It was Dearborn and I was talking about Latinos, not Muslims. The latter will generally be impervious to our culture’s philo-semitic indoctrination regardless of how they vote.
But Latinos are mostly Christians and share the values of middle American whites, without the blinders that evangelicals have.
It was Dearborn and I was talking about Latinos, not Muslims. The latter will generally be impervious to our culture’s philo-semitic indoctrination regardless of how they vote.
But Latinos are mostly Christians and share the values of middle American whites, without the blinders that evangelicals have.
It was Dearborn and I was talking about Latinos, not Muslims. The latter will generally be impervious to our culture’s philo-semitic indoctrination regardless of how they vote.
But Latinos are mostly Christians and share the values of middle American whites, without the blinders that evangelicals have.