Lefty environmentalists say nothing about the mountains of litter at the border, where millions of illegal immigrant Latinos have crossed. Many fragile ecosystems of flora and fauna have been destroyed. They won't notice if their neighborhood turns into a favela landfill, cuz at least there's delicious taco trucks!
It’s also an annual #metoo binge, except guilty Karens of all races won’t report the groping by certain types of one ethnicity, and the police are ordered not to take reports. Remember the mass assaults two-plus decades ago? Repulsively, even a few female conservative pundits blamed the women being sexually assaulted for stuff like taking their daily jog.
When I grew up in the 70s, if you couldn't take an insult you couldn't be in the bunch of friends I ran with. And we're still pals nearly fifty years later.
There is a litany of problems that exist but cannot be mentioned because someone might be offended. Hence, no recognition of the cause of the problem and no solution to the problem that cannot be mentioned. A conundrum
This is an interesting article from a Floridian's perspective. So many Hispanics are custodians and landscapers here that they do not have such a reputation
Good point, when it's your job to pick up crap, you tend not to make your work any harder for yourself than necessary. Hmm, maybe we're onto something here...
Hinchcliffe called Puerto Rico an island of garbage, and you assumed that the garbage was the people. I know a German who calls Paris “The City of Garbage”, but he doesn't mean the Parisians are garbage
Filth in a living environment is usually a sign of low-IQ in adults. Going into any project is a nightmare for a germaphobe, since every project apartment is squalid, with unvaccummed floors, dust everywhere, food laying out, dirty clothes on the ground, trash strewn and piled up, flies around the garbage can, don't shower daily or bathe, etc. The one or two folks in a housing project who's apartment is neat are the folks who won't be staying there that long and are upwardly mobile.
Relatedly : Steve has pointed out that for men to be considered "well put-together" doesn't take much: a fresh haircut regularly, staying trim, a dab of cologne and hair gel, clothes that fit and aren't wrinkly or dirty. That's because most (straight) men don't do these things, so those that take the minor time to do it really stand out. Project rats who take a shower and clean their apartment stand out too, and they won't be project rats for long.
Having been a social worker, I found a negative correlation between obsessive self-grooming and attending to other social obligations and norms. Like paying child support. Or being here legally. It’s macho bull, like welfare queens with $300 nail jobs and hair extensions.
The only Catholic church in my county, now 20% Hispanic, was across the street from me until 15 years ago. They all parked on my grass verge to make room for traffic, but only the Spanish service left diapers. I noticed more litter in the neighborhood after St. George's martyrdom. Lots of empty Newport packs.
There are still a few old houses split into apartments that have blacks, including one next door to me now owned by a New Yorker. The city is 28% black. I think a few drive around fancier neighborhoods to toss trash out of their cars. In the 60s, there were beer bottles in my grandmother's shrubbery, so paper or plastic is an improvement.
I've rarely seen a glass bottle near the street in 30 years. Before the Great Recession, I'd often come home from a two mile walk with an aluminum soda or beer can between every pair of fingers (my boss's church was collecting them). Then a lot went home, or people started saving the cans for the money.
Democrats are pretty desperate if all they can bring up us a joke that are over interpreting and the fact that MSG was used for a Nazi rally eighty years ago.
In 1939 MSG was up on 8th avenue between 49th and 50th street. It lasted through my teens and the brutal destruction of Penn Station. It was a great place for lovers of cigars.
My Dad and I would go see the boxing in the 1960’s and stop into Lindy’s to get a piece of cheesecake and be insulted by the waiters. Good memories. Different times.
Never saw any Nazis there. The waiters must have scared them away.
Previous anti-littering campaigns worked because their targets - white Americans - felt some ownership of and pride in the village commons. One of diversity’s many blessings is a complete negation of any commons.
There is another large group in American life that feels no particular ownership stake in the commonwealth. How well did those anti-littering campaigns work in black neighborhoods? Not well.
There is also likely a class-seeking element to it: richer whites tend to like outdoorsy activities and poorer whites realized at some point it was a mark of the uncultured and the poor to litter indiscriminately. But the same activities do not seem to appeal to more recent Americans: in years of hiking America’s backcountry, I have seen more brown bears than brown people.
I love latinos, and the ones I love are very clean, but I lived among “other” Latinos who used to throw their trash AT the dumpster instead of IN it, disgusting me AND the latinos I love
Letting your biases blind you. There's overwhelming evidence of low Latino IQs and countless anecdotes highlighting their lack of care for public spaces. Your love of Birria tacos does not change that.
Back in 2008, there was great reluctance to call Obama what he was, a black race activist. Sarah Palin quipped that "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." I remember you noting at the time that she was unwilling to note exactly which "community" he was there to "organize," allowing his post-racial grift to go unchallenged.
How things change and stay the same! This year we have a technically multiracial black candidate who's obsessed with what we now call DEI. While Kamala's part Indian, she speaks more often of being "black" then being "Indian." She went to a historically black college and then went to law school where she served as the President of a chapter of the National Black Law Students Association. At the beginning of her politician career she worked for and dated the black politician Willie Brown, she also dated black TV host Montel Williams. I'm unaware she ever dated anyone of Indian descent. Yet Trump decided to say she was Indian rather than black, which he probably meant as a joke but which his more low-IQ followers took literally, unable to grasp that people can be of more than one race.
Now Cucker Carlson is continuing with the bit, calling her "Samoan-Malaysian," which liberal media fact-checkers are helpfully informing us is not true. That's the vibe of the modern GOP. A vague anti-foreign bias that seeks to lay all of America's problems at the feet of people of post-65 immigrant origin with hard-to-pronounce names. You may not know much about Samoans or Malaysians, but you know enough to know they Don't Belong Here. Now that you think about it, they're probably the ones pushing critical race theory and gender ideology in American public schools. Coming into our country with their weird, un-American ideology. Of course Kamala supports DEI, that's because she's not a real American, she's some kind of mystery meat blend! You don't want to hear about blacks, about Jews, or about the GOP's increasing struggles with high-income, high-education whites repelled by the Hulk Hogan show. It's all gotta be these mystery-meat foreigners, if only they'd leave.
Sorry, Steve, but Tony Hinchcliffe wasn't talking about littering. He pretty much said that the people of Puerto Rico are garbage, and he had unkind things to say about the procreative habits of Latinos generally. What Hinchcliffe said on that stage would have been considered tasteless even in the good ol' days before political correctness.
I say, this was a huge self-goal for the Trump campaign. It may well cost him the election.
Yep, the problem was having this unknown comedian perform 9 days before the election and have him personally insult your potential voters; it's not like Don Rickels performing at Reagan's second inaugural! Unlike the illegals, Puerto Ricans are indeed Americans and are fully entitled to vote.
Just having this issue in the discourse is bad news for Trump.
Derek just beat me to it, but just like there are more Irish in the US than there are in Ireland and more Jews in the US than in Israel, there are more PR living in the 50 states than in PR per se.
Hinchcliffe is very well known on various online platforms. It’s not like the old days when everyone knew Charlton Heston, Liza Minelli, and Señor Wences, whether they were fans or not. It’s all very compartmentalized now; online influencers and performers can have multiple millions of followers and fans without the general public paying the slightest attention
I will take your word for it; it is not an exaggeration to say that I have literally never of him before Sunday. Sid Rosenberg, who made some anti-Hillary remarks, I have heard of because he has been on the radio in one capacity or another for many years; I wouldn't say he is nationally known, though
Mike Tyson never heard of Jake or Logan Paul until his son hipped him to them, and each Paul has over 20M subscribers on YouTube
25 years ago everyone knew who Mike Tyson was. I doubt the average Joe on the street would recognize Oleksander Usyk. The media environment is very different today
The figurehead did what he could to even the score.
Hinchcliffe's perhaps-ambiguous Garbage quip (the island's litter or Boricuas themselves?) was topped last night by Biden's perhaps-ambiguous Garbage quip (Hilary's Deplorables or Hinchcliffe's remarks?).
Just now on NBC Today, Peter Alexander described one important difference: Democrats reacted, while Republicans Pounced.
Since 'Puerto Rican' is not a racial reference but a reference to a geographical entity, how is this racist?
Or is this just another example of the left's incapacity to maintain any coherent argument about race (calling our recent virus the Wuhan virus or the Chinese virus are equally non-racial, since neither Wuhan nor China is a racial category).
Puerto Ricans who live in the 50 states can vote in president elections. It’s not a good idea to insult voters. Remember Hilary and the “deplorables” comment?
This may be common knowledge at this point, but for those not inclined to make two clicks, the crying Indian was played by the Louisiana-born Espera DeCorti, a Sicilian.
In southern Hillsboro County (Tampa), we have generations of Hispanics who came on green cards before Bush I, worked very hard in the fields, gained legal citizenship, and are disgusted by the waves of illegals and PR and Dominican and now South American gangs who followed them, destroying their communities, endangering them, and luring their kids. The Democrat county comes down absurdly hard on legal homeowners who violate any tiny property regulation, then hold selective “amnesty” days, using our tax dollars to bring illegals’ and other lawbreakers’ dwellings up to code, gratis/on us. You should hear what my hardworking Hispanic dockworker neighbor had to say about that. But I couldn’t repeat it, just hope he never strokes out over it.
Lefty environmentalists say nothing about the mountains of litter at the border, where millions of illegal immigrant Latinos have crossed. Many fragile ecosystems of flora and fauna have been destroyed. They won't notice if their neighborhood turns into a favela landfill, cuz at least there's delicious taco trucks!
Yes. That trail of litter leads to delicious shrimp tacos.
The annual Puerto Rican Day parade is a Festival of Garbage (and mayhem).
It’s also an annual #metoo binge, except guilty Karens of all races won’t report the groping by certain types of one ethnicity, and the police are ordered not to take reports. Remember the mass assaults two-plus decades ago? Repulsively, even a few female conservative pundits blamed the women being sexually assaulted for stuff like taking their daily jog.
I always avoid the East Side when they have their Heritage Festival. The West Indian shindig in Brooklyn is equally violent.
All the offended people going on about this wouldn’t have lasted a day as a kid in the ‘70s with a Polish last name (me). This overreaction is nuts.
When I grew up in the 70s, if you couldn't take an insult you couldn't be in the bunch of friends I ran with. And we're still pals nearly fifty years later.
There is a litany of problems that exist but cannot be mentioned because someone might be offended. Hence, no recognition of the cause of the problem and no solution to the problem that cannot be mentioned. A conundrum
This is an interesting article from a Floridian's perspective. So many Hispanics are custodians and landscapers here that they do not have such a reputation
Good point, when it's your job to pick up crap, you tend not to make your work any harder for yourself than necessary. Hmm, maybe we're onto something here...
Same. I’ve never noticed the connection between Latin culture and littering, so to me it seemed like he was calling PRs trash.
Hinchcliffe called Puerto Rico an island of garbage, and you assumed that the garbage was the people. I know a German who calls Paris “The City of Garbage”, but he doesn't mean the Parisians are garbage
No one assumes that except outliers like you. Most assume that "garbage" means actual trash.
Also see Victor David Hanson on the behavior of Mexican illegal immigrants in the vicinity of his farm near Selma, California.
“Latin” is many different cultures.
Filth in a living environment is usually a sign of low-IQ in adults. Going into any project is a nightmare for a germaphobe, since every project apartment is squalid, with unvaccummed floors, dust everywhere, food laying out, dirty clothes on the ground, trash strewn and piled up, flies around the garbage can, don't shower daily or bathe, etc. The one or two folks in a housing project who's apartment is neat are the folks who won't be staying there that long and are upwardly mobile.
Relatedly : Steve has pointed out that for men to be considered "well put-together" doesn't take much: a fresh haircut regularly, staying trim, a dab of cologne and hair gel, clothes that fit and aren't wrinkly or dirty. That's because most (straight) men don't do these things, so those that take the minor time to do it really stand out. Project rats who take a shower and clean their apartment stand out too, and they won't be project rats for long.
Having been a social worker, I found a negative correlation between obsessive self-grooming and attending to other social obligations and norms. Like paying child support. Or being here legally. It’s macho bull, like welfare queens with $300 nail jobs and hair extensions.
The only Catholic church in my county, now 20% Hispanic, was across the street from me until 15 years ago. They all parked on my grass verge to make room for traffic, but only the Spanish service left diapers. I noticed more litter in the neighborhood after St. George's martyrdom. Lots of empty Newport packs.
Newport packs. Did the neighborhood become black?
There are still a few old houses split into apartments that have blacks, including one next door to me now owned by a New Yorker. The city is 28% black. I think a few drive around fancier neighborhoods to toss trash out of their cars. In the 60s, there were beer bottles in my grandmother's shrubbery, so paper or plastic is an improvement.
Beer is still mostly drunk from glass, so where did they go?
I've rarely seen a glass bottle near the street in 30 years. Before the Great Recession, I'd often come home from a two mile walk with an aluminum soda or beer can between every pair of fingers (my boss's church was collecting them). Then a lot went home, or people started saving the cans for the money.
Plastic is the worst! We need brown paper bags back!
Democrats are pretty desperate if all they can bring up us a joke that are over interpreting and the fact that MSG was used for a Nazi rally eighty years ago.
It was a completely different building!
In 1939 MSG was up on 8th avenue between 49th and 50th street. It lasted through my teens and the brutal destruction of Penn Station. It was a great place for lovers of cigars.
My Dad and I would go see the boxing in the 1960’s and stop into Lindy’s to get a piece of cheesecake and be insulted by the waiters. Good memories. Different times.
Never saw any Nazis there. The waiters must have scared them away.
Previous anti-littering campaigns worked because their targets - white Americans - felt some ownership of and pride in the village commons. One of diversity’s many blessings is a complete negation of any commons.
There is another large group in American life that feels no particular ownership stake in the commonwealth. How well did those anti-littering campaigns work in black neighborhoods? Not well.
There is also likely a class-seeking element to it: richer whites tend to like outdoorsy activities and poorer whites realized at some point it was a mark of the uncultured and the poor to litter indiscriminately. But the same activities do not seem to appeal to more recent Americans: in years of hiking America’s backcountry, I have seen more brown bears than brown people.
Haha, nice. But unless you do your hiking in Alaska, it's probably black, not brown (i.e. grizzly) bears you've seen.
Lots of very respectable middle-class black and legal Hispanics in Atlanta.
Until they can get the hell out to the suburbs too. Understudied subject, non-white flight.
Yeah white flight isn't Just for white people and hasn’t been for 50 years!
I love latinos, and the ones I love are very clean, but I lived among “other” Latinos who used to throw their trash AT the dumpster instead of IN it, disgusting me AND the latinos I love
Letting your biases blind you. There's overwhelming evidence of low Latino IQs and countless anecdotes highlighting their lack of care for public spaces. Your love of Birria tacos does not change that.
It doesn’t take a high IQ to put trash in a dumpster
Back in 2008, there was great reluctance to call Obama what he was, a black race activist. Sarah Palin quipped that "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." I remember you noting at the time that she was unwilling to note exactly which "community" he was there to "organize," allowing his post-racial grift to go unchallenged.
How things change and stay the same! This year we have a technically multiracial black candidate who's obsessed with what we now call DEI. While Kamala's part Indian, she speaks more often of being "black" then being "Indian." She went to a historically black college and then went to law school where she served as the President of a chapter of the National Black Law Students Association. At the beginning of her politician career she worked for and dated the black politician Willie Brown, she also dated black TV host Montel Williams. I'm unaware she ever dated anyone of Indian descent. Yet Trump decided to say she was Indian rather than black, which he probably meant as a joke but which his more low-IQ followers took literally, unable to grasp that people can be of more than one race.
Now Cucker Carlson is continuing with the bit, calling her "Samoan-Malaysian," which liberal media fact-checkers are helpfully informing us is not true. That's the vibe of the modern GOP. A vague anti-foreign bias that seeks to lay all of America's problems at the feet of people of post-65 immigrant origin with hard-to-pronounce names. You may not know much about Samoans or Malaysians, but you know enough to know they Don't Belong Here. Now that you think about it, they're probably the ones pushing critical race theory and gender ideology in American public schools. Coming into our country with their weird, un-American ideology. Of course Kamala supports DEI, that's because she's not a real American, she's some kind of mystery meat blend! You don't want to hear about blacks, about Jews, or about the GOP's increasing struggles with high-income, high-education whites repelled by the Hulk Hogan show. It's all gotta be these mystery-meat foreigners, if only they'd leave.
Sorry, Steve, but Tony Hinchcliffe wasn't talking about littering. He pretty much said that the people of Puerto Rico are garbage, and he had unkind things to say about the procreative habits of Latinos generally. What Hinchcliffe said on that stage would have been considered tasteless even in the good ol' days before political correctness.
I say, this was a huge self-goal for the Trump campaign. It may well cost him the election.
Yep, the problem was having this unknown comedian perform 9 days before the election and have him personally insult your potential voters; it's not like Don Rickels performing at Reagan's second inaugural! Unlike the illegals, Puerto Ricans are indeed Americans and are fully entitled to vote.
Just having this issue in the discourse is bad news for Trump.
Residents of Puerto Rico don’t vote in presidential elections. But there are many in the 50 states and they can vote,
I would bet that there are more Puerto Ricans living on the mainland than in Puerto Rico.
Derek just beat me to it, but just like there are more Irish in the US than there are in Ireland and more Jews in the US than in Israel, there are more PR living in the 50 states than in PR per se.
There are more Jews in Israel than in the US, and way more people who have four Jewish grandarents.
Hinchcliffe is very well known on various online platforms. It’s not like the old days when everyone knew Charlton Heston, Liza Minelli, and Señor Wences, whether they were fans or not. It’s all very compartmentalized now; online influencers and performers can have multiple millions of followers and fans without the general public paying the slightest attention
I will take your word for it; it is not an exaggeration to say that I have literally never of him before Sunday. Sid Rosenberg, who made some anti-Hillary remarks, I have heard of because he has been on the radio in one capacity or another for many years; I wouldn't say he is nationally known, though
Mike Tyson never heard of Jake or Logan Paul until his son hipped him to them, and each Paul has over 20M subscribers on YouTube
25 years ago everyone knew who Mike Tyson was. I doubt the average Joe on the street would recognize Oleksander Usyk. The media environment is very different today
I was born in 1951 and had never heard of Señor Wences before you mentioned him.
Or Hinchcliffe before Sailer mentioned him here.
> It may well cost him the election.
The figurehead did what he could to even the score.
Hinchcliffe's perhaps-ambiguous Garbage quip (the island's litter or Boricuas themselves?) was topped last night by Biden's perhaps-ambiguous Garbage quip (Hilary's Deplorables or Hinchcliffe's remarks?).
Just now on NBC Today, Peter Alexander described one important difference: Democrats reacted, while Republicans Pounced.
Any PR actually insulted was never going to vote for Trump. And same for most of the ones not insulted
"... Tony Hinchcliffe wasn't talking about littering. He pretty much said that the people of Puerto Rico are garbage..."
Quote, please.
Since 'Puerto Rican' is not a racial reference but a reference to a geographical entity, how is this racist?
Or is this just another example of the left's incapacity to maintain any coherent argument about race (calling our recent virus the Wuhan virus or the Chinese virus are equally non-racial, since neither Wuhan nor China is a racial category).
Puerto Ricans who live in the 50 states can vote in president elections. It’s not a good idea to insult voters. Remember Hilary and the “deplorables” comment?
I agree with you that it is not a good idea to insult voters, but I'm merely saying that the insult is not racist, which is what the left is claiming.
If Harris is Black then Puerto Rican is functionally a "race".
Don't fire up your imagination and let it spread to your hair. Hilary was the candidate.
Hinchcliffe is a "Who?" Probably even to Trump. He will not cost Trump the election.
edit: Besides, in which SWING STATE are Puerto Ricans a possible decider?
My impression is that they have numbers only in solidly Blue states.
This may be common knowledge at this point, but for those not inclined to make two clicks, the crying Indian was played by the Louisiana-born Espera DeCorti, a Sicilian.
In southern Hillsboro County (Tampa), we have generations of Hispanics who came on green cards before Bush I, worked very hard in the fields, gained legal citizenship, and are disgusted by the waves of illegals and PR and Dominican and now South American gangs who followed them, destroying their communities, endangering them, and luring their kids. The Democrat county comes down absurdly hard on legal homeowners who violate any tiny property regulation, then hold selective “amnesty” days, using our tax dollars to bring illegals’ and other lawbreakers’ dwellings up to code, gratis/on us. You should hear what my hardworking Hispanic dockworker neighbor had to say about that. But I couldn’t repeat it, just hope he never strokes out over it.
Steve, based on decades of first-hand experience, I can confirm that blacks are also habitual litterers. Enjoyed the article.