Amy Wax, Jack Posobiec, and I sold out the Presidential Suite at Union Station in Washington DC.
Nice place. Great evening.
Here’s Dan from DC’s quiz:
Steve Sailer Quiz
1. Long ago, John Derbyshire called Steve the “smartest _____ I know”
2. What was the name of the Turkish Islamist movement that runs test prep centers in the Poconos?
3. Steve coined this term regarding the rabble rousing done by autogynephiliacs?
4. From what neighborhood in Chicago does Steve’s family hail from?
5. Steve coined this term to define his ideology.
6. What slur did John Podhoretz use to describe Steve after his Katrina article (spelling counts)
7. What was Steve’s legendary nickname for Podhoretz?
8. What was the name of Steve’s first book?
9. How many ways can you donate to Steve? Over or under 8.5?
10. What is name of band that sought permission to use Steve’ childhood photo on their album cover?
11. What was internet address of his work prior to moving to Unz?
12. What is the mascot for the University Steve attended as an undergrad?
13. Is Steve a fan of LeBron James? Why or why not?
14. What famous researcher has provided Steve hours of content w access to anonymized tax returns?
15. What is Steve’s favorite type of architecture?
16. What magazine published Steve’s first piece?
17. What is Sailer’s first law of female journalism?
18. Finish this Sailerism: Invade the world, Invite the world, ….
19. Whose blog did Sailer read that led to the backlash on the UVA rape hoax?
20. Who was Steve’ classmate at UCLA that became super successful Trans CEO?
21. What type of market research did Steve do in Chicago?
22. Who are the two white cornerbacks starting this week due to the Steve’s constant haranguing of NFL defensive coordinators?
23. Name one of Steve’s favorite bands?
24. Steve’s twitter avatar is from which course? Bonus- which hole?
25. What is the go to discount code for free shipping from Passage Publishing?
I could’ve been a judge, but I never ‘ad the Latin… I never ‘ad the Latin to get through the rigorous judging exams. They’re very rigorous, the judging exams, very rigorous indeed. They’re noted for their rigor. People come out of them saying, “My God, what a rigorous exam!” And so I become a miner instead. I managed to get through the mining exams. They’re not very rigorous. They’re no rigor involved really. There’s a complete lack of rigor involved in the mining exams.
They only ask you one question. They say, “Who are you?” And I got 75 percent on that.
--Peter Cook, "Beyond the Fringe"
I knew or would have a very good guess for 11 out of 25. And I’ve read all Steve’s output (minus the stuff on baseball and gridiron) since 2017.
It’s a hard quiz!