Exit polls are apparently just as garbage as pre-election polls. People are afraid of outing being for Trump. You need precint by precint granular data of actual voting.
Exit polls are apparently just as garbage as pre-election polls. People are afraid of outing being for Trump. You need precint by precint granular data of actual voting.
I wonder if there is any difference between age demographics. I'm a Gen Z half-Ashkenazi who voted for him but my family would probably disown me if I told them that, so I suspect there may have been a large shift among that age group that is simply not being publicized because of pressure within Jewish culture. At this point if you are a Jewish male who is not part of the elite voting for Kamala means you are taking the side of people who openly express that they hate you and want you to be completely socially and economically disenfranchised, that's why I am somewhat optimistic that despite Jews having historically pushed leftism the hardest they are going to finally start changing their minds now that it has gotten to this level.
I have a relative who is Jewish who brazenly put a Trump sign on his lawn in a fairly Jewish neighborhood. This led to an interaction with an old Jewish lady from down the block...who thanked him for his bravery and was inspired to come out of the closet publicly and put up her own Trump sign. Several Jewish Trump supporters old and middle aged in my family.
The Jew vote for the Left is well documented. He did have higher support among the Orthodox extremists, the ones who take literally the claims about "we are Chosen by Yawheh to rule the world," but among the rest who take the religion more as decoration the support for the Left is firm. Look at all the media Jews - New York Times columnists are 67% Jews, with the Sulzbergers running the newspaper. The NYT dictates leftist policy. Look at all the Jews completely dominating CNN and ultra-leftist Hollywood.
JD Vance correctly identified childless cat ladies as a core Democrat constituency. On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
Obviously, there is a "Jewish" counterpart to CCL exemplified by Mr Emhoff, Ms Harris' consort. In his case, these people will never ever have Jewish grandchildren. So I wouldn't take them into consideration, for the same reason as the CCLs. If you discount those and all real pseudo-Jews (there are plenty of these, the more pseudo, the more they tell you how Jewish they are while supporting XYZ), the Jewish vote has indeed swung strongly to Trump.
Oh, and by the way, there are less and less Jews in Hollywood because of DEI.
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
And why wouldn't they support Kamala, when Biden has been fanatically pro-Israel and pro-immigration, and she would just be a lengthening of the same policies. He has sent them more than 100 weapons shipments since they started the Gaza holocaust, keeping the shipments below the limit where Congress would be required to vote on them to avoid debate. He and the Jew Antony Blinken have feigned concern about the massacres, but never do anything.
Jews have always voted majority Democrat and as Steve Sailer has documented, they dominate among the top Democrat donors. People like George Soros, Larry Fink, Sam Bankman-Fried - lovely group of people, that. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff were some earlier Jewish donors - the list includes some creepy people. There is a lot to gain; Biden has appointed fourteen donors, Jewish and others, as governors. He knows how to reward his wallets.
Bill Clinton was called "an obedient child of Israel, who doesn't know how to say no," by the Israeli government, but Biden has him beat. In the past Izzy called Senator Biden "our man in Washington."
The Jewish Larry Fink has his managers from BlackRock all over Biden's cabinet. What a coincidence, then, that BlackRock got big contracts for rebuilding Ukraine after the war.
Less and less Jews in Hollywood? Look at the Disney board of directors, under the diversity statement at the top of the page. Jews are almost always both the CEO and the president. Then there are more Jews, and other non-Whites. They only allow two White men on the large board, in roles that don't have to do with production.
Look at all the top Hollywood corporations. Jews are greatly overrepresented among directors and actors, because of the bosses at the top. As another Jew wrote, "Of course Jews control Hollywood! And it's good that we do." (He named some of the causes they promoted through that control.) The casting agents, as the Jewish David Cole has noted as he worked with casting, also have heavy Jewish overrepresentation. DEI changes none of that.
Glenn Greenwald, my favorite homosexual Jew, made a funny YouTube video after some Jews claimed they were discriminated against in Hollywood, where he pointed out various Jewish-dominated outfits and how hard it must be for Jews there. So that he would avoid any YouTube censorship he had to make the whole thing with a straight face without mentioning the obvious, how they were actually dominated by Jews, and instead played along with the "anti-Semitism" claim. It was pretty good comedy.
Times of Israel is garbage. It's the US Democrats talking through it. OK, Haaretz is even worse, but not by much. They don't represent what Israeli electorate is thinking. The US Democrats have a problem with real Jews running away in droves, so they imagine 80% rates to stem the flaw. Remember how polls were telling Dems will have a majority in almost every swing state. And Iowa, of course!
Ah,attack the messenger. All sources about racial votes in the election say the same thing, that Jews overwhelmingly voted Democrat as always. The Jewish Virtual Library says the same thing, putting Democrat votes for Biden at 68%, as do all the media and all the studies after the election that mention the Jewish vote, with just some percent back and forth as with every race.
Or if you deny that Jews voted overwhelmingly Democrat, which was the point, do you have a study, publication or politician who backs that?
A whole lot of the people you refer to as “media Jews”, including the Sulzbergers themselves, are actually only 1/4 Jewish, or even less, due to intermarriage. This claim about Jews “completely dominating” Media and Hollywood was a whole lot truer at one point, but it’s quite outdated now.
Aww, using a second account to reply to yourself. LOL
So I made up that the majority of Jews voted for the Democrat candidate, like in every presidential election? You really want to claim that? So funny.
Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
As for how many Jews voted Democrat, that has nothing to do with the subject of my reply, so i don’t know why you’re addressing that to me. You probably got your arguments mixed up.
LOL Little Jew pretending that the majority of Jews did NOT vote for Kamala Harris. When a simple google search shows that they did, just like they ALWAYS vote for the Democrat candidate.
Umm, here's the Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
So funny, as if being a quarter Jewish wouldn't mean anything. When they fanatically support Jewish causes and when the majority of New York Times columnists are Jews - yeah, it means something. But try again, Schmuel.
There is no such thing as 1/4 Jews. If their maternal grandmother isn't - they aren't. Except for an orthodox conversion. And since they still feature the name Sulzberger - remember, family names are paternal line - they aren't.
True according to Judaism, but these people are typically genetic determinists (at least insofar as it comes to Jews) and therefore only care about ethnic status.
To put it simply - they don't have a Jewish ethnic status since Judaism IS decided by religion AND maternal lineage. If in doubt go read up on Ezra the Scribe (5th century BCE). And no, no-one has ever suggested a one-drop rule for Judaism.
I doubt that many Trump voters lied and said they voted for Cumala. Perhaps they declined to answer the exit poll but election after election the Chosen People have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats and nothing would lead me to believe that was different.
Either the polling companies lied on the pre-election polls, or their respondents lied. It's fairly simple and either or. Binary in new-speak? Lots of people no longer trust polling.
Agreed. I have seen no evidence that nationally the Jewish vote moved more than maybe 2-3% in Trump's direction.
One trend I noticed was that there appeared to be an increase for Trump among whites in already red states, plus a trend for Trump in blue states he had no chance of winning like Illinois and Oregon. I expected Trump's vote to be flat or decline in those states due to his voters fleeing because of blue state Covid policies. Part of it may be explained by a drop off in low info Dem voters who didn't get a mail in ballot sent to them. I am thinking Kamala was uniquely repulsive to whites, especially white men. There is no doubt she despises us and it is obvious to even casual observers of politics.
Looks like Trump got more votes from every race, even the most leftist ones. But still the majority of them voted Democrat as usual.
Except Amer Indians, who voted majority GOP - they don't have foreign brethren to let in to the country, they already have their reservations and their privileges, and immigration only hurts that by sharing tax money with foreigners.
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
But did anyone actually believe that Jews wouldn't be overwhelmingly leftist? Though some trolls even deny that Karl Marx was REALLY Jewish. "ACKSHUALLY he criticized some rich Jews!", I have heard. Never mind then the overwhelming Jewish support for Marxism. "Some call it communism, I call it Judaism," a fellow Jew wrote to him.
Exit polls are apparently just as garbage as pre-election polls. People are afraid of outing being for Trump. You need precint by precint granular data of actual voting.
Agree. Anecdotally I know a number of seemingly
Progressive Ashkenazi Jews, particularly men, who would never publicly admit it but did in fact vote for
Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if he won that demo and we’ll never know it.
I wonder if there is any difference between age demographics. I'm a Gen Z half-Ashkenazi who voted for him but my family would probably disown me if I told them that, so I suspect there may have been a large shift among that age group that is simply not being publicized because of pressure within Jewish culture. At this point if you are a Jewish male who is not part of the elite voting for Kamala means you are taking the side of people who openly express that they hate you and want you to be completely socially and economically disenfranchised, that's why I am somewhat optimistic that despite Jews having historically pushed leftism the hardest they are going to finally start changing their minds now that it has gotten to this level.
I have a relative who is Jewish who brazenly put a Trump sign on his lawn in a fairly Jewish neighborhood. This led to an interaction with an old Jewish lady from down the block...who thanked him for his bravery and was inspired to come out of the closet publicly and put up her own Trump sign. Several Jewish Trump supporters old and middle aged in my family.
The Jew vote for the Left is well documented. He did have higher support among the Orthodox extremists, the ones who take literally the claims about "we are Chosen by Yawheh to rule the world," but among the rest who take the religion more as decoration the support for the Left is firm. Look at all the media Jews - New York Times columnists are 67% Jews, with the Sulzbergers running the newspaper. The NYT dictates leftist policy. Look at all the Jews completely dominating CNN and ultra-leftist Hollywood.
"Who runs Hollywood? C'mon." -Joel Stein article
JD Vance correctly identified childless cat ladies as a core Democrat constituency. On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
Obviously, there is a "Jewish" counterpart to CCL exemplified by Mr Emhoff, Ms Harris' consort. In his case, these people will never ever have Jewish grandchildren. So I wouldn't take them into consideration, for the same reason as the CCLs. If you discount those and all real pseudo-Jews (there are plenty of these, the more pseudo, the more they tell you how Jewish they are while supporting XYZ), the Jewish vote has indeed swung strongly to Trump.
Oh, and by the way, there are less and less Jews in Hollywood because of DEI.
The Times of Israel:
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
And why wouldn't they support Kamala, when Biden has been fanatically pro-Israel and pro-immigration, and she would just be a lengthening of the same policies. He has sent them more than 100 weapons shipments since they started the Gaza holocaust, keeping the shipments below the limit where Congress would be required to vote on them to avoid debate. He and the Jew Antony Blinken have feigned concern about the massacres, but never do anything.
Jews have always voted majority Democrat and as Steve Sailer has documented, they dominate among the top Democrat donors. People like George Soros, Larry Fink, Sam Bankman-Fried - lovely group of people, that. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff were some earlier Jewish donors - the list includes some creepy people. There is a lot to gain; Biden has appointed fourteen donors, Jewish and others, as governors. He knows how to reward his wallets.
Bill Clinton was called "an obedient child of Israel, who doesn't know how to say no," by the Israeli government, but Biden has him beat. In the past Izzy called Senator Biden "our man in Washington."
The Jewish Larry Fink has his managers from BlackRock all over Biden's cabinet. What a coincidence, then, that BlackRock got big contracts for rebuilding Ukraine after the war.
Less and less Jews in Hollywood? Look at the Disney board of directors, under the diversity statement at the top of the page. Jews are almost always both the CEO and the president. Then there are more Jews, and other non-Whites. They only allow two White men on the large board, in roles that don't have to do with production.
Look at all the top Hollywood corporations. Jews are greatly overrepresented among directors and actors, because of the bosses at the top. As another Jew wrote, "Of course Jews control Hollywood! And it's good that we do." (He named some of the causes they promoted through that control.) The casting agents, as the Jewish David Cole has noted as he worked with casting, also have heavy Jewish overrepresentation. DEI changes none of that.
Glenn Greenwald, my favorite homosexual Jew, made a funny YouTube video after some Jews claimed they were discriminated against in Hollywood, where he pointed out various Jewish-dominated outfits and how hard it must be for Jews there. So that he would avoid any YouTube censorship he had to make the whole thing with a straight face without mentioning the obvious, how they were actually dominated by Jews, and instead played along with the "anti-Semitism" claim. It was pretty good comedy.
Times of Israel is garbage. It's the US Democrats talking through it. OK, Haaretz is even worse, but not by much. They don't represent what Israeli electorate is thinking. The US Democrats have a problem with real Jews running away in droves, so they imagine 80% rates to stem the flaw. Remember how polls were telling Dems will have a majority in almost every swing state. And Iowa, of course!
Ah,attack the messenger. All sources about racial votes in the election say the same thing, that Jews overwhelmingly voted Democrat as always. The Jewish Virtual Library says the same thing, putting Democrat votes for Biden at 68%, as do all the media and all the studies after the election that mention the Jewish vote, with just some percent back and forth as with every race.
Or if you deny that Jews voted overwhelmingly Democrat, which was the point, do you have a study, publication or politician who backs that?
Yep - Tabletmag had granular analysis on precints. Same as here on Sailer.
> On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
They do want to experience motherhood. That's what the cats are for.
Emhoff has children from a first marriage. They’re proudly non-Jewish.
Exactly. Wear keffiyes and take part in Pro-Hamas rallies too. A shanda.
A whole lot of the people you refer to as “media Jews”, including the Sulzbergers themselves, are actually only 1/4 Jewish, or even less, due to intermarriage. This claim about Jews “completely dominating” Media and Hollywood was a whole lot truer at one point, but it’s quite outdated now.
Tell is as usual just making anti-Semitic shit up.
Aww, using a second account to reply to yourself. LOL
So I made up that the majority of Jews voted for the Democrat candidate, like in every presidential election? You really want to claim that? So funny.
Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
I don’t have a second account, lol.
As for how many Jews voted Democrat, that has nothing to do with the subject of my reply, so i don’t know why you’re addressing that to me. You probably got your arguments mixed up.
LOL Little Jew pretending that the majority of Jews did NOT vote for Kamala Harris. When a simple google search shows that they did, just like they ALWAYS vote for the Democrat candidate.
Umm, here's the Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
OOPS! You were lying again!
So funny, as if being a quarter Jewish wouldn't mean anything. When they fanatically support Jewish causes and when the majority of New York Times columnists are Jews - yeah, it means something. But try again, Schmuel.
Go back to Unz, troll.
There is no such thing as 1/4 Jews. If their maternal grandmother isn't - they aren't. Except for an orthodox conversion. And since they still feature the name Sulzberger - remember, family names are paternal line - they aren't.
True according to Judaism, but these people are typically genetic determinists (at least insofar as it comes to Jews) and therefore only care about ethnic status.
To put it simply - they don't have a Jewish ethnic status since Judaism IS decided by religion AND maternal lineage. If in doubt go read up on Ezra the Scribe (5th century BCE). And no, no-one has ever suggested a one-drop rule for Judaism.
They’re Episcopalian now.
Perhaps The New York Times should go DEI. Hire more Christians, gentiles and conservatives for their newspaper.
I doubt that many Trump voters lied and said they voted for Cumala. Perhaps they declined to answer the exit poll but election after election the Chosen People have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats and nothing would lead me to believe that was different.
Either the polling companies lied on the pre-election polls, or their respondents lied. It's fairly simple and either or. Binary in new-speak? Lots of people no longer trust polling.
Agreed. I have seen no evidence that nationally the Jewish vote moved more than maybe 2-3% in Trump's direction.
One trend I noticed was that there appeared to be an increase for Trump among whites in already red states, plus a trend for Trump in blue states he had no chance of winning like Illinois and Oregon. I expected Trump's vote to be flat or decline in those states due to his voters fleeing because of blue state Covid policies. Part of it may be explained by a drop off in low info Dem voters who didn't get a mail in ballot sent to them. I am thinking Kamala was uniquely repulsive to whites, especially white men. There is no doubt she despises us and it is obvious to even casual observers of politics.
Looks like Trump got more votes from every race, even the most leftist ones. But still the majority of them voted Democrat as usual.
Except Amer Indians, who voted majority GOP - they don't have foreign brethren to let in to the country, they already have their reservations and their privileges, and immigration only hurts that by sharing tax money with foreigners.
I see that Times of Israel wrote in November:
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
But did anyone actually believe that Jews wouldn't be overwhelmingly leftist? Though some trolls even deny that Karl Marx was REALLY Jewish. "ACKSHUALLY he criticized some rich Jews!", I have heard. Never mind then the overwhelming Jewish support for Marxism. "Some call it communism, I call it Judaism," a fellow Jew wrote to him.