I just listened to the show. What a pleasant surprise. I always like a new episode of Tucker while walking the dog, and here it is with Steve.

Despite the fact that almost none of the material was new to me, I still quite enjoyed it.

One thing that was remarkable was the human biodiversity on display. Here we have two verbally intelligent men, but nonetheless distinct from each other. On the one hand there is deliberate Steve, who clearly thinks well ahead of what he says, and on the other the nimble Tucker whose speech leads his thoughts. What an interesting contrast!

However, if I have any criticism, it's that I think our side has enough depth at this point to engage in a little debate. How about a little critique to spice things up? After a certain point agreeing about things gets old.

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I am not averse to arguing.

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Since this was the first Tucker/Sailer interview (Tucker says it was the first time they ever met in person), and easily Sailer's biggest-ever media appearance in the "video" format, it seems that Tucker mainly wanted to give Sailer a "platform." The idea was for Sailer to "tee off," for many news pairs of eyes and ears.

Allowing guests to do this is also Joe Rogan's m.o.; I don't know if Joe Rogan's "people" are in contact with the Sailer Steamroller, but do not be surprised if he gets flown to Austin, Texas, for that purpose some time before long. Yes, mark it down: A prediction.)

Tucker did press Sailer repeatedly on certain points, though not confrontationally and without any rudeness of course. What Tucker kept trying to do, I think, was press on the 'Whys' of the what the U.S./Western elite is up to on race-ideology. Sailer, himself now a grey-eminence of dissident thought, can get away with saying a lot of things no one, but no one, would have allowed him to say "on TV" back, say, ca. 1995 or 2005 (or indeed, even 2015, when his Sailer Strategy was about to be put to the test by the Trump-2016 campaign.)

The state-sanctioned, enforced Wokeness regime now in place is bizarre, cruel, and destructive, and augurs lots of bad things to come. A legal regime of institutionalized disfavoritism for White Heterosexual Christian Males amounting to cultural dispossession, and a net of aspersion over all those seen to be close to that "disfavored class" (i.e., Sailer's Coalition of the Fringes vs. the Core theory). The question shout out: Why? How? Why? When? Why? These are great implicit 'debate' questions.

Getting Sailer to do entire hour of conversation entirely on the 'Whys' and nothing else, could be of great interest. The most valuable parts of the Sailer/Tucker interview were these 'Why' moments, and Sailer was quite effective during many of them.

One problem with Sailer in this format, as he has himself written, is he is not the usual loud-mouthed Fox News Talking Head. Those who succeed in the Talking Head industry in our time are basically demagogues, running of scripts (literal or defacto), always seeking to rile people up almost as the first-order goal, and whatever policy preferences or serious points they may have (if they do have any) trailing second.

Tucker's former "Fox" show used the type of character I describe -- every single night. People brought on, both 'pro' and 'con,' were cast from that type. A few weren't like that, but tended to be "one-and-dones." And, to be honest, Tucker himself sort of played that kind of 'character' much of the time, too. The media model of our time demands it, and Tucker was deep in that world, and a lifetime of inertia was behind it. But Sailer? No. Sailer is not temperamentally capable of "playing that kind of character."

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I'm open to doing a longer conversation.

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A lot of the loud mouth aspect of Tucker and his guests on Fox and his guests was impelled primarily by the restrictions of the 40 minute per show format IMO.

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I don’t know if it’s “covering up their own culpability” so much as the more-or-less blanket policy of never reporting on nor discussing the data of black misbehavior.

Even intelligent, well-read, and politically-interested Americans are almost totally ignorant of even basic facts on this topic.

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I've noticed a fairly constant suppression of actual crime rate data noted above as well. Seems consistent with what you are noticing.

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They are literally changing the races of criminals in police databases...

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My impression is that a lot of the problems with crime data are less to do with organized conspiracies for reasons of political correctness as that cops are, by nature, very seldom Data Guys. I read Bill Bratton's memoir and it appears that his CompStat initiative under Rudy Giuliani in the 1990s was due to him being able to find 6 NYPD officers (out of 40,000) who were into statistics and personal computers. Good luck at smaller police departments than the NYPD.

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You won't have economic development in areas that are wracked by violent crime. Young black men

(15-34) are just 2% of the population and commit about half of the nation's homicides. A rate an astounding 49 times that of the average American.

Most of their victims are other young black men. A major reason no one cares. They are the country's gun violence problem. Saying that truth makes me a racist in today's world.

The roots of the problem are: the lack of respect for education (read up on the disruption in any inner city classroom and the refusal of black administrators to address it by imposing needed discipline) and the casual acceptance of criminal behavior in the black community exemplified by the refusal to cooperate with law enforcement, and the failure of many (most?) black fathers to love and care for their children and especially their boy children. Those who object to this analysis deny black people any agency over their own lives. They are the true racists. Fix those issues and you have a shot at reducing gun violence in America.

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The B&W elite encouraged or permitted the race riots of the 60s, the destruction of the black family by welfare and immigration, and the crack wars of the 80s and early 90s. Clearly, a few black lives matter more than all the others. The big change is more whites are becoming Helots.

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The story of these ‘Systemically Racist’ lands of North America and Western Europe is a story abounding in paradox. Black-on-black violence of all kinds - as these graphs make unmistakably clear - has invariably increased dramatically in the wake of the (white dominated) anti-police protests that have punctuated American life in recent decades. Nobody seems minded to protest about this. Middle class Progressives and student radicals do not surge into these nightmare neighbourhoods waving banners, calling for justice for the innocents caught in the crossfire and an end to a culture of sexual oppression. These black lives do not seem to matters to them. Another paradox: why do people flock lemming-like from all over the world to these lands of alleged hard-wired disadvantage and arbitrary police beatings?

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2 hours of chat and zero golf?

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Hunter is into real Sport, like hunting, while I'm more into pseudo-sport like golf.

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I really enjoyed your anecdote about your tuba playing father-in-law and the felonies he saw his children subjected to.

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I posted this on FB and it was removed, even though I had it set to ONLY ME. They claimed I was trying to mislead the public. What the hell?

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What are your thoughts on anarcho-tyranny or the theories surrounding the concep???


TYRANNYsteria: Best Anarcho-Tyranny Memes (When the Law is Selectively Enforced!)

Anarcho-tyranny in Canada, UK, Germany, Commiefornia, Oregon, NYC, on the border & in general. Some animals are always more equal than others (and get away w/ everything) & more anarcho-tyranny memes!


CRIMEsteria: Best Crime Memes (Anarcho-Tyranny!)

Dismembering a corpse will get you released w/ no bail in NY, understanding anarcho-tyranny, crime karma keeps striking progressives, not wanting to be mugged is fascism and more crime memes!


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Listened to your Tucker Carlson interview, in whole. Was hoping to get some genuine insight, yet my expectations lead to disappointment. It would take an extensive time to debate the merits, so let me try to give a summation. The Pilgrims fled England because they weren't allowed to Witch Hunt. ie Cull child molesters and degenerates who spread STDs. When the Crown started loosing many of their overseas cargo transporters, they started chanting 'conspiracy theory' by calling Tales of the Brother's Grimm, 'fairy tales'. Which was really a derivation of Fairway Tales. Wayfairers were children who wondered off, kidnapped, or were sold. To/tBG were warning to children, as many disappeared at carnivals, off the main strip. Much of this has to do with the worship of Hecate, as her Id's of March holidays were Aug/Nov 13th. Many disappeared while the parents were in the field harvesting.

Then the Crown started into heavy human trafficking, bringing in ye ol'e Witch Trial. Kangaroo courts put on by the Crown's Roman Catholic church to protect the trade/witches.

Why is this relevant? They realized this was a convenient method of control men, and more importantly, devalue their labor. This is a primary advantage sought governments and women.

Jim Crow wasn't about suppressing blacks, it was about targeting poor men to become indentured servants. Blacks were just more convenient to accost, as their families often didn't have the resources to defend their relatives in a kangaroo court.

Modern day family courts hold remarkable correlations to the Witch Trial. The purpose of the British Aristocracy (ruled by the best) Registry (a place to turn in State paperwork) is to suppress the value to manual labor. California considered 'prison reform' only to conclude it would bankrupt the State. Mississippi Sheriff complained it would drive up their cost of operations.

Blacks, as a minority, are the low hanging fruit for these legalized human labor extortion syndicates. But if white men realized what was really going on, they would capitulate in mass. So, they started controlled opposition, primarily using women, to claim it was race base. When in reality it was all about misandry, undermining the head of house hold/band (aka husband) to prevent the next generation from being properly reared. This in turn perpetuates the incarceration of the next generation. Today, 1/100 US men are incarcerated, down from 1.3% in 2013. This is due to policies put in place by Sen Joe B., in 1995. Pass by a GOP majority congress and signed by William J. Clinton.


Do the math, why do you think the number are given for total population? It's called sophistry.

So when you focus on racism, you divert attention away from the real problem, misandry.

The event that doesn't meet the definition of civil war, was about slavery, and the human traffickers/slave sellers won. They started their war in 1805, when Thomas Jefferson made the importation of slave labor illegal. The Haitian revolution ended the same year, if you call paying the plantation owners reparations for 100yrs a win. Reparations to France which just beheaded most of their aristocrats. Now who were the real plantation owners? War of 1812 anyone??

Even Black's Law dic says abuse, child was never on the books until 1874. An 8yro Mary Ellen's abusers had to be prosecuted under animal cruelty statutes.

In 1887 they placed a statue of Hecate on Liberty Island, which motivated the Daughter's of the Confederacy. Titian have a blue hue, botanist use a memoir, Demeter was guided through the underworld with a torch, known as the guardian of crossroads.

So the more you chant racism, the more you look like an establishment gatekeeper covering for the establishments human trafficking operations, IMO. Basically, a race baiter.

PS Aphrodite had a row against Hecate for giving Utopia her pithos. As in Pandora's Pithos, a cosmetics case. You will be left with misery and unfulfilled expectation (the hope left behind) if you allow those who deceive great agency. Pandora means 'all giving'. Hermes taught her to deceive, by Zeus' command. Even as a misandrist, Zeus warned 'No man should gaze upon the contents of this pithos'. Never was it said not to open, it was a wedding gift.

The parable about deception is told as a lie to prevent detection.

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Thank you Steve for providing these charts in a higher-resolution format.

Are you aware of the largely anti-car/mobility movement that's seeking to cease using terms such as "car accidents" and "collisions," and instead using the term "traffic violence?"



Motorists are seen as "killers" and non-car occupants such as pedestrians, bicyclists, etc are seen as "victims," regardless of crash details. Furthermore these activists push for calling the USA's number of so-called "traffic violence" an "epidemic," and call for "systemic" change to the country's transportation system.

To likely little surprise, they also insert a racial angle into it.



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