White kids acting black ?

Data suggests it.

Shouldn't that be the story ?

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We are failing our black citizens badly. Is it intentional? Are we seeing black Americans being encouraged to act out in the hopes of an anti-black backlash? The public school system has been failing all but a tiny fraction of its charges for decades. If the powers-that-be are NOT trying to replace a problematic population with a more compliant one, what would they be doing differently?

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“We’re” failing them? What are you even talking about?

For the past sixty years America has run history’s largest, most comprehensive affirmative action and fiscal transfer program to the benefit of blacks at the expense of whites. And the grand result of all that is, for practical purposes… nil. Decades and decades of policy at every level of society, tens of trillions of dollars, and neither intelligence nor violence gaps have closed at all.

I understand why people are reluctant to face facts in this matter - the implications are pretty unpleasant - but eventually the truth will out, as they say.

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The problem with African Americans is exactly how we have coddled them with the racism of low expectations. "They can't be held to our own standards" is hardly better than "They are irredeemable and only suitable for incarceration". Yes, everything that we have "done" for them seems to have made the problem worse. Perhaps if we recognized that many of them need a family structure (which ADC destroyed) and tough love (which is anathema to liberals) and pursued those ends the outcome would be better for the ones we have written off and allowed to become pawns of the Democrat big city machine. The attitudes you express are the very ones that I call a "blacklash" that the elites are (possibly) engineering in America today.

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The problem has not gotten worse - it was always this bad. In 1950 black marriage rates were above 70% and the black:white homicide ratio was 12:1… identical to today. Black IQs have not improved in 50 years and remain a standard deviation below whites’. The only difference is integration and now smartphones have revealed what always existed.

They are not “pawns” of the Democrat machine, they are self-interested, (quasi) rational actors. One party says “we’ll let you compete with a significantly smarter, more disciplined majority population and hold everyone to the same standard, good luck!” and the other says “we’ll use the power of the state to take from that majority and give to you”. Which would you choose?

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I guess you can't read the graphs offered. The problem has definitely gotten worse. Is ANYONE asking why instead of writing off 13% of the country as dangerous animals that need to be appeased to calm them down until they are euthanized? I've worked with Down's and other special needs children. They generally only become problem children if you allow them to act out without consequence. Even with a mean IQ of 85 people can become useful to society if we expect them to do so. The elites in America have allowed and encouraged the pathologies of inner city minorities for their own purposes.

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American Blacks are by and large a lost cause. They have come to expect lower standard of behavior. And every other metric. But need to be worshipped as super human glorious people, they in fact are not. Not sorry, one day I hope they lay in their bed and shut up about it.

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We'd hear about it if the schools had self-segregated.

Quayle was from Indiana. I believe he retired to Arizona for the golf.

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Dan grew up in the suburbs of both Indianapolis and Phoenix, as his mother's father owned newspapers in both cities. However you are correct that he represented Indiana in Congress, not Arizona.

As an aside, Dan was elected to national office 36 years ago, yet he is still younger than both major-party candidates in this year's presidential election 🤬

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Has anyone invited Dan Quayle to the DNC convention? Maybe he, an eager young 77, could walk in and walk out with the presidential nomination. Word is powerful people are fretting over a compromise-candidate.

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We all know that if a prosperous, mostly white, community has a problem then the reason is going to be (1) too much affluence (2) too much freedom and (3) too many parents protecting their kids from prosecution.

So yes! Why would anyone choose to live in Gilbert AZ with all of its problems when one can live in the much more diverse urban communities? Sure, urban communities have problems, but they don't have the problems wealthy conservative suburbs have!

Is it jealousy, envy or sheer ignorance that prompts these types of articles to be published? I suppose it is all three

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And maybe it's like T S Eliot said it: "human kind cannot bear very much reality".

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So, the Numbers analysis suggest that White gang violence is, today, a relative outlier. It seems.

Experience growing up overseas in the 1950's confirms this suggestion, which appears to hold true today, decades later.

(I was routinely beaten up/ostracized, etc. for being what I was, a small White boy).

That span of time bridges two points in a part of this story, in that the trajectory of Tribalism within our esteemed Republic has, while trumpeting 'No Racism!' ever more frequently and at increasingly higher volume, has, in fact, become more Tribal.

Experience matching the Numbers.

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What ever happened to the White victim of a hate-crime, in California, that Steve Sailer personally investigated some years ago? Never covered by any national media, but Sailer paid a personal tribute-and-investigative visit to the scene of the crime, which was not far off from where he lives.

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That was actually a police killing of a white teen recent high school graduate.

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Steve, I grew up in the South in an area that was, and still is, about 35% black with the rest being mostly White. Virtually no Hispanics and only the occasional Asian at the time. During my integrated public school years during the late 1960's and all of the wonderful 1970's, America also had a significant increase in black crime (I blame the Warren Court for both - forced integration and soft-on-crime rulings. The increase in illegal drugs during that time didn't help either, of course, especially heroin. Feel free to correct me if you think otherwise). As you can already guess, by far, and it wasn't even close, the vast, vast majority of the problem kids were black, including black females. Sure, we had a few white a$$holes but not enough to matter. But even then, we knew enough about black criminality and dysfunction to stay far, far away from them for our personal safety and quality of life. Enjoyed the article.

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Talan Renner - stupid name for a jackass kid. With no doubt a buffoonish father.

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Now they need to profile the elite backgrounds of violent antifa members /anarchists. Eye opening

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