" This can mean napping, she said, but it can also mean sitting in the bathroom longer than you need to,"

Brings back memories. When I was working, the bathroom stall was where I took my naps.

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Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime…

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As far as the horrors of the Racial Reckoning go this 'un is pretty mild, lol.

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"Do more, be excellent"

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"Black women need a rest" is a google thing...

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I got this from Uglasias years ago. The wonderful PJ Harvey wrote an album so years ago how a DC housing project was demolished and other, useful things put in. The single, Community of Hope rocks and is about the meanest song possible. https://youtu.be/qsLqsqbObyg?feature=shared

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This sounds just plain stupid.

BYW, the author’s name is likely female Sikh.

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"Lawdy Lawdy, I's so tired. Mammie needs her 18 hours rest, massa!"

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Getting enough sleep is important for mental and physical health. I am retired and get out of bed when I feel like it. Alas there seems to be only one foolproof method of teaching "power napping" and that is the sleep deprivation practiced on recruits in boot camp. Hard to teach napping skills to healthy young men otherwise.

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Joe Biden must be their Dalai Lama equivalent.

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I pretty much gave up reading the LA Times entertainment section--except the comics--as it so often featured negroes on the front page from 2020 and into 2023. Latinos? Not so much. Asians? Not so much. The trend has definitely slowed down, but it will only take one incident before November for the media to go back to BLM Full Blast.

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Except for the first month after I quit working, I haven't gotten close to 8 hours since I had shingles in 2014, thanks largely to spinal pain. If you've had chickenpox, get the vax!

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The plague of excessive productivity and work in the black community is legendary of course. It’s only logical that the more WOKE you become, the more asleep you will go.

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5% black Colorado Springs continued the trend of the whitest most liberal places self flagellating the hardest. There is a black community east of Denver called Montbello where blacks take dirt naps after dodging bullets at social gatherings.

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Colorado Springs has a remarkably high murder rate. I've never seen an explanation. I assume it's related to why Albuquerque has a high murder rate, but that just brings up the question of why El Paso has a low murder rate.

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A relative taught juvenile delinquents in Pueblo just south of the Springs. A lot of undesirables moved to CO Springs from Denver in the last 25 years to save money. Half of the town population churns over due to the Air Force Academy. There are a lot of affluent nice suburban areas and it was or is the home of Evangelical Focus on the Family headquarters.

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Something about stereotypical behavior and promoting it....

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The black guy advertising LayZBoy chairs made me chuckle.

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I suppose the Procrastinators Club is scheduled for tomorrow.

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The fundamental problem of Negroes assimilating into western civilization remains unresolved:

Too many negroes are horrible.


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