Anything that increases socialization will naturally increase the mortality rate. Just so happens that having the Sun out increases social interaction. What will also increase the mortality rate along with socialization is the increase of key populations as well.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

"....Anyone really wanting to get at some truth on the subject of violent crime perpetrated against black people in America can – with just a modicum of effort – access reliable crime statistics..... The truly unconscionable threat faced disproportionately by black Americans, in certain dysfunctional inner city areas, is the one that comes from being caught up – whether willingly or not - in the violent underclass world of their neighbours. This is a netherworld in which countless black lives are ruined. But it is a world which, for most middle class liberals, exists only as a remote abstraction. Black-on-black violence of all kinds has invariably increased dramatically in the wake of the (white dominated) anti-police protests that have punctuated American life in recent decades. Nobody seems minded to protest about this. Middle class Progressives and student radicals do not surge into these nightmare neighbourhoods waving banners, calling for justice for the innocents caught in the crossfire and an end to a culture of sexual oppression. These black lives do not seem to matters to them...." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/back-in-the-summer-of-2020

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"the (white dominated) anti-police protests"

I don't think the critical-mass energy of these social-movements was from core-ethnopolitical-class whites. Once the social-movements succeeded and were 'mainstreamed,' such whites were the numerical majority of bodies involved, I suppose. But that's because there are still so many whites in the USA.

Some will remember the outrage cycle following the "Trayvon Martin" case of 2012. The earliest agitators pushing for the lynching of the hapless-Hispanic "George Zimmerman" were not whites, certainly not the middle-and-upper-class Middle-America-type whites. who in later years inclined to put up "Black Lives Matter" signs in front of their houses.

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I've only ever seen images of these kind of 'protests' at second-hand (and from across the Altantic)....so I defer to you. But what I mostly remember is images of spoilt-brat students and their ilk - albeit of various colours.

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

Had that happen in Youngstown. The killer was not from the block. He'd been "invited" by someone who'd been invited by someone who'd been invited by someone who'd been invited by a member of the fraternity. The first invitee was the only one from the actual area the party was for.

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

People who are tired at night, from working all day, are less likely to roam the streets all night. It would be interesting if the media or these data economists explored the employment status of these gunfighters.

There is a lot that needs doing on our public lands, for instance invasive plant removal, or the type of work they're doing to try to address the woolly adelgid; there is always a need for infrastructure repair and trailwork - so this seems to me to argue for a CCC-type program for young men. Get them out of the city, and working, hopefully in an atmosphere of camaraderie.

It could be offered as a diversion early on.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

Last night, an hour after the City fireworks, some black "kids" having a party set off a few impressive and illegal rockets next to a thoroughfare. Soon after the cop car left, they set off a few more. Mindful of Derb's teachings, I kept walking on the other side of the street.

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

So there are places with Fourth of July fireworks on July 3?

It makes sense, in the tradition some have of "Christmas" marked more be evening Dec 24 than Dec 25.

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Sailer

Yes, we've long had them on the Third so people can enjoy their Fourth parties at home. Probably saves the city some money, too. One year in the 1930s the weather was bad, so they shot them off on Halloween, which became a tradition. My former home of Alexandria VA had them on the Second, which I believe was the city's anniversary, since DC's were so close.

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Chicago's big lakefront fireworks show in Grant Park was always on July 3 when I lived there.

In Los Angeles, they are on July 4.

It gets darker later in Chicago in July than in LA, so the Chicago fireworks don't start until 9pm. Thus, holding them on July 3, let's attendees sleep in the next morning rather than have to get up for work.

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"The killing season" for the British Conservative Party also happens to be July 4th this year. Steve Sailer's commentary on the British election is being waited for.

People are talking about the large-scale revolt by White-British voters, and an unironically deliberate attempt to 'kill' the Conservative Party, wiping out almost all its seats. The strategy is to replace the sunk 'Tory' ship with something more like the anti-regime soft-ethnonationalist-oriented opposition associated with the Le Pen surname in France, or the AfD in Germany. People hate the Conservative Party now, associating it with failure, economic decline (almost everyone relatively worse off), cultural decline (White ghettoization), refugees, a Third Worldization process. These protest voters are either refussing to vote or going for the Nigel Farage 'Reform Party.'

One unspoken reason, so the whispers go, is that most White-British don't want to be ruled by a non-British-origin "brown man," Rishi Sunak. He was appointed a few years ago in whatever the parliamentary equivalent of a "palace coup" would be called. He will lose his seat outright, the first-ever sitting PM to lose a seat while PM over the centuries of British electoral politics. In recent weeks the Conservatives are slamming the anti-Conservative voters for........Racism. There are a lot of Sailerian interest in the British election, with Steve Sailer silent so far.

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Asians are evolving.

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Steve, having been born and raised in the American South, I can assure you that black people love hot weather and standing on sidewalks and asphalt in the blazing sun. Just something I've noticed over the last five decades.

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