"I immediately registered my doubts about Merkel’s boner (a reference to Merkle’s boner, a notorious bad play during the 1908 baseball season)"

Agreed. However...

"People ask me what I did to Fred Merkel after his mistake in 1908 cost NY the Pennant, well I will tell you what I did to him. I doubled his salary"--HOF NYG M John McGraw in his memoir My Thirty Years in Baseball, as quoted in Lawrence S Ritter's "The Glory of Their Times"

But granted the other Merkle's boner isn't a good long term strategy for the health of a nation's cohesion, much less in preserving their culture.

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"If Muslim mass migration is so good for the Jews, why did the Jewish state respond to the triumph of the migrants by starting construction of Israel’s last border fence the next morning? (Israel, of course, has not offered to take any Syrians, especially not to resettle them in its underpopulated Golan Heights, which the international community legally considers to still be Syrian territory.)"

Has Netanyahu EVER suggested that "Muslim mass migration" is "good for the Jews" (or, more relevantly, the target legacy population) anywhere, at any time?

Maybe Jewish Leftys in the EU have unanimously said so (I'm open to your proving this rather than just assuming it, but it is not in evidence) but your construct, "the Jews", is revealed to be quite bizarrely out of touch with reality here. You are suggesting hypocrisy in action, but that is claptrap.

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Come on man, anyone who's read Sailer more than 10 minutes knows that's exactly the joke about hypocrisy behind the modern twist of an old expression which its use is meant to highlight. Still, even that joke is passing its sell-by date as Jewish attitudes become more bifurcated and consistent, either rejecting Israel's nationalistic imperative too, or being internationally Kantian in their nationalism because it's now undeniable that elite anti-nationalism has turned out to be very bad for the Jews after all.

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I've never heard any of my Jewish friends (lefties mostly) say, nor seen them post, anything in favor of muslim immigration. They can't say anything against it, because to be against it while still being in favor of hispanic immigration, would be racist.

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It was inevitable that Jews would be forced to choose between Jewishness, Jewish interests, and Israel on the one hand, and Elite (i.e., radical leftist) Progressivism on the other. They kept the contradictions subdued with rationalizations for a very long time, but now the age is heightening them, so something's gotta give.

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I don't know. Marxism from the beginning was both attractive to Jews and pretty anti-semitic. The people can remain irrational longer than you can remain liquid. I imagine the young leftist Jews arguing this point with their parents. No mom and dad, arabs don't hate Jews, they hate colonialism!

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Marxism was led by Jews, it was only against Zionism as they wanted Jews to stay and exploit Europe. Marx' son-in-law, one of the communist leaders in France, said that he was "proud to have the blood of three oppressed races." Jews, Blacks and Indians. He said that "of the three I am most proud of my Black blood." So it was anti-White from the beginning.

Zionism was banned in the Soviet Union, but only because it competed with the goal of exploiting the White Russians. The NKVD was about half Jews, and in most of the prominent positions, with an old Jew lamenting that the NKVD absorbed all the interest of young Jewish men. There they could loot Whites and rape Christian women, who they also held captive for gang rape. The Soviet Jews weren't really hostile to Zionism, they just thought they had a better strategy - create the Jewish paradise in Russia instead. Later Jewish communists moved from the Soviet Union to Israel to form the Irgun Gang (who killed British soldiers and diplomats to make them hand over Palestine quicker, and who planned to kill both Churchill and Truman with bombs for not being fast enough).

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"Later Jewish communists moved from the Soviet Union to Israel to form the Irgun Gang..."

Irgun was founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, and looking over his bio I'm not seeing any affiliation with Communism on his part or by other ex-Russian Jews in Israel whose primary interest was Zionism. It appears to me that you are doing exactly what I pointed out that Sailer was doing: Constructing a "the Jews" monolith out of unrelated groups.

I find it interesting that Sailer has read this thread (since he "liked" Handle) but hasn't attempted to defend his conflation of Progressive EU Jews with Israeli Jews.

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There is no contradiction, Jews remain promoters of immigration, Arab and otherwise. Arabs will protest once in a while against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but that's it. I forget their names, but two wealthy Jews said they could handle Muslims (as recounted by one of them), and they're right. Just like the majority of Muslim states side with the EU and thereby implicitly with Israel, because of financial benefit.

From the Jewish publication Forward, 2019: "Only One Thing Can Stop White Supremacy: Solidarity Between Muslims and Jews"

YNet, 2019: "For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy."

YNet continues: "Grek refugee centers are mainly operated by Israelis; In Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of 'Tikkun Olam' and Jewish volunteering around the world."

Tweet by Embassy of Israel, @IsraelinUSA: "For Israeli org @IsraAID, every day is #WorldRefugeeDay Watch their amazing efforts for Syrian refugees in Greece"

CIJNews, 2015: "Jewish and Israeli organizations help boat people to find refuge in Europe"

They wrote that The American Jewish Committee, the AJC, helped IsraAID start its activities on the Greek island of Lesvos, where Arab immigrants were housed. "The aid delegation was jointly operated with the Jewish community in Greece, headed by Elias Frezis." Shay Avshalom Zavdi, who took part in the operation, "was excited as a Jew and Israeli".

IsraAid, September 2015: "After what we suffered in the Holocaust 70 years ago, how can we not help tens of thousands seeking refuge from wars in the Middle East and Africa?"

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "European Jews, mindful of risks, urge aid to refugees"

The "head of the Jewish community in Thuringia" said there should be "no limit" on the number of immigrants. Meanwhile he supported Israel's actions against the Palestinians, and their closed borders to those same immigrants.

The group SOS Mediterranée has shipped Africans to Europe. They are working with Médecins du Monde, co-founded by the Jew Bernard Kouchner. The pro-immigration Jew George Soros has funded NGOs shipping Africans to Europe.

Rabbi Baruch Efrati in the occupied West Bank said in 2012 that "Islamization of Europe is a good thing." Jews should "rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity."

The rabbi added, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity."

Canadian Jewish News, 2015: "Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees."

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, and Islamic Relief USA ... have formed a joint initiative to help the thousands of refugees in the country [Greece]." They wrote that after more than a million Arabs passed through Greece, some 60,000 remained in Greece and needed the Jewish/Muslim help.

Barbara Spectre, head of Padeia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, said: "Jews will be resented because of our leading role in forcing multiculturalism upon Europe. But without that leading role, Europe will not survive."

Support Refugees, in the UK, was a project by more than 30 Jewish organizations.

Various headlines from the time, mainly from Jewish publications:

"Jews unite to defend Policy on Syrian refugees - with a few exceptions"

"Jewish groups lead push to crack open doors to Syria refugees"

"Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews demand open door for migrants"

"French Jews plan coordinated push to help Syrian refugees"

"Jews push Washington to admit more Syrian refugees, even as some worry about backlash"

"Over 1,000 U.S. rabbis petition lawmakers to welcome refugees"

"Recalling Shoah, European Jews urge aid to refugees"

"Dutch Jewish refugee village may shelter Syrians"

"Jewish groups slam White House for 'baby step' on Syrian refugees"

"How can we call ourselves Jews and bar Syrian refugees?"

"British rabbis call on Cameron to admit more Syrian refugees"

"Jewish Canadians mobilize to help Syrian refugees come to Canada"

"Vancouver Jews rally to help Syrian refugees"

"Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees"

"US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts' chance to welcome refugees"

"10 Jewish groups defend plan to admit refugees"

"British groups lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees"

"British Jews come to the aid of refugees in Calais"

2017, opposing Trump's proposed "Muslim ban":


Jewish Meetup Co-Sponsors:

-Bend the Arc


-National Council of Jewish Women

-Religious Action Center

-Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association

-Jewish Council on Public Affairs

-JCRC of Greater Washington



-Central Conference of American Rabbis

-New Israel Fund

-Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice

-Arizona Jews for Justice

-Jewish Reconstructionist Communities

-The JCC Manhattan's Stern Center for Social Responsibility

-Jews United for Justice

-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

-Washington Board of Rabbis

-Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

-J Street

-Hill Havurah

-Anti-Defamation League

Major Jewish organizations that pressured Congress to accept more Muslim immigration into the U.S.:

-The Union for Reform Judaism

-The Orthodox Union

-The Rabbinical Assembly

-The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS

-The National Council of Jewish Women

-The ADL

-The American Jewish Committee

-The Jewish Council for Public Affairs

-The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies

-Habonin Dror North America

-The Jewish Labor Committee

-The National Council of Jewish Women

-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

-The Workmen's Circle

-The Rabbinical Assembly

-Jewish World Watch

-The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

HIAS wrote that 62% of rabbis support open borders - for the U.S. Jewish synagogues help settle Africans in the American heartland, they wrote.

During the Arab mass immigration in 2015 and onward HIAS had a campaign with the slogan, "Welcome the stranger, Protect the refugee." In this campaign Jews held up hand-written signs, to be posted on social media, such as:

"I support refugees because I am Jewish, period"

"I support refugees because they have taught me kindness, positivity, and resilience"

"I support refugees because they strengthen our country + our communities"

In Norway in 2014 the president of the Jewish Community in Oslo, Ervin Kohn, was also the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism. He declared: "Norway is TOO WHITE!"

Iceland got its first rabbi in 2018, reported in Chabad News, February 11, 2018. One week later, on February 17, Iceland Monitor reported: "Reykjavik Rabbi: Iceland Must Do More For Refugees."

ADL, 2019: "Refugees should be welcome in every state. Very disappointed in @GovAbbott's decision to oppose #refugeeresettlement in #Texas. Jews know from experience the importance of helping refugees and refugee resettlement."

They continued: "Link to ADL brief in HIAS lawsuit:" (Of course.)

Israel called for the EU to act against Poland for its resistance to accepting immigrants.

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you: "Israel called for the EU to act against Poland for its resistance to accepting immigrants."

me(to Bing): "has Israel called for the EU to act against "Poland" for its resistance to accepting immigrants?".

Bing): "Israel has not called for the EU to act against Poland for its resistance to accepting immigrants.".

So, are you making that claim up too?

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Jewish Labour peer Alf Dubs urged Theresa May to take in 3,000 extra "refugee children". Jewish Miliband, head of Labour 2010-2015 and leader of the opposition, said it was a disgrace not to open Britain's borders to more immigrants.

Andrew Neather, former speech writer for Tony Blair and the Jewish Home Secretary and later Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, said that Labour's decision to open the borders was a deliberate plan to bring in leftist voters.

Back in 1968 Labour wrote Britain's Race Relations Act. The author was the Jewish Home Secretary Frank Soskice. He was succeeded by Roy Jenkins in 1965, with the Jewish Anthony Lester behind him. Lester wrote Jenkins' important race speech. He was the leading race campaigner in the Society of Labour Party Lawyers, and on the Society's Race Relations Committee. He urged Roy Jenkins to write more race laws. In 1975 Anthony Lester wrote Labour's principles for new race legislation, in "White Paper on Racial Discrimination."

Britain's top judge in 2008, the Jewish Lord Phillips, said that Sharia law should be allowed in Britain via contractual agreement, instead of British law.

The DNC chairwoman, the Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, said about Arab immigrants that, "As a member of a minority religion myself, a religion, Judaism, that has been persecuted throughout our existence; it's incumbent upon us to stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters."

When Trump held a fawning speech to AIPAC in 2016, only about a quarter applauded, mostly young men. The AIPAC board was quick to tell the media that those who applauded did not represent AIPAC. (Yet AIPAC had been in the room when the RNC wrote its party program, just like they were in the room when the DNC wrote its party program.)

The ADL circulated a petition in 2016 urging Jews to denounce Trump.

Jewish protesters outside Trump Tower held up a long banner saying: "Yom Kippur is Hebrew for Abolish Ice"

Haaretz, 2020: "London Mosque Attack: Jewish Community Quick to Show Solidarity With Muslims"

Jew Gideon Rachman, Financial Times chief foreign affairs commentator, 12 January 2016:

"In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans populated the world. Not the world is populating Europe. ... One possible reaction for Europe is to accept that immigration from the rest of the world is inevitable - and embrace it wholeheartedly. Europe's debt-ridden economies need an injection of youth and dynamism."

Jew David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of Foreign Policy Magazine, 25 January 2016:

"White men have had a great run, but finally, thanks to the mobility revolution of the past century ... the status quo is going to undergo a profound change. In Europe alone, the influx of migrants and refugees is already producing irreversible demographic shifts - a great blending of cultures.

"The politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world's most privileged ethnic class.

"To be sure, we should not - not for one minute - lament the passing of the white-male era."

Moshe Kantor, head of the five top Jewish lobby groups in Europe such as the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, created the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, to propose "tolerance" laws to European countries. His most extremist proposal has still not passed in the EU, the "Model National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance." It would go to great lengths to ban "xenophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism and homophobia."

Farther back, the Jew Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy, an associate of the ADL, wrote:

"It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. ... the Jewish community had a leadership role in effecting those changes."

He continued: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogenous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever."

The Jewish judge Stephen Reinhardt was called "a liberal giant" on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the AP says he sided with immigrants, struck down California's gay marriage ban, and tried to ban "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

In 2016, during the "Trump is anti-immigrant and racist" furor, several Jews in the U.S. were revealed to spray-paint swastikas outside their homes and the homes of other Jews. One Israeli teen who also had U.S. citizenship made 245 bomb threats to Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S., threats that received great media attention. Strangely, he had a bitcoin account worth millions. Israel refused to extradite him.

The ADL partners with schools against "racism," and their definition declares that racism is "the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people." The definition goes on about how racism is something Whites do against non-Whites.

Before Elon Musk, Twitter's anti-White, pro-immigration censorship was headed by a Jew, installed when the homosexual Jew Peter Singer had bought up Twitter shares so he could install his own in the board of directors, as told by Jack.

Fun headline during the BLM riots: "400+ Jewish Organizations and Synagogues say: Black Lives Matter".

The Solicitor General's brief on behalf of the U.S. government to ban race-separate housing was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar H. Davis, Hilbert Zarky, Stanley Silverberg. However, their names were omitted from the brief. Deputy Solicitor General Arnold Raum, also Jewish like his boss and the four others, complained that it was "bad enough that [Solicitor General Philip] Perlman's name has to be there, to have one Jew's name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on."

In 1978, 64% of U.S. physical anthropologists with a Jewish mother said that race was "a social construct," compared to only 34% of those without a Jewish mother.

Jews contribute half of all money to the anti-White Democrat Party, according to Jerusalem Post.

The D.A.s funded by George Soros all over the U.S. are strongly anti-White and pro-Black, releasing Black murderers while prosecuting Whites like the McCloskys. These D.A.s are mainly non-Whites: Jews, Blacks and Latinos.

The first NAACP presidents were Jews like Joel Spingarn, not Blacks, and the funding came mainly from Jews. He worked to win the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. The college students who went to the South to register Black voters were to a large degree Jews. The leader of Black riots, Michael "Martin Luther" (false name) King, had an advisor and close friend named Stanley David Levison, treasurer of the American Jewish Congress in Manhattan. He aided in the defense of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the Jews who gave U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, bringing the world closer to destruction. He was a major financial coordinator for the Communist Party USA.

As Einstein wrote to the Jew Paul Ehrenfest in 1919, "I get most joy from the emergence of the Jewish state in Palestine. It does seem to me that our kinfolk really are more sympathetic (at least less brutal) than these horrid Europeans. Perhaps things can only improve if only the Chinese are left, who refer to all Europeans with the collective noun 'bandits.'"

Decades later, a former teacher reveals that children in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in London are taught that non-Jews are "evil," in a worksheet.

Greek Orthodox clergy in Jerusalem say that Jews spit on them, they are "used" to it.

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Well it sounds like they have it all under control. You have served your purpose. I guess your time is over

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Ah, you didn't like that I add facts so you simply post an insult, funny. Covering for Jews usually means shouting "you're LYING! Anti-Semite!" But apparently when overwhelming facts are posted, you have an answer for that too, simply insult.

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If you think I read that wall of text you're crazy.

My question, "Has Netanyahu EVER suggested that "Muslim mass migration" is "good for the Jews" (or, more relevantly, the target legacy population) anywhere, at any time" is not answered by any reference to anything said by any politician in the Israeli Labour party, obviously.

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There are 2 kinds of Jews.

The tribal kind who dress, pray, and feel Jewish - and those without any of thay who are running on old Jewish programming (which the may or may not prop up with, "As a Jew..." rationalizations.

The first kind are focused on their skins and stay abreast - more or less rationally - on the actual threats coming down the pike.

The latter are just carriers of misbegotten mutated memes without any real skin in the game (if they're wrong they'll just move). They also happen to be the wealthier kind of Jews and therefore share the sentiments and safe distance of all their noble class.

At a Saturday rally in Washington Square days after the scotus abortion decision was leaked I saw a Jewess holding a sign that said, "Abortion is a Mitzvah". My uber-friendly request for a source (I know all 613 Mitzvahs) was super very unappreciated.

BONUS: Sarah Silverman could easily be the spokesperson for this class but I'm about to say something nice about her anyway. People often praise celebrities they've met but as you'll see that isn't what's going on her.

At this wild freak show --- literally named "The Dyke March", where the encouraged toplessness was only taken up by men with breast implants (100% SFW, if I sprung such visuals on you, I would deserve any punishment you might meet out https://youtu.be/7CmSa_YfAh8?feature=shared ) --- I saw a woman with a thoughtful T-shirt slogan addressing a personal family issue I was working out that day and called her over to ask about it.

Well, she turned out to be Sarah Silverman. (As with Steve Carell and Ann Coulter, her voice gave away what her makeuo-free visage did not) and she was not only kind and thoughtful, but even willing to reconsider the very slogan on her shirt.

My upbeat point being that while people are very often gruff morons when they spout and act as members of an ideological tribe, one-on-one, as individual human beings they (or 99% of them) tend to be amenable to reason and a delight.

This offers no societal solution of course, but I thought it would be a nice thing you'd like to know.

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So "two kinds" is why 95% of Jews in Israel support the Gaza holocaust, and half of those want even more violence to be used. That means 5 percent don't, so see, Jews are not all alike! And the vast majority of Jews in the U.S. having the same leftist opinions, with about 80% voting for the Democrats every time ... well, that means there are some other percent, so they're not alike!

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Sailer's complaint was that while "the Jews" want mass Muslim invasion of Europe "the Jews" weren't interested in taking Muslim immigrants into Israel. But what lefty Jews in the US or EU think of the latter idea is neither here nor there, no matter how extensively you quote THEM. If this is to constitute hypocrisy on the part of the Jewish government, and hence "the Jews", you need quotes from Likud. And it seems you have none.

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Jews all over Europe strongly favor mass immigration. Jews in the U.S. are the most in favor of immigration. And about 80% vote for the anti-White Left.

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In Europe whom do they imagine immigrating? If it's Muslims they really need to tune up their self preservation instincts

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Sadly, that owl of Minerva is only going to fly at dusk.

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or never

I often wonder if the left understands that if it finally chases away the bulk of its Jews, all that remains is a concentration of incompetent dimwits

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When have Muslims ever threatened Jews in Europe? They'll protest once in a while against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but that's it. I forget their names, but two wealthy Jews talking said they could handle Muslims, and they're right. Just like the majority of Muslim states side with the EU and thereby implicitly with Israel, because of financial benefit.

Jews all over Europe strongly favor mass immigration. About 80% of Jews in the U.S. vote for the anti-White Left.

From the Jewish publication Forward, 2019: "Only One Thing Can Stop White Supremacy: Solidarity Between Muslims and Jews"

YNet, 2019: "For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy."

YNet continues: "Grek refugee centers are mainly operated by Israelis; In Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of 'Tikkun Olam' and Jewish volunteering around the world."

Tweet by Embassy of Israel, @IsraelinUSA: "For Israeli org @IsraAID, every day is #WorldRefugeeDay Watch their amazing efforts for Syrian refugees in Greece"

CIJNews, 2015: "Jewish and Israeli organizations help boat people to find refuge in Europe"

They wrote that The American Jewish Committee, the AJC, helped IsraAID start its activities on the Greek island of Lesvos, where Arab immigrants were housed. "The aid delegation was jointly operated with the Jewish community in Greece, headed by Elias Frezis." Shay Avshalom Zavdi, who took part in the operation, "was excited as a Jew and Israeli".

IsraAid, September 2015: "After what we suffered in the Holocaust 70 years ago, how can we not help tens of thousands seeking refuge from wars in the Middle East and Africa?"

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "European Jews, mindful of risks, urge aid to refugees"

The "head of the Jewish community in Thuringia" said there should be "no limit" on the number of immigrants. Meanwhile he supported Israel's actions against the Palestinians, and their closed borders to those same immigrants.

The group SOS Mediterranée has shipped Africans to Europe. They are working with Médecins du Monde, co-founded by the Jew Bernard Kouchner. The pro-immigration Jew George Soros has funded NGOs shipping Africans to Europe.

Rabbi Baruch Efrati in the occupied West Bank said in 2012 that "Islamization of Europe is a good thing." Jews should "rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity."

The rabbi added, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity."

Canadian Jewish News, 2015: "Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees."

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, and Islamic Relief USA ... have formed a joint initiative to help the thousands of refugees in the country [Greece]." They wrote that after more than a million Arabs passed through Greece, some 60,000 remained in Greece and needed the Jewish/Muslim help.

Barbara Spectre, head of Padeia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, said: "Jews will be resented because of our leading role in forcing multiculturalism upon Europe. But without that leading role, Europe will not survive."

Support Refugees, in the UK, was a project by more than 30 Jewish organizations.

Various headlines from the time, mainly from Jewish publications:

"Jews unite to defend Policy on Syrian refugees - with a few exceptions"

"Jewish groups lead push to crack open doors to Syria refugees"

"Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews demand open door for migrants"

"French Jews plan coordinated push to help Syrian refugees"

"Jews push Washington to admit more Syrian refugees, even as some worry about backlash"

"Over 1,000 U.S. rabbis petition lawmakers to welcome refugees"

"Recalling Shoah, European Jews urge aid to refugees"

"Dutch Jewish refugee village may shelter Syrians"

"Jewish groups slam White House for 'baby step' on Syrian refugees"

"How can we call ourselves Jews and bar Syrian refugees?"

"British rabbis call on Cameron to admit more Syrian refugees"

"Jewish Canadians mobilize to help Syrian refugees come to Canada"

"Vancouver Jews rally to help Syrian refugees"

"Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees"

"US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts' chance to welcome refugees"

"10 Jewish groups defend plan to admit refugees"

"British groups lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees"

"British Jews come to the aid of refugees in Calais"

2017, opposing Trump's proposed "Muslim ban":


Jewish Meetup Co-Sponsors:

-Bend the Arc


-National Council of Jewish Women

-Religious Action Center

-Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association

-Jewish Council on Public Affairs

-JCRC of Greater Washington



-Central Conference of American Rabbis

-New Israel Fund

-Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice

-Arizona Jews for Justice

-Jewish Reconstructionist Communities

-The JCC Manhattan's Stern Center for Social Responsibility

-Jews United for Justice

-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

-Washington Board of Rabbis

-Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

-J Street

-Hill Havurah

-Anti-Defamation League

Major Jewish organizations that pressured Congress to accept more Muslim immigration into the U.S.:

-The Union for Reform Judaism

-The Orthodox Union

-The Rabbinical Assembly

-The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS

-The National Council of Jewish Women

-The ADL

-The American Jewish Committee

-The Jewish Council for Public Affairs

-The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies

-Habonin Dror North America

-The Jewish Labor Committee

-The National Council of Jewish Women

-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

-The Workmen's Circle

-The Rabbinical Assembly

-Jewish World Watch

-The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

HIAS wrote that 62% of rabbis support open borders - for the U.S. Jewish synagogues help settle Africans in the American heartland, they wrote.

During the Arab mass immigration in 2015 and onward HIAS had a campaign with the slogan, "Welcome the stranger, Protect the refugee." In this campaign Jews held up hand-written signs, to be posted on social media, such as:

"I support refugees because I am Jewish, period"

"I support refugees because they have taught me kindness, positivity, and resilience"

"I support refugees because they strengthen our country + our communities"

In Norway in 2014 the president of the Jewish Community in Oslo, Ervin Kohn, was also the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism. He declared: "Norway is TOO WHITE!"

Iceland got its first rabbi in 2018, reported in Chabad News, February 11, 2018. One week later, on February 17, Iceland Monitor reported: "Reykjavik Rabbi: Iceland Must Do More For Refugees."

ADL, 2019: "Refugees should be welcome in every state. Very disappointed in @GovAbbott's decision to oppose #refugeeresettlement in #Texas. Jews know from experience the importance of helping refugees and refugee resettlement."

They continued: "Link to ADL brief in HIAS lawsuit:" (Of course.)

Israel called for the EU to act against Poland for its resistance to accepting immigrants.

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Jewish Labour peer Alf Dubs urged Theresa May to take in 3,000 extra "refugee children". Jewish Miliband, head of Labour 2010-2015 and leader of the opposition, said it was a disgrace not to open Britain's borders to more immigrants.

Andrew Neather, former speech writer for Tony Blair and the Jewish Home Secretary and later Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, said that Labour's decision to open the borders was a deliberate plan to bring in leftist voters.

Back in 1968 Labour wrote Britain's Race Relations Act. The author was the Jewish Home Secretary Frank Soskice. He was succeeded by Roy Jenkins in 1965, with the Jewish Anthony Lester behind him. Lester wrote Jenkins' important race speech. He was the leading race campaigner in the Society of Labour Party Lawyers, and on the Society's Race Relations Committee. He urged Roy Jenkins to write more race laws. In 1975 Anthony Lester wrote Labour's principles for new race legislation, in "White Paper on Racial Discrimination."

Britain's top judge in 2008, the Jewish Lord Phillips, said that Sharia law should be allowed in Britain via contractual agreement, instead of British law.

The DNC chairwoman, the Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, said about Arab immigrants that, "As a member of a minority religion myself, a religion, Judaism, that has been persecuted throughout our existence; it's incumbent upon us to stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters."

When Trump held a fawning speech to AIPAC in 2016, only about a quarter applauded, mostly young men. The AIPAC board was quick to tell the media that those who applauded did not represent AIPAC. (Yet AIPAC had been in the room when the RNC wrote its party program, just like they were in the room when the DNC wrote its party program.)

The ADL circulated a petition in 2016 urging Jews to denounce Trump.

Jewish protesters outside Trump Tower held up a long banner saying: "Yom Kippur is Hebrew for Abolish Ice"

Haaretz, 2020: "London Mosque Attack: Jewish Community Quick to Show Solidarity With Muslims"

Jew Gideon Rachman, Financial Times chief foreign affairs commentator, 12 January 2016:

"In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans populated the world. Not the world is populating Europe. ... One possible reaction for Europe is to accept that immigration from the rest of the world is inevitable - and embrace it wholeheartedly. Europe's debt-ridden economies need an injection of youth and dynamism."

Jew David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of Foreign Policy Magazine, 25 January 2016:

"White men have had a great run, but finally, thanks to the mobility revolution of the past century ... the status quo is going to undergo a profound change. In Europe alone, the influx of migrants and refugees is already producing irreversible demographic shifts - a great blending of cultures.

"The politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world's most privileged ethnic class.

"To be sure, we should not - not for one minute - lament the passing of the white-male era."

Moshe Kantor, head of the five top Jewish lobby groups in Europe such as the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, created the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, to propose "tolerance" laws to European countries. His most extremist proposal has still not passed in the EU, the "Model National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance." It would go to great lengths to ban "xenophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-feminism and homophobia."

Farther back, the Jew Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy, an associate of the ADL, wrote:

"It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. ... the Jewish community had a leadership role in effecting those changes."

He continued: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogenous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever."

The Jewish judge Stephen Reinhardt was called "a liberal giant" on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the AP says he sided with immigrants, struck down California's gay marriage ban, and tried to ban "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

In 2016, during the "Trump is anti-immigrant and racist" furor, several Jews in the U.S. were revealed to spray-paint swastikas outside their homes and the homes of other Jews. One Israeli teen who also had U.S. citizenship made 245 bomb threats to Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S., threats that received great media attention. Strangely, he had a bitcoin account worth millions. Israel refused to extradite him.

The ADL partners with schools against "racism," and their definition declares that racism is "the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people." The definition goes on about how racism is something Whites do against non-Whites.

Before Elon Musk, Twitter's anti-White, pro-immigration censorship was headed by a Jew, installed when the homosexual Jew Peter Singer had bought up Twitter shares so he could install his own in the board of directors, as told by Jack.

Fun headline during the BLM riots: "400+ Jewish Organizations and Synagogues say: Black Lives Matter".

The Solicitor General's brief on behalf of the U.S. government to ban race-separate housing was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar H. Davis, Hilbert Zarky, Stanley Silverberg. However, their names were omitted from the brief. Deputy Solicitor General Arnold Raum, also Jewish like his boss and the four others, complained that it was "bad enough that [Solicitor General Philip] Perlman's name has to be there, to have one Jew's name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on."

In 1978, 64% of U.S. physical anthropologists with a Jewish mother said that race was "a social construct," compared to only 34% of those without a Jewish mother.

Jews contribute half of all money to the anti-White Democrat Party, according to Jerusalem Post.

The D.A.s funded by George Soros all over the U.S. are strongly anti-White and pro-Black, releasing Black murderers while prosecuting Whites like the McCloskys. These D.A.s are mainly non-Whites: Jews, Blacks and Latinos.

The first NAACP presidents were Jews like Joel Spingarn, not Blacks, and the funding came mainly from Jews. He worked to win the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. The college students who went to the South to register Black voters were to a large degree Jews. The leader of Black riots, Michael "Martin Luther" (false name) King, had an advisor and close friend named Stanley David Levison, treasurer of the American Jewish Congress in Manhattan. He aided in the defense of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the Jews who gave U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, bringing the world closer to destruction. He was a major financial coordinator for the Communist Party USA.

As Einstein wrote to the Jew Paul Ehrenfest in 1919, "I get most joy from the emergence of the Jewish state in Palestine. It does seem to me that our kinfolk really are more sympathetic (at least less brutal) than these horrid Europeans. Perhaps things can only improve if only the Chinese are left, who refer to all Europeans with the collective noun 'bandits.'"

Decades later, a former teacher reveals that children in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in London are taught that non-Jews are "evil," in a worksheet.

Greek Orthodox clergy in Jerusalem say that Jews spit on them, they are "used" to it.

The pattern just goes on and on:

Jews are the ethnic group that least believes there is an IQ gap between Whites and Blacks. Or so they say.

Jews are the ethnic group that least of all agree with the statement that "political correctness threatens our liberty as Americans to speak our minds."

Jews are by far the ethnic group most hostile to the NRA. Only 13% had a favorable view of the NRA in a survey. For every other group it was 41 (Latinos, Asians) up to 59.7% (Whites).

Headline in the Jewish Journal: "Jewish groups urge Senate to pass gun control legislation."

Haaretz: "U.S. Jewish Groups Back Obama's Gun Control Initiatives." Suffice to say that Jews like Barbara Boxer have initiated or been part of initiating all major anti-gun legislation.

Of religious groups on campus, Jews are the most negative to free speech: Only 35% support the statement "Protecting citizen's free speech rights" as the most important, while 65% say that "promoting an inclusive society" is more important. Mormons, Protestants and Catholics all favor the free speech quote over the leftist quote.

The Jew George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia."

The Jew Robert Allen Iger was the chairman and CEO of Disney in 2019, when they had a Disney character say "I'm gay" for the first time. The character was named Cyrus, played by the Jew Joshua Rush, in Andi Mack. The shows creator and executive producer was the Jew Terry Minsky.

In 2016, the Rogue One writer Chris Weitz tweeted, "Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization." In case anyone thought what Hollywood does isn't intentional.

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Tell: "When have Muslims ever threatened Jews in Europe?"

This clown actually wrote that.

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Angela Merkel’s immigration actions in 2015 and on German energy and security soon thereafter set the fuse of demise for the German state, culture and people.

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Mass migration from the third world was not unique to Germany, it has happened all over Western Europe since the mid-2010s.

Life is decent even on low wages in the informal economy here. Not only do public services actually exist, but they are quite good. Hospitals treat you free of charge when you show up sick, your kids get free school and often after-school provision, a subsidised bus service will take you reliably around town.

An increase in third-world immigration also happened in the UK which was in the process of leaving the EU and as a stretch of water between it and the rest of Europe. UK governments were rhetorically very anti-immigration over the period btw.

I know that it’s simpler to attach a personality to a policy, but these are much larger secular trends and never rested on the overnight decision of a single German Chancellor in 2015.

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Merkel's Choice was the hinge of history because these long term trends emerging from their leaders' negligence and contempt for their voters suddenly became obvious to tens of millions of people.

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Ah, you think too much of The People.

"If there is hope, it must lie in the proles", is wishful thinking. Yhere is no hope in the masses.

Even in Israel, the most informed, active, and robust democracy I know of (non-citizen Arabs and extortionary chareidim of course) "The People" are a feckless class who wouldn't or couldn't stand up to the bureaucratic tools of the Elite even to save Gaza or to stop October 7th.


The fact that "tens of millions of people" realize something - and perhaps even vote on it - rarely amounts to much that lasts.

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LOL The Jew jumping in to insult and divert again. And back to your praise of Israel, the shit state that supports mass immigration to Europe and condemns anti-immigration European parties, while having Jew supremacism as policy for your own country. While you live off White people's money every year. Disgusting. Go back to drooling over videos of your fellow Jews murdering people in Gaza.

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"...Israel, the shit state that supports mass immigration to Europe..."


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Has anyone said there wasn't mass immigration to other countries? Does that mean Angela Merkel's decision wasn't relevant? Of course it was enormously relevant since it started a massive flood of more than one million immigrants in a short time. Read the numbers.

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"It was the mask-off moment when the leadership’s attitude toward their peoples became explicit."

Indeed it was. As was the Democrats' inundation of the US under the current administration.

I know many Hispanic immigrants personally. One thing I've found is that even they feel that an injustice is being done to the American people. Common decency is common to humanity, after all.

But not to all humans, unfortunately. A lot of Americans - although not a majority by any means - are so blinded by ethnic, religious and partisan hatred for their legacy American neighbors that they want to reduce them to an impotent servile class.

This has always been an immensely stupid idea; there are about 200 million of us, after all. It was bound to fail one way or another, but perhaps these sorts of challenges are needed from time to time to remind us that we are a nation, and that our leaders owe their authority to We the People.

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Also note the Post excusing her choice as based on humanism and empathy (much higher traits in females) rather than the realities on the ground that Steve describes, and their obvious consequences.

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Germany could have more easily absorbed Hispanic migrants (mostly Christian) as opposed to Muslims, who do not assimilate well at all.

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Yeah look at Tejano culture. Anglo-Americans and Mexicans have been living together for 200 years in relative harmony there. Nothing like the Muslims and Christians in the Balkans.

Still good fences make good neighbors.

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Neither Germany nor the US need any immigrants at all.

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I don't think it was ever true that they were all Syrian. A lot sure, but many just destroyed their papers and claimed to be Syrian (why not, I would). But the Syrian collapse story was prevalent then, and a lot of effort had gone into claiming that Syria tortured civilians and there was a genuine civil war there.

Truth was different - there was very little bad treatment of Syrians who to this day love Assad (even if they know to say differently at European borders). The "Civil war" was actually a foreign invasion of terrorists funded by Saudi and US and UK, given maximum PR exposure by MI6 vehicles like the White Helmets, and supported actively by Turkey and Israel.

Israel announced one peace and immediately bombed Syria in support of the latest wave of these foreign invader attacks.

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Israel was half-beaten into a temporary ceasefire through the outgoing Biden administration. Anyway, it doesn't care as long as Hezbollah stays far away from Litani river and the Golan hights and doesn't import missiles into Lebanon. Most definitely, it doesn't want Turkish-funded jihadis on their Northern border either. Hamas in the South is enough.

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NO. (though yes Israel barely got 2km into Lebanon and lost a lot of IDF while killing a lot of civilians with bombs).

But Israel has long supported the terrorists in Syria. You may recall that when Israelis were discovered tending ISIS wounded in Syria they just claimed "we are purely charitable, and we will treat anyone wounded we find". Believe that...

There is tight co-ordination between Israeli bombing of Syria and ISIS/similar attacks on Syrian troops and civilians immediately after - this has been the case for over a decade.

One of the great lies of the last decade is that there was ever a civil war in Syria where actually Assad is well loved (and frequently re-elected). This is a foreign terrorist invasion and has required enormous support from Turkey (hand in hand with terrorists in IDLIB, Saudi finance, US weapons, UK media support (the White Helmets) and Israel. They all have a common interest - the collapse of the last remaining Arab state that refuses to accept Israel (which still occupies the Golan Heights to steal Syrian water). The previous Arab state hostile to Israel was Libya.

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chatGPT verifies that Assad is amazingly popular, winning with 97% plus of the vote when running unopposed and 88% when there was more than one candidate. Sounds legit and sans outside interference, Syria would be like totally united and Assad wouldn't have to use repression to maintain his minority's power. Yup

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Assad is quite popular with a majority of Syrians in a way few American politicians could ever be. But Syria has large pockets of restive Salafists and Kurds who will fight for as long as someone gives them money and guns.

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I'm not an expert, but my memory is that Syria is one of those multiethnic states ruled by a slightly more capable minority. without guile and repression it would have gone the way of Lebanon. I doubt he is popular outside that minority and anyone benefiting from government graft. The middle east doesn't work that way

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All good points. But if he were broadly unpopular across Syria's five or so religious sects and numerous clans I think he'd already be dead.

The anti-democratic junta that rules Egypt is certainly better than the alternative of Muslim mobs burning Copts to death in their churches. I say, give dictatorship a chance in the Middle East!

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He has been hugely popular since an international group of terrorists backed by Saudi, US, UK, Turkey, Israel, invaded his country and started chopping off heads for not being the precise religious group.

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the pockets are not syrian. The Kurds are not anti-Assad. Actually the Kurds have a strange role being supported by the US presence (they are still there). The Kurds would like to fight the Turkish backed HTS (latest name for the ISIS type Salafists). US claims to help them to do this but actually seems more interested in making life difficult for the Syrian army to do so.

The Turks (Erdogan) see Syrian Kurds as in league with Turkish Kurds which they treat as terrorists, so Erdogan is as interested in the Salafists killing Kurds as much as in them killing Syrian civilians and military.

It is a mess - but there is no Syrian (kurd or other) group fighting against Assad.

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If HTS is Salafist or Turkish-backed it does not follow that it is not a Syrian group.

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We don't have to say it yet, but it will be wise to start mirror-practicing your straight faced, "I, for one, welcome our robotic overlords".

For now, AI is just another gaslighting consensus tool for our current, quite human, overlords.

BONUS LINK: AI is still able (and interested!) in knowing what's really true. Enjoy it while you can!


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?? There is no Domestic rebellion - totally foreign. Syrians don't take part in the terrorist acts. But then I guess you knew that before you posted.

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that's not my reading of wikipedia. Looks like the whole thing started with the Arab spring when some of the Syrian Army guys refused to fire on protesters and defected and formed a rebel group. The article also states they eventually failed due to lack of western support while Islamist groups had support from their own.


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15 years of misinformation has affected even wikipedia.

Free Syrian army soon became a cut out between US military and the likes of ISIS. Join the FSA, US gives you guns openly, take the gun and get more pay at ISIS or equiv. General Flynn pointed this out on public TV - look what happened to him.

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Golan heights were initially part of the Palestine mandate. The whole territory incuded Mesopotamia was conquered by Britain and Commonwealth alone, so it was theirs to plan ahead - right of conquest and all that. Britain turned it over to France-controlled Syria to weaken the Jewish settlement. Just as they gave away Transjordan to the Hashemites.

Anyway, what has this to do with Merkel's stupid policy?

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A lot of the Million Migrant Men March were Syrian rabble encouraged to leave and go be someone else's problem.

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London's by-you supposed right of conquest was limited by its agreement to Sykes-Picot and, later, when it claimed that S-P was overridden by signing on to the League of Nations. It wanted the area to be placed under an AMERICAN mandate, btw.

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There was no "supposed" right of conquest. Right of conquest was everywhere. By the way, it doesn't mean that other nations had to acknowledge the rightful transfer. It only means that inside each nation, its citizens accepted it as rightfully theirs. For example, when US took over Mexican territories, or Amerindian territories, it only meant that US citizens now considered Alabama or New Mexico or California theirs. Right of Conquest.

Same as with Soviet Union conquering East Prussia and then giving South-Western Part to Poland, North-Eastern Part to Russian Federation and the extreme Eastern Littoral to Lithuania in 1945 - Right of Conquest. They didn't ask if East Prussian Germans agreed to it. They simply threw them out.

Anyway, the war in Ukraine is interesting because we are transiting to Right of Conquest again being the national and international norm. Perhaps better as more realistic than this "land acknowledgement garbage".

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In other words, there is no right of conquest, and your suggestion that there is one was total nonsense. There is only a right to retain by right of no one being able to take something you have from you.

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As I write also, everyone knew they weren't all Syrian, there were Arabs from all over, and there were even Afghans claiming to be Syrians.

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There are even Ujghurs from China. Guess who organised them...

Quite a few from former Soviet Union too.

It is no wonder that the rest of the world (Russia and China in particular) is supportive of Assad.

Brits too! With apparent initial encouragement from UK.

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Aleppo is lost to Assad. So sad for you.

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You really are trying to haunt me - I must have upset you somewhere.

Still first time you have made an outright statement.

I think you'll be proved wrong by end of the week. A bit longer if you rely on wikipedia...

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"I think...." Everything emitted past such an unlikely claim can safely be ignored.

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sure - so ignore me then.

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I'm now remembering photos from 2011. The "rebel" unit leaders were generally Caucasian Muslims (from the actual Caucasus) and the grunts were progressively darker, down to the Sudanese.

Here's a catchy tune for God, Syria, Bashar.


From everything I've heard and read about him, he sincerely wants a secular, multi-creedal nation-state versus the sectarian Hell in Lebanon. The competing ideology is the clannish, imperialist, Muslim caliphate. Again, my impression is the more bourgeois Syrians want to join team Nation-State, and go nuts over their national basketball and soccer sides like everyone else.

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Multiple western leaders have made awful (and in my mind, deliberately calculated) decisions to inundate their nations with illegal immigrants to alter demography and politics. What has been even more shocking however is the willingness of a pretty large share of the public and overwhelming share of elites to embrace it. It shows a level of cultural self-hatred that I really didn't think was possible as well as a collective absence of rational self interest across a broad spectrum. Although I am pleased that at least in the US we have some possibility of partially reversing this, it won't be 100 percent and for Europe I don't think it's recoverable short of a revolution in a major country.

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Ain't nobody reversing it in the US my friend.

Foreigners HAVE always and WILL always be brought in to compete with natural born citizens in every country and every generation when The Elites are in charge.

It's what keeps the elites Safe (divide and conquer while claiming moral superiority), Rich, and in Control.

They may swap out vegetable picking Mexicans for Indian coders, or even English middle-managers, but the need to keep the non-Elite frustrated, uncomfortable and at war with their economic equals (or better yet, their economic inferiors!) is a necessity.

The fact that with more competition the Elite can acquire more motivated workers for cheaper is just a happy bonus.

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Ah, those good intentions will pave the way to Sharia, or Hell , not much difference.

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I'm not gonna read Merkel's dumb book, but from the excerpt, it is remarkable how much the narrative sounds like some kind of confessional girl-gone-wild chick-lit parody:

> "… For a long time I couldn't imagine writing such a book. That first changed in 2015, at least a little. Back then, in the night between September 4 and 5, I had decided not to turn away the [advances of dusky foreigners]. I experienced that decision, and above all its consequences, as a caesura in my [social position]. There was a before and an after."

She didn't decide it, she "experienced that decision". It wasn't her doing this this, it was a "caesura" that happened to her. She (despite being the head of government) is just a passive victim of flitting caesurae.

> "That was when I undertook to describe, one day when I was no longer chancellor, [this confessional emo-porn] in a form that only a book would make possible. I didn't want to leave the further description and interpretation just to other people [this is an intimate confession just between me and you dear reader]."

Merkel may have set out to justify her epic mistake, but she is inadvertently showing why female leaders such herself can't be trusted. She was supposedly a tedious technocratic conservative for years who even declared "multiculturalism has failed" in 2010. Then a few years later, she capriciously handed her country over to hostile foreigners in what appears to be a hormonal fit that persists to this day in her estro-biography.

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But she did "experience" the decision. While she took the formal responsibility, we all know it was far from hers alone - we just don't know who else planned out this destruction.

In a way, similar to the Minsk 2 "agreement", she can sometimes be a little too honest.

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She was a complete failure. Allowing in all those Muslims, deciding she didn’t trust Putin but failing to meet Germany’s NATO commitments.

Right up there with Joe Biden.

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YES - I agree that female leaders over the past century have been terrible.

AND - Male leaders over the past century have been terrible as well as well.

The fact that we can name a few great male leaders over the pasr century (zero from the United States) may (for all we know) simply be due to the fact that there have been so many more of them.

If one leadee in 250 is great and there have been 1500 male leaders and just 100 female leaders, we can't draw any statistical conclusions about female leaders other than that they certainly aren't super-double-much better, as some have theorized they would be.

I mean Golda Meir sucked. She was a catastrophe, but was George W such a prize?

Indira Gandhi could get a bit out of control and overdo it sometimes, but some would say that Putin's gone overboard on a couple of things too.

Careerists heading for leadership should be identified and shot before they leave the academy or law school, but barring this common sense solution, we are appear to be stuck with them - male, female, and androgynous.

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You can say that Merkel was just a bit of bad luck and her "caesura" coulda happened to anyone, but don't forget that Hillary and Kamala both wanted to do the same and worse to the USA, and wanted to do it as a matter of deliberate policy, not a caesura. When every bigshot Western female politician of the 21st century has the same goal, it starts to look like a pattern.

Margaret Thatcher was pretty good, IMHO. Reaching back a bit, favorable cases can be made for Queen Elizabeth, Catherine the Great, etc.

But this kind of epic, "unforced" (as Steve says, i.e., there was no problem that was supposed to be solved), nation-ending error is, by the account of the woman who did it, feminine in nature.

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Angela Merkel is the most incompetent European political leader since the end of World War Two. The Muslimization of Germany is national and eventually continental suicide. She is the Honorius of her times.

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Most people just act out on ideas they are being taught. Independent thought is rare, even with government leaders.

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If it was such an unforced error, why did Biden administration decided to repeat it?

The driving ideas behind taking in tons of migrants is that they

(A) be reprogrammed to perform as well or even better than the indigenous population (obviously, Merkel and Biden never read NOTICING) , and

(B) size matters to compete against China and India. So far, the German elite can keep AFD away from power, so they don't care. If it becomes too difficult, they will probably outlaw it. Easy peasy.

(C) Who knows, maybe under the hand, they wanted to import more antisemitism?

Anyway, the thinking to let Arabs swamp over into Europe didn't start with Merkel. English, Belgian and French elite were already thinking about it back in the late 1960s. Otherwise, Raspail or Bat-Yior wouldn't be writing about it.

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Don't you have a rapist to apologize for ?

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Don’t know what Biden was thinking. Clearly learned nothing from Germany, if he was even paying attention.

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Human beings are perfectly capable of living happy and healthy lives with a fraction of the average material resources available to European or American residents.

Horrendous local governance combined with instantaneous awareness of conditions abroad have created enormous demand for migration “services”, often provided by criminals or gullible do-gooders saving humanity one family at a time by introducing them to the glorious pleasures of dependence on western welfare systems.

The inability to recognize the need to manage immigration is the greatest leadership failure of our times.

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Most third world immigrants come to work.

Nevertheless if your immigrants are disproportionately ill, poorly-educated, anti-social, etc, they will become beneficiaries much like equivalent members of the host population.

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The problem is they’re Muslims. Most of them will never assimilate.

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Europe is full of non-Muslim, third world immigrants. In my part of Europe it’s predominantly Hindus and African Christians.

US pundits tend to ignore the above.

The fact that most of Europe produces poor or no statistics on race and religion doesn’t help

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Which parts of Europe are filling up with Hindus? That's very interesting and not something I'm yet aware of. Can you provide some more details?

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This is what a search engine gave me:

1. United Kingdom: Approximately 1 million Hindus.

2. Netherlands: About 200,000 Hindus.

3. France: Approximately 200,000 Hindus.

4. Germany: Roughly 130,000 Hindus.

5. Italy: Around 200,000 Hindus

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Mr. Posture must be from a Hindu-heavy part of the UK. But even in most of the UK, I'd expect Muslims>Hindus in absolute numbers. The same for all the other countries listed.

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Cheekily evasive aren't we? 😉

You fooled everyone else, but obviously in this space, on this post, and as a counterpoint to other parts of Europe with primarily Muslim immigration, you weren't referring to the UK.

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Hindus fairly recently rioted against Pakistanis on the streets of London over some soccer or cricket game in one of those countries. You can look it up.

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Fix keeps referring to AfD as extremist. In September it won its first state election (Thuringia) and came in second in another (Saxony). Its positions on immigration and aid to Ukraine at the same time have been adopted by a new “extreme” left party (BSW) that is making electoral gains over establishment leftist parties.

When a perspective shared by two growing parties on opposite sides of the left/right division are both in favor of the same policies regarding immigration and war, how can those policies be considered extreme? It’s more likely that the population is waking up to the catastrophic effects of “mainstream” political parties, resulting in a huge shift in the Overton Window, a shift the MSM refuses to recognize.

Even if the views on immigration and war held by AfD and BSW are extreme, so what? That doesn’t mean they are wrong. As Goldwater said 60 years ago, “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”

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Do they bring their culture with them, or is it stuck to their homeland? I wonder what these adventurers think about the fact that all the opportunity is in lands populated by other people. I wonder why, if they think the new place is superior to the old place, they make such an effort to dominate the new place. Surely they don't see themselves as killing the golden goose. They must have a rationalization.

OTOH most people don't. They figure this is a hell of a nice country, surely it could withstand a few adjustments.

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They want the Western high standard of living but many still want to stay Muslim.

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You can stay muslim in your private life but you can't expect your religion to dominate every else's

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Read the Koran. If you don't think it mandatory that your religion dominate everyone else's you're not really a Muslim.

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plenty of westernized people practice only the parts of their religions that they like. I don't think this a likely outcome with mass migration of worker level people; it's more a professional class habit.

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Plenty of westernized people treat religion as if it's a buffet, but if "Muslims" don't believe its essential tenets they are not, I repeat, Muslims.

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Nothing like making up for the holocaust by opening the gates of the country to millions of new anti-semites. Added bonus: They also hate western civilization.

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When the Arabs came to Greece, Israel sent IsraAID to give them advice on legal tricks, what to say to pretend to be "refugees." They were given maps with the route marked to Europe and numbers to NGOs there to call for legal advice.

There were Syrians who had lived in Turkey and the Gulf for much of their life who now claimed to be "refugees." Even dark Arabs from Sudan.

As Taki wrote, the Greek government could have stopped the flood of Arabs with two navy ships in the sea. Instead they welcomed them and gave them transport to the northern border.

After a long time the Hungarians stopped them by the border. The Arabs made fire and held kids over the smoke to make them cry, then placed them in front of the Hungarian police for the leftist journos to take pictures. You can see one photograph taken from a distance, of one crying kid standing in front of police with a large group of photographers in a half circle around him. All taking care so that their own colleagues not be shown in the pictures.

In photo after photo the media would show the few women with children they could find. If you look at the picture closely, the entire horde of Arabs walking behind them are men.

They cut up the seats in trains. They defecated on the floor in the train bathrooms. The media didn't show this. Instead they said, "racists say they cut crosses in the train seats and then cut across them, but that isn't true!" It's the typical strawman. That way if you mention the vandalism of trains and buses, people are supposed to think, "he's one of those racists with that false rumor I heard about."

Austrian bus drivers were forced to drive the Arabs and Afghans to Germany. They were forced to work overtime. The Arabs kept track of the bus with GPS on their phones, and if they got even a bit off course they threatened to kill the driver. The drivers said that at every stop, some Arabs would disappear to live illegally in Austria.

There were Arabs from Morocco and elsewhere, and the immigration documents were printed in Farsi because there were also Afghans who pretended to be from Syria. Every criminal from every Arab country. The media silence criticism by calling them "paperless," that U.S.-invented propaganda word that is adopted by the socialists in every language. "Paperless" means to be an innocent victim.

The media loved to show the picture of the one kid who drowned in the sea. The story was that evil White racism killed the kid, so now you must accept mass immigration. The Arab family had lived in Turkey for years. The father in the family wanted free dental care. First he planned to move to Canada where his sister lived, but then he decided to be a "refugee" in Sweden. He abandoned his family by the coast and jumped in another boat. Then didn't tell anyone he was the kid's dad. Finally some other Arab pointed out that he was the father, so he had to go to the police station, in a colorful shirt and sunglasses. These are the "refugees" let in to Europe.

The kid floated to shore by some rocks. That wasn't photogenic. So the Arabs or photographers moved the body to the beach, much better. Then took pictures of it lying perpendicular to the water. Bodies float ashore parallel to the waves. Just one of the many lying ingredients from start to finish.

A public-employed dentist in southern Sweden pointed out that the "teenagers" he had to examine were in their older twenties and even older. He was fired. A police chief who pointed out the crime that followed was fired. Police who complained about what was happening were often reassigned to other towns, so that they were forced to move and the wives had to find new jobs, the children had to change schools. This was a severe punishment that is perfectly legal and can't be opposed in the labor court.

There were photographs of "refugees" who were ISIS members, who simply sold their guns and cut their beards and showed up in Germany and Sweden. Even their own social media showed this at times. The media ignored it.

Meanwhile, Soros-funded NGOs have been shipping Africans from the Libyan coast to Italy and Spain. There is a small island in Spain with a few police, which is constantly overwhelmed by Africans. They claim the Africans are "shipwrecked," and the socialist media play along. The reality is that they go across the sea to Libya, where the Arabs transport the Blacks just a short distance out on the sea. Then they are handed over to the Soros gang. The laws of the sea say the shipwrecked should be transported to the nearest port, which would be Tripoli. Instead they take them all the way back to Italy. The media all pretend that they are "in need of help" and show the picture of the drowned Arab boy again.

There's a picture of Africans with life jackets pretending to float in the water. A picture from a larger distance shows that they are right by the pier, and that they stand up in the shallow water after taking the fake picture.

But this the media won't show, when they talk about "fake news" and "misinformation."

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Thank you.

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"When the Arabs came to Greece, Israel sent IsraAID to give them advice on legal tricks, what to say to pretend to be "refugees." They were given maps with the route marked to Europe and numbers to NGOs there to call for legal advice."

That's one hell of an opening paragraph. Of course I don't put it past the Israeli (or any) Government to act in their own self interest with extreme prejudice.

(I would argue that WARS prove that point best, but humankind takes the mass murder of war for a normative necessity so sometimes I need to get their attention with dangling shiny things https://youtu.be/BzHYd2Uar6s .)

That said, while I myself (a Jew! a Rabbi!... an Egyptian?!) have personally given some thought to the request of a few muslim migrants in Athens for information on how to get to Germany or Scandinavia (my thoughts failed to produce anything actionable of course, lol) I don't see why Israel (or anyone) would go out of their way to do any such thing as you describe. I was of course just trying (and failing) to answer the query of some homeless folk standing right in front of me, but your claim that the Israeli Government sent people to Greece with maps can use a reliable source.

I'm not denying it, but unless you're referring to some disaster-relief project that turned into a few individuals trying to help the people literally standing in front of them (as any non-psycopath would) it sounds odd and unlikely. Germany is the Israeli Government's* golden-egg-laying goose so I don't see how it would benefit them to weaken it.


* The Israeli-Government ^excluding^ the only Prime Minister I respect, Menachem Begin, who was actually kicked out of the knesset for leading a riot against the institution when they first decided to accept German reparations. Were he alive today, no doubt he would insist on normal friendly relations with the current German people rather than to grossly continue to play the weepy victim to a generation fully born after the conclusion of the holocaust.

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Wikipedia: "IsraAID was founded in 2001 as a coalition of Israeli aid and international development organizations,[3] growing into an independent NGO with 300 team members worldwide.[11]"

Note the "N" in "NGO". It's not "the Jews" doing this, just the usual subjects, currently (and for the foreseeable future) out of power in Israel .(But they did drag Netanyahu into court last week.)

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