At the risk of stating the obvious, Cricket is, with the exception of Rugby, the Master Sport.

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Jats and Rors are genetically unique among Indians, because they have very elevated ancestry from the original Indo-Iranic invaders of the subcontinent.














The last comma value is Kashkarchi which is Andronovo samples from the Ferghana Valley. They are almost pure Andronovo-Sintashta type ancestry (Indo-Iranic people from the European Corded Ware Culture) with maybe like 5-8% local ancestry. Brahmins from UP only have 15%, and Tamil Brahmins only 8%. Meanwhile Ror have 35%

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Do I read you to be saying that today's 'Brahmins' of Hindu-India only have 10-15% ancient-Aryan ancestry? ( And Sikhs have 21%?) The rest of Brahmin ancestral-stock being mostly the 'Dravidian' Australoid-like racial-stock native to India from before the Aryan invasion?

If this data and my interpretation is right, the 'Brahmin' caste appears to have failed to racially preserve itself. But these high castes also must have slowly absorbed relatively higher-end human capital from the rest of the population.

It seems, in any case, that White-Western people need to start learning about India's 'byzantine' caste system with all its ins and outs. Why: Decades of loose immigration-and-racial policy has delivered a political caste of slick, smooth-talking Subcontinentals (Kamala, 'Nikki' Haley, "Vivek," the elite-Hindu wife of J. D. Vance, RIshi Sunak, the mayor of London, the PM of Ireland, Humza Yousaf (leader of the Scottish parliament) until last month). the head of the California Republican Party who delivered that controversial full-on "one true god" Sikh prayer at the RNC convention in 2024...)

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Tamil Brahmins are Southern Indian, so it only makes sense that they have less. From what I've read, Brahmins in Northern India have anywhere from 10-25% Aryan ancestry (this UP Brahmin has 15%~). But yeah, it's not really that high compared to what Europeans have. But it is still higher than the Aryan ancestry of lower castes throughout India, with respect to region. Again with the exception of these warrior-farmers from the northwest who are outliers and potentially have more recent Iranic ancestry.

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Gurka cruise ship security is quite impressive, they be half foot shorter hundred pound lighter and you can tell you would be incapacitated 30 seconds later. that includes the 5 foot, slip of a ghurka gal who looked at me like i was a squishy punching bag. (which i am). they may not be sporting athletic but not to be messed with.

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My favorite fun fact:

Michael Phelps has won more gold medals in the Olympic Games than India.

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Funny story, during one of the Olympics that Michael Phelps was in, they interviewed a bunch of the Olympics gymnast girls for a segment. Phelps was in his 20s, and the girls were all in their teens. One of the gymnasts, the black girl Dominque Dawes, made specific mention of Phleps and she clearly had a crush on him but was trying to act cool. IIRC Dawes was 17 or 18 so Phelps was within her normal dating range, so she seemed to think she had a shot.

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How do Subcons do when living abroad? I'm wondering if weather is a factor.

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"In general, interest in sports seem to correlate with interests in traditional masculine pastimes such as war, fighting, and hunting."

---And gambling.

I have yet to meet a higher-T male who didn't have a stronger interest in gambling than lower-T males. Michael Jordan, ever the fierce competitor and world's greatest basketball player, was addicted to gambling. The Romans, ever the patriarchal aggressive conquerors, were hopelessly addicted to dice games, such that the Bible records the soldiers who crucified Jesus played dice to see which one of his clothes he got, and Julius Caesar's famous line about how civil war was inevitable evoked dice games: "The die is cast." Not to mention that American G.I.'s back from WW2 were craps devotees----craps was the most popular game in Vegas until the 1970s when blackjack replaced it, and almost every illegal gambling ring was dice, not poker, during those years (John McCain, the POW fighter pilot Senator, loved craps).

I would bet the martial races of India gamble a lot more, especially on riskier games of chance like dice or horse racing rather than more strategy games than blackjack or poker. There is something about masculinity and letting it ride on a dice roll.

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I have almost no interest in gambling, which strikes me as further evidence that I'm not as masculine as Michael Jordan.

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Higher T = Higher tolerance for risk.

E.g. Accountants are stereotyped as being wussy dweebs for a reason; they play everything safe, including their careers. Their bean-counting, detail-oriented nature is an offshoot of their take-no-risks, shore up the back end, make sure nothing is left to chance lower T nature.

High octane floor traders on Wall Street are much higher T (e.g. Wolf of Wall Street). They see risk as not something to avoid, but to embrace, because even if they crash they figure the next risk will double them up.

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my sleepy noggin took "martial races" to mean sprints rather than aggregations of extended family. long past time for bed

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