinese get rich they are progressing.

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The PRC is closer to being a 'rich country' than most people in the west realize. They're also, right on schedule, discovering environmentalism (although there is a hell of a lot of recovery work to be done there), as well as many other 'rich country' concerns.

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Maybe in money-terms PRC-China is close to being a "rich" country, and already can be said to be a rich country in wide swathes of its leading metropolitan areas like Shanghai and others. It's also easy for cynical Westerners used to legalized homelessness, drug epidemics, waves of shiftless Haitians, and the West's hostile elite, to dazzle at the mega-projects that China does.

But there is a considerably larger gap when it comes to "the commons" and intangible cultural capital ("high-trust society"). A NW-European population will always have a huge bonus on that front, --- wherever we are allowed to be left alone, that is.

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"But there is a considerably larger gap when it comes to "the commons" and intangible cultural capital ("high-trust society"). A NW-European population will always have a huge bonus on that front, --- wherever we are allowed to be left alone, that is."

At the moment, you're of course right, but I'm not that sanguine about the west maintaining this advantage permanently.

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What is your view on The World's Most Important Graph and China?

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Don't know. China is certainly not opening its borders, and won't do so in the short run. Maybe in the medium term something will change, but I'm sure the PRC would then look to countries such as Vietnam if they panic over falling population.

The interesting thing --- and I have no idea what will happen --- is if China will succeed in upping its birth rate now that it's going to be needing more booties on the ground, so to speak. The other NE countries have had (population) zero success on this front, but the PRC has a way of getting things done in recent years.

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You don't think Japan is a high-trust society?

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Well, five-year-old kids ride the train by themselves, so...yes.

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2024 phrases translated:

"Child trafficking" means adoption.

"Sex trafficking" means prostitution.

"Human trafficking" means immigration.

"Grooming" means seduction.

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"Cindy Zhu Huijgen." Strange how many Asian women are called Cindy. I've seen several from Vietnam with that name.

Is the "Zhu" from the parents who didn't want her back in China, or did she make it up? Either way, how ridiculous. I'm sure she doesn't speak the Chinese language, but she keeps a Chinese name.

And what a bitch. Spitting at the parents who adopted her, in order to get a story published and further her career.

I'd like to see her write an article about whether she thinks she would have been treated better if she had been adopted into a non-White area. If she had been adopted by a couple in Congo, for example. She would have had to fear for her safety and had to succumb to daily groping in school, in other words she'd have actual real problems. And does she think she would have done better if she had been adopted in China?

Does she know anything about work conditions in China? They throw out toxic chemicals on the factory floors. They fill the office with cigarette smoke, even though it's forbidden - all sorts of work-place rules and safety rules are ignored as Chinese inspectors are easy to bribe. Women in the office are constantly asked to go out and drink with the men, and they are expected to be "friendly" company. There is no recourse if they don't like their work conditions. This is what it's like to live in China, away from those Whites Cindy Huijgen hates so much.

"A profit-motivated overseas adoption industry cropped up in response, in which human lives were sometimes bought and sold."

Does Cindy Huijgen think they should do their full-time job for free? That's what the leftist attacks on people "DOING IT FOR PROFIT!!!" amounts to. While the leftists would never do their job for free, and instead, to the contrary, try to get free money even without working, any chance they can. Cindy Huijgen made sure to get money - "profit" - for attacking her own parents, exposing them to all the millions of leftists eager to find Whites to hate.

Laughable that she claims to be uncomfortable as an adopted Asian in the West. As another Asian woman said in a YouTube video, "there has never been a better place to be an Asian woman than in Los Angeles today." I'm sure the same goes for the Netherlands. Asian women will always have male suitors as they are slim with petite features. Except the ones who are dumb enough to get fat and ruin their advantage.

I just looked up Cindy Huijgen in Google. She is unattractive and added to that by making herself overweight. She should complain about herself, not about her parents. Other Asian women are doing very well in the West. In Yahoo's dating service it was shown that Asian women and White women get the most replies. Likewise I have never seen that Asian women have any trouble finding White friends. Whites are polite and friendly people.

Whites are THE ONLY PEOPLE in the U.S. who rate other races as high as their own. All other races rate their own race highest - including Asians. And all of them rate Whites the lowest, eagerly jumping on the anti-White socialist bandwagon, like Cindy Huijgen does. Even though all of them seek out Whites more than they seek out other races for relationships, as has also been shown in dating site statistics.

Here's the first thing that shows up about her in Google, her Twitter post attacking her parents: "My op-ed about how I struggled finding my identity as a Chinese adoptee was published in today's print edition of the @nytimes @nytopinion #Adoption"


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Cindy Huijgen is not ugly by any means, but she does have unusually masculine features for a Chinese woman. Ironically, she almost looks as if she could be half-Dutch, especially since in the recent photos of her I'm seeing she has lightened her hair to a medium brown.

The way she's pimping out her ingratitude must feel like a knife plunged in her parents' hearts.

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Is it possible that one reason Cindy might be sent away for adoption in the first place, at around age two in 1993, was that the father was not full-Chinese in origin?

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It is just possible --- in the past, I did hear rumors of mixed babies (likely born to prostitutes in NE China servicing Russians) being available. But this must have been very uncommon, in that most such babies would have been aborted.

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She looks like a typical northern peasant to me. I can totally see her working a produce stall in Beijing on market day (if they still have that).

Northerners are a bit coarser-featured than southerners. Lots of the women are square-jawed like Cindy.

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"And what a bitch." What a perfect sentence.

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Stopping boldly at the surface, it would appear that nonwhites possess far less tolerance of “diversity” than white European’s. Asian countries seem to want none. Zero. African countries seem to want none. Arab countries seem to want none. Tolerance of diversity AT ALL seems to be limited to white Europeans.

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And it is destroying us - the white community. We are willingly letting ourselves get torn down in this endless pursuit of trying to please everyone else.

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Well, when they look at how we're doing with it... Japan and South Korea have got to be thinking "if they make us do immigration, we're siding with China".

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The Dutch colonial empire engaged extensively in slavery of Chinese and other Asians. At least try to tell a balanced narrative instead of polemics just like NYT


Chinese and Japanese also gave refugee to white people escaping war and persecution:



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Temporary refuge. There are no white towns and neighborhoods in China and Japan remaining to date.

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Russian Chinese, pop. 16,000, are one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized in PRC.


Jews were granted refugee in the Japanese Empire in WWII, and later made aliyah


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A small border group with mixed ethnicity in a country with 1.4 billion ethnic Chinese represents nothing on the scale of seeking, tolerating and valuing diversity.

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Centuries-ago stories have nothing to do with the story of a b.1990s adoptee sent to Europe after being abandoned by whoever her parents were in China.

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Good point (though I don't see much about slavery of Chinese). That might be part of why she's so angry, though I suspect it has more to do with wanting to be a writer and the market being very much slanted to guilty liberal white ladies who love these stories--this is all way in the past.

"All right, so let's put in a couple of comments about the eyes, I'll copy a couple of the hair anecdotes from the black ladies writing the equivalent story, and a few about the skin... Man, these white ladies eat this stuff *up*!"

"Isn't this a little bit on the mean side?"

"No, they are huge into this emotional-BDSM stuff! I don't get it either but that is what these rich ladies want to read! That's literature in the West these days!"

"Well, better to betray the world than have the world betray you, I guess..."

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This isn't about adoption, but related in how forced multiculturism just isn't working:

Our two sons went to different private schools in our area over the years. They were predominantly white. Without fail, at presentations and at middle and high school graduation ceremonies... the minority students ( who were always there on a free tuition ride) would get digs in about not fitting in or being treated well. The reasons were flimsy and exaggerated. I was involved enough to know how school staff bent over backwards to accommodate these students, so much so that the white students were unfairly punished in nearly every case. For next to nothing. Yet, it wasn't enough.

At my son's very liberal high school, one of the minority students cheated on math exams... but the instructor looked the other way. He landed at the top university on the West coast (not naming it)... then couldn't wait to go on Instagram and boast how great it was to join a black fraternity and not have to be around white kids anymore.

If you go on the Niche education evaluation site and read the reviews, you'll see the same things in their comments. No amount of lopsided fair treatment to minorities in a mostly white environment is ever enough. There is mindset schools should bend over backwards for them, and if it doesn't happen, it's a racist, horrible school. The search for victimhood never seems to end and it has only gotten worse.

Why do we keep forcing this? It is only getting worse as far as resentment goes.

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Seems very weird that black college students immediately seek collegiate racial isolation in a manner that would delight the KKK. It’s typically justified as seeking “safe spaces”. Weird again given that statistically the single greatest threat to the health and safety of blacks is other blacks.

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Look on the bright side: at least it wasn’t 2,000 words about her hair!

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I've noticed for decades that adoption is often a source of trouble in TV crime shows and rarely positive. Then there were the barren women who went wacko to get a baby or a replacement.

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"Huijgen, a Dutch journalist based in China and a former adoptee, wrote from Beijing"

What is the logic or function, there, of the word "former"?

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I assume the logic is that her adoption happened in the past.

It's better than calling herself an "adoption survivor".

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I think she inserted the word "former" because she rejects the identity and rejects the White-West.

Although without the West/Netherlands/White adoptive parents, she'd live some much-lesser life after going through some kind of orphanage-route in PRC-China. Today she'd be doing God-knows-what instead of spending a life coasting along White-Western institutions and now being an early-thirties jet-setter returnee to China (but drawing a salary from a Dutch news org).

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Headline should be “Woman with mental health problems blames everyone and everything around her except herself”. If she wasn’t adopted she would have found some other excuse to blame all her problems on.

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The galvanization and empowerment of "Cluster B"-personality women and their insertion into center-stage of the realm of political, is one of the great meta-stories of our time.

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China committed another $50 billion investment to Africa.


But when East Asians help blacks, it's cynical exploitation; when whites help blacks, it's purehearted kindness.

The Dutch colonial empire got canceled when it surrendered after 1 week against Germans, after 2 months, against Japan. That's the real Agony of Diversity



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Yeah, it only makes sense in terms of the post-WW2 Diversity Ideology. Before that, and in other parts of the world now, people are greedy and favor people like them.

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-- On dual loyalty, and parallels with the Max Boot, Sue Mi Terry case --

The article says 80,000 Chinese babies were sent to the USA for adoptions, 1992-2024. The ratio of full-White children born in the USA to full-Asian adoptees to White families in the period is around 350:1 (+/- "ballpark" estimate).

Meanwhile, the ratio of mixed-race White-Asian children being effectively raised in a White environment -- which in many cases produces a similar phenomenon of alienation, resentment, and galvanized ethno-radicalization -- may be more like 50:1, and maybe 25:1 in some deep-Blue areas.

So there is a generous supply of these types to come. I have long noticed that the Regime finds them very useful and promotes them to a degree that a Martian observer would find baffling, given their obvious possibly dual-loyalties. It's hard to guess for sure the % of such people who go that way, but it's not at all trivial, especially for those who percolate up into any kind of positions of influence or power. For the latter cases I'd say it's high indeed, maybe even the default. But it can be hard to identify. The whole thing a vast "gray area," really.

One case that jumped out ht eusual gray area into a black-and-white area, legally speaking at least, is the recent arrest of Max Boot's wife, Sue Mi Terry. The FBI arrested her on charges of being a decade-long unregistered agent for South Korean intelligence (and the evidence is strong).

The Sue Mi Terry case is a "D.C. insider" version of this much-wider cultural phenomenon that Sailer here identifies. Sue Mi Terry is a defacto semi-"adoptee" herself and displays many of the usual dual-loyalty characteristics, although not necessarily expressed in the way this Dutch-citizen ethnic-Chinese returnee to the PRC-Motherland expresses it. (Sue Mi Terry, born and raised to age 13 or so in Seoul, had her full-Korean father die in her youth; her full-Korean mother married a White man surnamed Terry, and Sue Mi was raised from around age 13 in the USA, said to be some time in Hawaii but mostly in Northern Virginia.)

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I could see Wasian kids from natural parents having fewer issues--there isn't the whole aspect of 'my real Mom and Dad didn't want me', after all.

Apparently the boys have problems because, well, lots of Asian women will marry nerdy white guys and then you get a half-Asian nerdy guy whose natural academic talents don't take him as far in America's sportsy culture (especially in high school) and can blame it on White Supremacy and accuse his dad of having yellow fever. (True in some cases but I knew a few of those couples and it seemed to be mostly assortative mating by personality traits as with normal couples.)

The fewer Asian guys who marry white women seem to have kids with fewer problems, probably because they're more socially adept guys who cracked the girl code well enough to swim upstream (Asian men are viewed as unattractive) and win.

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“a filthy Chinese does not deserve this.”

I wonder if that flows better, and more believably, in Dutch

In a late season of the best TV show, 'Bojack Horseman', Diane, (the adult Vietnamese Daria whose family adopted the culture of their home city of Boston) was trying to write a book about how her shitty childhood had left her damaged, but as she tried to come up with enough examples of abuse and mistreatment to fill her book, she realized there were not a heck of a lot of unusually bad experiences to count. Her childhood was rough but not book worthy rough. She despaired because if she couldn't write a book about her damage to help another young girl, well then it was all for nothing and all her damage wasn't 'good damage'; it was just damage.

Eventually she just wrote a young adult book about a more popular version of herself who was in high school and solved crimes at the mall. She got on antidepressants and got better.

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Her parents should have adopted a White baby. Oh, right, there isn't a surplus of those because we take care of our own. They should have got a dog.

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Alblasserdam is forty minutes on the train from Rotterdam which is home to dozens of nationalities and has been for a very long time. It’s a port.

No statistics are formally kept, but the Netherlands has ≈10% non-European ancestry population. The Chinese population is pretty small, but the Netherlands is materially non-white in the way the most of (for example) Eastern Europe is not.

In Europe, she would probably have only felt less out of place in the UK or Paris.

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Huijgen needs to have a sit down with Rob Henderson, author of "Troubled."

When I was living in S. Korea, every Korean-American woman I met was a Class A #1 bitch. Ingrates over adoption. Enraged that the Koreans didn't consider them Korean (ha!). Controlling like you wouldn't believe. And utterly beholden to the worst ideologies coming down the pike (this was the mid 90s). Bitter. Unfriendly. I could go on and on.

One aspect to consider is that females instinctively compete with one another over appearances. While I find it nearly impossible to believe that Huijgen wasn't appreciated by her male Dutch peers, it's likely the case that she obsessively compared herself to her blond blue-eyed female constituents. Women crave "belonging" in superficial ways.

I have a Jewish friend of the darker persuasion, who isn't woke (that's how we connect) who has produced the script on 'growing up dark in blond Indiana.' When she mentioned this, I shook my head. I have dark hair. A lot of white people do. I don't understand this complaint.

But literature these days is taught through a multi-cultural lens, which basically means reading, over and over and over, the same stupid theme: I was an Indian immigrant. I was a Chinese immigrant. I was a Mexican immigrant.

The story is always the same: I didn't feel I fit in.

Then they turn around and write another one of those stupid stories.

I wouldn't teach that garbage. I remember assigning an essay by an 18-year-old who complained about the way reading was taught in her high school, and opted to be home-schooled instead so that she could read the Western classics. My Chinese national students then confided that their reading instructor (utterly craven to this nonsense) assigns one 'woe is me I'm an immigrant' story after another.

"We're not immigrants!" they said. "We want to read about something else!"

We've been told to assign stories that allow them to "see themselves" which of course refers to their faces and not the aspects of the human condition that we all share. However, ask the average Chinese national what stories they love. The males seem to love Greek mythology. The females love Sherlock Holmes.

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Could be, as the only Chinese girl around, everyone who was into her had yellow fever. Just like your Jewish friend noticed her dark hair. Women are very sensitive to anything appearance-based.

It might just have been an overall cultural thing. I dated someone for a while who worked with a bunch of Koreans (from Korea) in some international legal role I still don't completely understand. She told me they were incredibly pushy and annoying. I always figured it had to come from living between Japan and China... you gotta be tough to deal with the heirs of the samurai on one end, and a nation of a billion that thought they were the only civilized nation in the world for two thousand years on the other. But maybe I'm making excuses.

I think the publishing industry is run by guilty liberal white ladies (notice how they've driven out the male authors and discouraged men under 30 from reading), so they eat this stuff, and writers want to eat. So a couple of kids making fun of your eyes when you're 6 gets turned into a long story of misery and exclusion.

It's kind of depressing to see normal people get turned into wokies as they see what they need to learn to adapt.

"So, ah, what do they have in place of Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Journey to the West? An epic about settling the frontier? Stories about the American Civil War?"

"Nah, it's a bunch of women who got picked on because of their hair."

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>>One aspect to consider is that females instinctively compete with one another over appearances....Women crave "belonging" in superficial ways.

I think there is something to this.

I'm white, with strawberry-blonde hair and green eyes, and grew up in an Italian neighborhood. I remember obsessively comparing myself to the Italian girls, with their black hair, dark eyes, and ability to get a deep tan. I thought they were the most beautiful girls and wished I could look like them. I remember wailing to my mom that I hated my hair, I wanted BLACK hair! Why did she have to marry my dad and give me these stupid strawberry-blonde genes? And why did I have to have these stupid green eyes? They look like fish eggs!

I wanted big, brown eyes framed with long, dark eyelashes! (Ironically, the Italian boys all seemed to really be into blondes and redheads.)

The other girls I envied were the preppy rich girls who went to sailing camp, the ones with the light brown hair that turned blonde from the sun, and who were able to tan. In fact, a large portion of my formative years was spent detesting my British/Irish genetics that gave me milk-white skin that burned to a crisp in direct sunlight. I couldn't find makeup pale enough for me, pantyhose only seemed to come in colors like "Suntan", everyone called me Paleface and asked me if I'd been sick all summer...(Now at 55, I'm thankful that I had to spend a lifetime in the shade, as my skin is still pretty unwrinkled while my sun-worshipping friends are looking a bit leathery these days).

So I kind of get it when minority women write about how they felt ugly because of their skin color or hair color/texture or eye shape. But then they always go and blame it on white supremacy or racism, when it's really just part of the female human condition to feel like everyone else is prettier than you, especially when you're in that awkward teenage stage.

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