Beverly Hills seems to be an outlier for the Jewish vote, most exit polling seems to indicate they voted overwhelmingly for Cumala despite the endless pandering about Israel.
Exit polls are apparently just as garbage as pre-election polls. People are afraid of outing being for Trump. You need precint by precint granular data of actual voting.
I wonder if there is any difference between age demographics. I'm a Gen Z half-Ashkenazi who voted for him but my family would probably disown me if I told them that, so I suspect there may have been a large shift among that age group that is simply not being publicized because of pressure within Jewish culture. At this point if you are a Jewish male who is not part of the elite voting for Kamala means you are taking the side of people who openly express that they hate you and want you to be completely socially and economically disenfranchised, that's why I am somewhat optimistic that despite Jews having historically pushed leftism the hardest they are going to finally start changing their minds now that it has gotten to this level.
I have a relative who is Jewish who brazenly put a Trump sign on his lawn in a fairly Jewish neighborhood. This led to an interaction with an old Jewish lady from down the block...who thanked him for his bravery and was inspired to come out of the closet publicly and put up her own Trump sign. Several Jewish Trump supporters old and middle aged in my family.
The Jew vote for the Left is well documented. He did have higher support among the Orthodox extremists, the ones who take literally the claims about "we are Chosen by Yawheh to rule the world," but among the rest who take the religion more as decoration the support for the Left is firm. Look at all the media Jews - New York Times columnists are 67% Jews, with the Sulzbergers running the newspaper. The NYT dictates leftist policy. Look at all the Jews completely dominating CNN and ultra-leftist Hollywood.
JD Vance correctly identified childless cat ladies as a core Democrat constituency. On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
Obviously, there is a "Jewish" counterpart to CCL exemplified by Mr Emhoff, Ms Harris' consort. In his case, these people will never ever have Jewish grandchildren. So I wouldn't take them into consideration, for the same reason as the CCLs. If you discount those and all real pseudo-Jews (there are plenty of these, the more pseudo, the more they tell you how Jewish they are while supporting XYZ), the Jewish vote has indeed swung strongly to Trump.
Oh, and by the way, there are less and less Jews in Hollywood because of DEI.
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
And why wouldn't they support Kamala, when Biden has been fanatically pro-Israel and pro-immigration, and she would just be a lengthening of the same policies. He has sent them more than 100 weapons shipments since they started the Gaza holocaust, keeping the shipments below the limit where Congress would be required to vote on them to avoid debate. He and the Jew Antony Blinken have feigned concern about the massacres, but never do anything.
Jews have always voted majority Democrat and as Steve Sailer has documented, they dominate among the top Democrat donors. People like George Soros, Larry Fink, Sam Bankman-Fried - lovely group of people, that. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff were some earlier Jewish donors - the list includes some creepy people. There is a lot to gain; Biden has appointed fourteen donors, Jewish and others, as governors. He knows how to reward his wallets.
Bill Clinton was called "an obedient child of Israel, who doesn't know how to say no," by the Israeli government, but Biden has him beat. In the past Izzy called Senator Biden "our man in Washington."
The Jewish Larry Fink has his managers from BlackRock all over Biden's cabinet. What a coincidence, then, that BlackRock got big contracts for rebuilding Ukraine after the war.
Less and less Jews in Hollywood? Look at the Disney board of directors, under the diversity statement at the top of the page. Jews are almost always both the CEO and the president. Then there are more Jews, and other non-Whites. They only allow two White men on the large board, in roles that don't have to do with production.
Look at all the top Hollywood corporations. Jews are greatly overrepresented among directors and actors, because of the bosses at the top. As another Jew wrote, "Of course Jews control Hollywood! And it's good that we do." (He named some of the causes they promoted through that control.) The casting agents, as the Jewish David Cole has noted as he worked with casting, also have heavy Jewish overrepresentation. DEI changes none of that.
Glenn Greenwald, my favorite homosexual Jew, made a funny YouTube video after some Jews claimed they were discriminated against in Hollywood, where he pointed out various Jewish-dominated outfits and how hard it must be for Jews there. So that he would avoid any YouTube censorship he had to make the whole thing with a straight face without mentioning the obvious, how they were actually dominated by Jews, and instead played along with the "anti-Semitism" claim. It was pretty good comedy.
Times of Israel is garbage. It's the US Democrats talking through it. OK, Haaretz is even worse, but not by much. They don't represent what Israeli electorate is thinking. The US Democrats have a problem with real Jews running away in droves, so they imagine 80% rates to stem the flaw. Remember how polls were telling Dems will have a majority in almost every swing state. And Iowa, of course!
Ah,attack the messenger. All sources about racial votes in the election say the same thing, that Jews overwhelmingly voted Democrat as always. The Jewish Virtual Library says the same thing, putting Democrat votes for Biden at 68%, as do all the media and all the studies after the election that mention the Jewish vote, with just some percent back and forth as with every race.
Or if you deny that Jews voted overwhelmingly Democrat, which was the point, do you have a study, publication or politician who backs that?
A whole lot of the people you refer to as “media Jews”, including the Sulzbergers themselves, are actually only 1/4 Jewish, or even less, due to intermarriage. This claim about Jews “completely dominating” Media and Hollywood was a whole lot truer at one point, but it’s quite outdated now.
Aww, using a second account to reply to yourself. LOL
So I made up that the majority of Jews voted for the Democrat candidate, like in every presidential election? You really want to claim that? So funny.
Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
LOL Little Jew pretending that the majority of Jews did NOT vote for Kamala Harris. When a simple google search shows that they did, just like they ALWAYS vote for the Democrat candidate.
Umm, here's the Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
So funny, as if being a quarter Jewish wouldn't mean anything. When they fanatically support Jewish causes and when the majority of New York Times columnists are Jews - yeah, it means something. But try again, Schmuel.
There is no such thing as 1/4 Jews. If their maternal grandmother isn't - they aren't. Except for an orthodox conversion. And since they still feature the name Sulzberger - remember, family names are paternal line - they aren't.
True according to Judaism, but these people are typically genetic determinists (at least insofar as it comes to Jews) and therefore only care about ethnic status.
To put it simply - they don't have a Jewish ethnic status since Judaism IS decided by religion AND maternal lineage. If in doubt go read up on Ezra the Scribe (5th century BCE). And no, no-one has ever suggested a one-drop rule for Judaism.
I doubt that many Trump voters lied and said they voted for Cumala. Perhaps they declined to answer the exit poll but election after election the Chosen People have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats and nothing would lead me to believe that was different.
Either the polling companies lied on the pre-election polls, or their respondents lied. It's fairly simple and either or. Binary in new-speak? Lots of people no longer trust polling.
Agreed. I have seen no evidence that nationally the Jewish vote moved more than maybe 2-3% in Trump's direction.
One trend I noticed was that there appeared to be an increase for Trump among whites in already red states, plus a trend for Trump in blue states he had no chance of winning like Illinois and Oregon. I expected Trump's vote to be flat or decline in those states due to his voters fleeing because of blue state Covid policies. Part of it may be explained by a drop off in low info Dem voters who didn't get a mail in ballot sent to them. I am thinking Kamala was uniquely repulsive to whites, especially white men. There is no doubt she despises us and it is obvious to even casual observers of politics.
Looks like Trump got more votes from every race, even the most leftist ones. But still the majority of them voted Democrat as usual.
Except Amer Indians, who voted majority GOP - they don't have foreign brethren to let in to the country, they already have their reservations and their privileges, and immigration only hurts that by sharing tax money with foreigners.
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
But did anyone actually believe that Jews wouldn't be overwhelmingly leftist? Though some trolls even deny that Karl Marx was REALLY Jewish. "ACKSHUALLY he criticized some rich Jews!", I have heard. Never mind then the overwhelming Jewish support for Marxism. "Some call it communism, I call it Judaism," a fellow Jew wrote to him.
You seriously claim that the majority Jews did NOT vote for the Democrat prez candidate like they always do? LOL Try to find a single media outlet that claims otherwise, or admit that you're lying.
Is Times of Israel also "making up" that Jews voted Left?
"Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
Uh-oh, little Jew troll with the oh-so-White name proven wrong!
It isn't like we have decades of data showing that Jews are the second most reliable Democrat voting block after blacks or anything, or centuries of data showing Jews are deeply embedded in the far left.
It would take you about two seconds to duckduckgo it. That's what it took me.
"Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States." "In an effort to improve quality, streamline data collection, and expand election coverage in 2018, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News ended their arrangement with the Associated Press for vote tabulation and now exclusively partner with Edison Research for these data."
In other words, "most" (actually all) national exit polls are identical because they all come from one source. The one that Steve Sailer pointed out that Tablet had debunked. You can review the article in Tablet for why the result is so dubious.
Ignore the Jewish troll hiding behind the oh-so-White name "Andrew Phillips." His tactic is to always demand that you post links or otherwise you're lying. It's the debate trick "sealioning," meant to exhaust those he targets.
And it's hilarious he claims that it's false that Jews voted for Kamala Harris. He knows they did. A quick google search shows that immediately. He's just looking for something to attack. Any time people mention Jewish behavior.
Literally circular logic. “Jews are dishonest, therefore anyone who tells me i am wrong about Jews is dishonest”. Don’t you guys call this sort of mental gymnastics “pilpul”?
"The most influential people live, roughly, in-between the 10 (Santa Monica) Freeway, or the short Marina Del Rey Freeway to the south of the 10, and the 210/134/101 (Ventura) Freeway to its north."
Seems like Steve Sailer's way of indirectly pointing out that the vast majority of Jewry, about 80%, vote for mass immigration. Well done!
Michael Savage said that as a Jew growing up in New York in the 1950s your choice was between devoting your whole life or only your free time to communism.
In 2016 practically all media Jews were opposed to Trump, with only a handful in the "support" column. The notable exception was Matt Drudge, who then turned against Trump when he refused to start a war against Iran, and instead sacked Jew Sheldon Adelson's boy John Bolton. Unsurprisingly, both Drudge and Bolton were de facto Kamala Harris supporters. Drudge posted Democrat themes and ridicule of Trump.
Jews are the only race whose support for Affirmative Action INCREASES when they are told that it "might" hurt Whites. Even among Blacks support decreases slightly when they hear that point. Jews are in the top in support of mass immigration, and with Blacks are the most in support of "censoring hate speech," silencing criticism of Black crime. Jews are by far the most hostile to the NRA, only 13% being in favor, while every other race is 41% to 59% in favor. Jews rate Evangelicals lower than they rate even Muslims, because they are mainly White conservatives, while Evangelicals rate Jews as high as their own group.
Of course, when they move to the hate state Israel they suddenly turn nationalist. Former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett's parents came from California, where they were leftist activists joining in protests. When they moved to Israel they voted for the Jewish supremacist politicians, saying it felt so "right".
This is similar to how Turks in Europe mainly vote for the socialist parties to get benefits at the expense of Whites, but when these same people vote in the Turkish elections the majority vote for the right-wing parties, especially Erdogan's.
Do you mean the 80% or so of Jews who vote for the Jew-funded Democrats every election are simply misinformed? That was a Trump talking point. That worked out great! (Maybe the Jews in the top Democrat media boardrooms and dominating the top Democrat donor class are also misinformed about what the Democrats want.)
Likewise the Breitbart talk about "Democrats are the REAL racists, because they give the Blacks all that they ask for, which is racist somehow. Blexit!" Then going ga-ga over the minority of non-Whites who voted for the GOP until they have been talked up to sound like they're the majority, never mentioning that only Whites vote majority Republican, and that the party wouldn't exist without Whites.
Then I misunderstood, but in my defense your original post wasn't clear on which side of the voters you meant were misinformed. And I've been seeing so many posts before and after the election now, in various forums where they talk up the minority of non-White voters who voted for the GOP and claim that soon the rest will follow, the Dems-are-the-real-racists against Blacks/Jews, etc. We used to have "the Dems are the real racists!" as a joke on Twitter in 2016, but these people actually think the sarcasm is real and approve.
"not white but whiteness"? Whiteness is a phrase Democrats use. They have "Whiteness Studies" in college about how evil whites are. You mean Jewish voters voting for Trump should have voted Democrat?
I believe a writer named Steve Sailer years ago wrote that Jews fear living in areas that have confident white identity populations. Think of the parts of America with the largest Jewish populations- New York City, Boston, Washington, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles. The white gentiles of those cities not only lack a feeling of white racial identity, but they frown upon white identity. A writer named Kevin MacDonald has made the same sort of claim.
Jews are uncomfortable in large portions of America. Where I live in West Virginia, there is no Jewish presence at all. I could only guess where a synagogue might be located. Perhaps Charleston, Huntington or Wheeling might have one.
Erik Kohn, President of the Jewish Community in Oslo, Norway, wrote that Norway is "too White" and welcomed the Arab mass immigration to Europe in 2015. He is also the Deputy Director of the Norwegian Center Against Racism.
Avraham Feldman was praised in February 11, 2018, in Chabad org News for being "the first rabbi in Iceland." Six days later you could read in Iceland Monitor:
"Reykjavik Rabbi: Iceland Must Do More For Refugees"
From the Jewish publication Forward, 2019: "Only One Thing Can Stop White Supremacy: Solidarity Between Muslims and Jews"
YNet, 2019: "For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy."
YNet continues: "Grek refugee centers are mainly operated by Israelis; In Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of 'Tikkun Olam' and Jewish volunteering around the world."
Tweet by Embassy of Israel, @IsraelinUSA: "For Israeli org @IsraAID, every day is #WorldRefugeeDay Watch their amazing efforts for Syrian refugees in Greece"
CIJNews, 2015: "Jewish and Israeli organizations help boat people to find refuge in Europe"
They wrote that The American Jewish Committee, the AJC, helped IsraAID start its activities on the Greek island of Lesvos, where Arab immigrants were housed. "The aid delegation was jointly operated with the Jewish community in Greece, headed by Elias Frezis." Shay Avshalom Zavdi, who took part in the operation, "was excited as a Jew and Israeli".
IsraAid, September 2015: "After what we suffered in the Holocaust 70 years ago, how can we not help tens of thousands seeking refuge from wars in the Middle East and Africa?"
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "European Jews, mindful of risks, urge aid to refugees"
The "head of the Jewish community in Thuringia" said there should be "no limit" on the number of immigrants. Meanwhile he was strongly Zionist.
The group SOS Mediterranée has shipped Africans to Europe. They are working with Médecins du Monde, co-founded by the Jew Bernard Kouchner. The pro-immigration Jew George Soros has funded NGOs shipping Africans to Europe.
Rabbi Baruch Efrati in the occupied West Bank said in 2012 that "Islamization of Europe is a good thing." Jews should "rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity."
The rabbi added, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity."
Canadian Jewish News, 2015: "Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees."
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, and Islamic Relief USA ... have formed a joint initiative to help the thousands of refugees in the country [Greece]." They wrote that after more than a million Arabs passed through Greece, some 60,000 remained in Greece and needed the Jewish/Muslim help.
Barbara Spectre, head of Padeia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, said: "Jews will be resented because of our leading role in forcing multiculturalism upon Europe. But without that leading role, Europe will not survive."
Support Refugees, in the UK, was a project by more than 30 Jewish organizations.
Various headlines from the time, mainly from Jewish publications:
"Jews unite to defend Policy on Syrian refugees - with a few exceptions"
"Jewish groups lead push to crack open doors to Syria refugees"
"Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews demand open door for migrants"
"French Jews plan coordinated push to help Syrian refugees"
"Jews push Washington to admit more Syrian refugees, even as some worry about backlash"
"Over 1,000 U.S. rabbis petition lawmakers to welcome refugees"
"Recalling Shoah, European Jews urge aid to refugees"
"Dutch Jewish refugee village may shelter Syrians"
"Jewish groups slam White House for 'baby step' on Syrian refugees"
"How can we call ourselves Jews and bar Syrian refugees?"
"British rabbis call on Cameron to admit more Syrian refugees"
"Jewish Canadians mobilize to help Syrian refugees come to Canada"
"Vancouver Jews rally to help Syrian refugees"
"Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees"
"US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts' chance to welcome refugees"
"10 Jewish groups defend plan to admit refugees"
"British groups lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees"
"British Jews come to the aid of refugees in Calais"
2017, opposing Trump's proposed "Muslim ban":
Jewish Meetup Co-Sponsors:
-Bend the Arc
-National Council of Jewish Women
-Religious Action Center
-Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
-Jewish Council on Public Affairs
-JCRC of Greater Washington
-Central Conference of American Rabbis
-New Israel Fund
-Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice
-Arizona Jews for Justice
-Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
-The JCC Manhattan's Stern Center for Social Responsibility
-Jews United for Justice
-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
-Washington Board of Rabbis
-Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
-J Street
-Hill Havurah
-Anti-Defamation League
Major Jewish organizations that pressured Congress to accept more Muslim immigration into the U.S.:
-The Union for Reform Judaism
-The Orthodox Union
-The Rabbinical Assembly
-The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS
-The National Council of Jewish Women
-The ADL
-The American Jewish Committee
-The Jewish Council for Public Affairs
-The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies
HIAS wrote that 62% of rabbis support open borders - for the U.S. Jewish synagogues help settle Africans in the American heartland, they wrote.
During the Arab mass immigration in 2015 and onward HIAS had a campaign with the slogan, "Welcome the stranger, Protect the refugee." In this campaign Jews held up hand-written signs, to be posted on social media, such as:
"I support refugees because I am Jewish, period"
"I support refugees because they have taught me kindness, positivity, and resilience"
"I support refugees because they strengthen our country + our communities"
Moshe Kantor, the head of the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, as well as three other top Jewish orgs, lives in Russia. You'd think he'd be grateful to the Whites he lives among, and would want to stop Arab immigration to Europe, right? Instead he created the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, where he pushes for European/EU laws to censor "hate speech" online. Any criticism of immigrant crime.
Jewish Labour peer Alf Dubs urged Theresa May to take in 3,000 extra "refugee children" in 2015 when more than a million Arabs flooded into Europe. Jewish Miliband, head of Labour 2010-2015 and leader of the opposition, said it was a disgrace not to open Britain's borders to more immigrants.
Way back in 1968 Labour wrote Britain's Race Relations Act. The author was the Jewish Home Secretary Frank Soskice. He was succeeded by Roy Jenkins in 1965, with the Jewish Anthony Lester behind him. Lester wrote Jenkins' important race speech. He was the leading race campaigner in the Society of Labour Party Lawyers, and on the Society's Race Relations Committee. He urged Roy Jenkins to write more race laws. In 1975 Anthony Lester wrote Labour's principles for new race legislation, in "White Paper on Racial Discrimination."
Britain's top judge in 2008, the Jewish Lord Phillips, said that Sharia law should be allowed in Britain via contractual agreement, instead of British law.
The DNC chairwoman, the Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, said about Arab immigrants that, "As a member of a minority religion myself, a religion, Judaism, that has been persecuted throughout our existence; it's incumbent upon us to stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters."
The ADL circulated a petition in 2016 urging Jews to denounce Trump.
Jewish protesters outside Trump Tower held up a long banner saying: "Yom Kippur is Hebrew for Abolish Ice"
Haaretz, 2020: "London Mosque Attack: Jewish Community Quick to Show Solidarity With Muslims"
Jew David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of Foreign Policy Magazine, 25 January 2016:
"White men have had a great run, but finally, thanks to the mobility revolution of the past century ... the status quo is going to undergo a profound change. In Europe alone, the influx of migrants and refugees is already producing irreversible demographic shifts - a great blending of cultures.
"The politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world's most privileged ethnic class.
"To be sure, we should not - not for one minute - lament the passing of the white-male era."
Farther back, the Jew Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy, an associate of the ADL, wrote:
"It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. ... the Jewish community had a leadership role in effecting those changes."
He continued: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogenous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever."
The Jewish judge Stephen Reinhardt was called "a liberal giant" on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the AP says he sided with immigrants, struck down California's gay marriage ban, and tried to ban "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
In 2016, during the "Trump is anti-immigrant and racist" furor, several Jews in the U.S. were revealed to spray-paint swastikas outside their homes and the homes of other Jews. One Israeli teen who also had U.S. citizenship made 245 bomb threats to Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S., threats that received great media attention. Strangely, he had a bitcoin account worth millions. Israel refused to extradite him.
The ADL partners with schools against "racism," and their definition declares that racism is "the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people." The definition goes on about how racism is something Whites do against non-Whites.
Fun headline during the BLM riots: "400+ Jewish Organizations and Synagogues say: Black Lives Matter".
The Solicitor General's brief on behalf of the U.S. government to ban race-separate housing was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar H. Davis, Hilbert Zarky, Stanley Silverberg. However, their names were omitted from the brief. Deputy Solicitor General Arnold Raum, also Jewish like his boss and the four others, complained that it was "bad enough that [Solicitor General Philip] Perlman's name has to be there, to have one Jew's name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on."
In 1978, 64% of U.S. physical anthropologists with a Jewish mother said that race was "a social construct," compared to only 34% of those without a Jewish mother.
Jews contribute half of all money to the Democrat Party, according to Jerusalem Post.
The first NAACP presidents were Jews like Joel Spingarn, not Blacks, and the funding came mainly from Jews. He worked to win the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. The college students who went to the South to register Black voters were to a large degree Jews. The leader of Black riots, Michael "Martin Luther" (false name) King, had an advisor and close friend named Stanley David Levison, treasurer of the American Jewish Congress in Manhattan. He aided in the defense of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the Jews who gave U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, bringing the world closer to destruction. He was a major financial coordinator for the Communist Party USA.
As Einstein wrote to the Jew Paul Ehrenfest in 1919, "I get most joy from the emergence of the Jewish state in Palestine. It does seem to me that our kinfolk really are more sympathetic (at least less brutal) than these horrid Europeans. Perhaps things can only improve if only the Chinese are left, who refer to all Europeans with the collective noun 'bandits.'"
Decades later, a former teacher reveals that children in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in London are taught that non-Jews are "evil," in a worksheet.
Greek Orthodox clergy in Jerusalem say that Jews spit on them, they are "used" to it.
Jews are the ethnic group that least believes there is an IQ gap between Whites and Blacks. Or so they say.
Jews are the ethnic group that least of all agree with the statement that "political correctness threatens our liberty as Americans to speak our minds."
Jews are by far the ethnic group most hostile to the NRA. Only 13% had a favorable view of the NRA in a survey. For every other group it was 41 (Latinos, Asians) up to 59.7% (Whites).
Headline in the Jewish Journal: "Jewish groups urge Senate to pass gun control legislation."
Haaretz: "U.S. Jewish Groups Back Obama's Gun Control Initiatives." Suffice to say that Jews like Barbara Boxer have initiated or been part of initiating all major anti-gun legislation.
Of religious groups on campus, Jews are the most negative to free speech: Only 35% support the statement "Protecting citizen's free speech rights" as the most important, while 65% say that "promoting an inclusive society" is more important. Mormons, Protestants and Catholics all favor the free speech quote over the leftist quote.
The Jew George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia."
The Jew Robert Allen Iger was the chairman and CEO of Disney in 2019, when they had a Disney character say "I'm gay" for the first time. The character was named Cyrus, played by the Jew Joshua Rush, in Andi Mack. The shows creator and executive producer was the Jew Terry Minsky.
In 2016, the Jewish Rogue One writer Chris Weitz tweeted, "Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization."
When J.J. Abrams was hired to direct a Star Wars movie, he said: "I walked in and it was the whitest room you've seen. So I thought, why not mix it up a little?" He made the central character Finn, a White man with blond hair in Star Wars comics, a Black man. Then the media claimed fans were "racist" for calling this out, without mentioning that the character had always been White or mentioning Abrams' statement.
Maybe the correct response by white right-wingers in this case is not to bemoan the hordes of immigrants crossing our borders. Maybe the correct response is to do what we can to help turn those immigrants against the Jews.
It never happens - Arabs know that Jews dominate the media, but it is too profitable for them to vote for the Left. They hold a protest against the theft of Palestinian homes but they don't do anything. Only a few do something, like speak against the Jewish influence on politics through media, and they are then prosecuted - this has happened in various countries. The rest go on voting for Social Democrat parties whatever those parties do or don't do.
Except that a 90% Arab town, I forgot the name, now gave Trump more votes than Biden, though neither of them got a majority - the vote was also split with the Green Party, as they oppose the Palestinian holocaust. They voted for Trump in 2016 when he was anti-war, then voted for Biden in 2020 when he said he'd end wars, now they gave Trump more votes because he at least has expressed some wish for the ethnic cleansing to come to a halt. Probably because of Barron's influence, as Trump said "we have all seen the videos" of what is done to the Palestinians. Barron is the one who tells him about social media.
Aww, little Jew baby nitpicking again, so cute! Media have been writing plenty of times this year about Barron talking to his father about which online personalities people listen to, and showing him media. That Trump set up TruthSocial before that as he was banned from Twitter doesn't change that. Go cry harder. LOL
It was Dearborn and I was talking about Latinos, not Muslims. The latter will generally be impervious to our culture’s philo-semitic indoctrination regardless of how they vote.
But Latinos are mostly Christians and share the values of middle American whites, without the blinders that evangelicals have.
If you think anyone except your anti-Semitic confreres read your immense walls of text you are deluded, Yes, there are many Lefty Jews. But there is no such monolithic grouping, "the jews", that you imagine, and listing what Lefty Jews say does not in fact advance your argument. I made this point to Sailer when he implied that the Israeli government was being hypocritical in not accepting mass Muslim immigration to Israel: Unless Likud promotes mass Muslim invasion of Europe that "hypocrisy" is not a thing. In response you claimed in one of your tediously long posts that the Israeli government had criticized the Polish government for not accepting Muslims, but when challenged to substantiate this all we heard from you is crickets. Could be true, I suppose, but you are full of so much shit that there's no reason to believe you.
LOL Aww, it's the little Jew troll who pretends to be White. LOL
You can't refute a single thing I write, when Jews themselves support mass immigration, up to the World Jewish Congress. You can only lie and claim I said it's all Jews. Typical troll.
"As a Jew growing up in New York your choice was between devoting your whole life or only your free time to communism."
--The Jewish Michael Savage
Oops, you claimed I said it was all Jews? NOPE! So now you have nothing.
Sorry, little troll. I know there are Jews who oppose mass immigration. And they also point out that the majority of Jews support it.
Here is David Cole, who comes from a long line of communist Jews, talking about anti-White Jews. Too bad for you I have this quote, and many more.
When I speak of blacks as “vessels” for Jewish revolutionary mischief, what I mean is that Jews, who always couch their revolutionary urges in the rhetoric of do-goodism, need a group they can claim to be fighting for—a helpless, hapless group, whose plight will never, can never, improve, thus giving permanent revolutionaries the permanent losers through whom to wage their permanent war.
Jews are not placated by their own success. If only they were mollified by material success. But no, there’s an impulse not satisfied by mere prosperity. They need the struggle, and if they’re no longer the ones struggling, they need a proxy who is.
you: " claimed I said it was all Jews? NOPE! So now you have nothing."
you: "...what I mean is that Jews, who ALWAYS [emphasis added] couch their revolutionary urges in the rhetoric of do-goodism, need a group they can claim to be fighting for..."
As the second sentence demonstrates you do in fact routinely make claims about what all Jews do. Do you ever write a comment in which that claim ISN'T made or implied?
I'm of course under no obligation to fisk everything he wrote before pointing out the implications of something he said. I know you're too blind and stupid to grasp the point I made, and your failure to refute it is what I'd expect from a little rat-brain like you.
Ignore the Jew troll hiding behind the oh-so-White name "Andrew Phillips." You know how he jumps in EVERY TIME someone exposes how the vast majority of Jews vote Democrat and support mass immigration.
His two tactics aside from showing his hate is to pick some little thing he can attack, and to always claim "you-can't-prove-that-i-demand-you-show-links-or-you're-lying!"
That debate trick is called sealioning, used online to exhaust opponents. The tell-tale sign is that he never admits all the other things written which are proven or easily found in a search. He'll only pick out whatever phrase he can use.
Aww, little baby claims that the majority of Jews do NOT vote for the Democrats. Umm:
"Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
Oops, Jew troll proven wrong again!
And you pretend Steve Sailer would not know the score about Jews, despite that he has written about them many times? Hilarious. Steve also writes for, which highlights Jewish behavior, but you don't want people to know that.
LOL Even the ISRAEL TIMES says that the majority of Jews voted for Kamala Harris. You Jews always vote mostly for the Democrats. But you ignore that I have written several times now that it's from the Israel Times, and pick the one post where I don't mention it's from that publication.
LOL Nice try.
Um, and yes, you attack every post that says the majority of you Jews vote socialist. "Seems that way to no one except you!" Aww, little liar.
Didn't old Hollywood prefer Beverly Hills? Jimmy Stewart lived there. His next-door neighbor was Milton Berle. I believe 100-year old Eva Marie Saint still lives in Beverly Hills. Of course, old Hollywood is pretty much dead.
I was wondering what impact all the anti-Israel campus protests would have on the Jewish vote and it seems like not a ton really. What would be interesting is to see how much campaign donations shifted since Jews as a share of the voting public are not very significant, Jews as a share of political donors are massively important.
Still an interesting bit of information, and I'd be curious to see the same for NYC, the other pole of Jewish power in America. I live in a large rust belt city, and amongst my Jewish friends and acquaintances I would say political allegiances are more 50/50, and the more right leaning Jews are culturally very middle America (like guns, outdoors stuff, barbeque, etc.) and their social circle revolves more around that than ethnic identity.
Big donors are much more inclined to support Democrats. It's simply regulatory capture - Democrats' life blood is regulating so you donate to them because of that. Trump was a major Democrat donor before he threw his hat into the ring for GOP presidential candidacy in 2015. That says little.
Nevertheless, one of the big events that did Democrats in was that Zuckerberg no longer ran the humongous get out the vote campaign in 2024. In 2020 his campaign was to the tone of 400M.
Look at the little troll sniffing and complaining again. "Someone criticized Zuckerberg, a JEW! How dare they!" As Steve Sailer has shown, Jewish donor support for the Democrats is huge, they dominate among the top donors. But you don't want people to know that.
You keep reading things that aren't on the page, such as any fondness of mine for Zuckerberg. Maybe your doctor could prescribe something to help with your hallucinations?
Does anybody know what % of 2024 campaign donations are now listed in Open Secrets? How long does it take after the election for all pre-election contributions to get listed? I want to do a study of big donors in recent elections, but I don't want to jump the gun and announce some big finding only to learn it's incomplete.
You should have contributed $200 to someone on the day before the election so you'd know when it showed up, the data was all in.
Open Secrets PAC data now says: Based on data released by the Federal Election Commission on October 26, 2024, so you'd better wait 'til next year. Elon Musk's last contribution (to the NRCongCommittee) is listed at August 8, 2024, so I expect they're pretty far behind.
Ignore the Jewish troll with the oh-so-White name Andrew Phillips. When Steve Sailer posts about Jews overwhelmingly supporting the Left, he must jump in and troll the whole comment section. Because he has no life. He sees you post something criticizing Zuckerberg, a Jew, so he must rush to claim that Zuckerberg's support for the Left doesn't mean anything. And demand proof, demand more and more, in order to exhaust you, a debate trick called sealioning.
Actually, Zuckerberg went head over heals in supporting Biden in 2020. In 2024 he was much more reasonable. Maybe he didn't like what the Dem administration did to Libra - Andreesen also wrote about it. Maybe people DO learn.
People say Zuckerberg has mellowed, though I haven't read why, maybe something to read up on. Zuckerberg does strike me as the kind of guy who will be "in his own head" at times, with his own ideas - like how the Democrat Elon Musk comes to support a Republican.
(In that case people always miss the fact that he sent his son to an expensive private school, and the son came back as a Marxist transvestite who hates his father. It is obvious: He is a father fighting to get his son back. It doesn't matter that he lost some billions on Twitter. It matters that there is an outlet where people can speak and change society so maybe the son is changed eventually. Then the intense hate and attacks from Democrats pretty much forced Elon Musk to go GOP. Labour, helping the Dems by knocking doors, had "Destroy X" at the top of their printed list.)
But Facebook censors Republicans like always. The whole news team on Facebook is obviously still Democrat. When there is some important news and the first source is right-wing, they STILL link to a left-wing site.
So how much has Zuckerberg changed? Even if he has had second thoughts about something regarding the Democrats, he hasn't done any changes on Facebook. And I haven't checked Instagram, but I bet they'd still censor the same pro-gun memes etc that they've censored before.
Doesn't this include the entire BH zip code, the northern half of which is not in City of BH proper, so has less-responsive LAPD and the 5% mansion tax? Could those be a big red pill for the worried new rich?
The late writer Cathy Seipp described our once mutual abode of Los Alamitos as being rednecky 50 years ago, which I was too young and rednecky to notice, and it appears to be the pink spots on the western edge of the O.C., so she may still be right.
Before Biden dropped out I was eating pizza outside in Beverly Hills when a car drove up the street honking, decorated in pro-Trump. A woman, very ethnic looking, eating in the outdoor space of the next restaurant over, said "you wouldn't have seen that a few years ago." It was clear from her tone that she very much approved.
I have to say that I’m a bit surprised that people on social media are so unrepentantly gleeful at the death of Brian Thompson, the CEO of United Healthcare who was gunned down in cold blood yesterday morning. When they have been called out on it by a few of his defenders, they will then double down!
You don't oppose violence, you oppose "illegal" violence. You can't imagine any ethical systems so, not wanting anarchy, you fall back on the magic word "law", as though it means anything more than "orders written by lawyers".
You're welcome to your opinion, but mine is that some people deserve to be killed. (E.g., the DA persecuting Daniel Penny, Alvin Bragg, has earned it. See "Watering the tree of democracy with the blood of tyrants", etc.) Taking on the burden of doing it myself is not often going to be worth it to me, and organizing the doing of it has its own problems, but I won't fail to applaud appropriately if someone else does it and I think it warranted.
The Jewish troll with the oh-so-White name Andrew Phillips trying to find allies in the forum, taking a short break from attacking anyone who knows the majority of Jews voted for Kamala Harris. Whenever Steve Sailer posts about Jewish behavior he comes to sniff out posts to pick out details to attack, to exhaust people, but if you post something neutral in the same thread he'll post an agreement in the hope of making you an ally. It's amazing how he keeps at the same behavior over and over.
Of perhaps general interest to posters here: It seems that all the posts by "Tell" have disappeared. Maybe they'll come back. Or maybe SS decided to ban him. My activity list shows all his replies to me (some 11 of them, all in a row) now say not that he is the writer, but that "1 user" is. Some of my posts (and those of others) have disappeared as well, but they might all have been in threads replying to him.
Perhaps Steve has the power to block you from each other, an easy way to break up fights while still allowing the rest of us to point and sputter at you.
HAVE you been pointing and sputtering? I'm not seeing those either.
Also, why does your (and Frau Katz's and YDYDY's, I notice) handle appear twice on your posts whereas mine and Sailer's appear only once? Because neither of us are paid-up members?
1. Yes, unfortunately, I can see all your crap, but I quickly skip over your combined threads as uninteresting.
2. I am now!
3. We are paid subscribers to Steve, so apparently, we can write our own personal substack if we want (I haven't tried yet), and the second name links to it.
Your #1 is of course not an answer to the question I posed. Did you use a power blender to clear out your earwax? Evidently you need to walk carefully lest your poor excuse for brains drip out of your ears. Obviously your mental disabilities go beyond merely being hard of reading.
Beverly Hills seems to be an outlier for the Jewish vote, most exit polling seems to indicate they voted overwhelmingly for Cumala despite the endless pandering about Israel.
Exit polls are apparently just as garbage as pre-election polls. People are afraid of outing being for Trump. You need precint by precint granular data of actual voting.
Agree. Anecdotally I know a number of seemingly
Progressive Ashkenazi Jews, particularly men, who would never publicly admit it but did in fact vote for
Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if he won that demo and we’ll never know it.
I wonder if there is any difference between age demographics. I'm a Gen Z half-Ashkenazi who voted for him but my family would probably disown me if I told them that, so I suspect there may have been a large shift among that age group that is simply not being publicized because of pressure within Jewish culture. At this point if you are a Jewish male who is not part of the elite voting for Kamala means you are taking the side of people who openly express that they hate you and want you to be completely socially and economically disenfranchised, that's why I am somewhat optimistic that despite Jews having historically pushed leftism the hardest they are going to finally start changing their minds now that it has gotten to this level.
I have a relative who is Jewish who brazenly put a Trump sign on his lawn in a fairly Jewish neighborhood. This led to an interaction with an old Jewish lady from down the block...who thanked him for his bravery and was inspired to come out of the closet publicly and put up her own Trump sign. Several Jewish Trump supporters old and middle aged in my family.
The Jew vote for the Left is well documented. He did have higher support among the Orthodox extremists, the ones who take literally the claims about "we are Chosen by Yawheh to rule the world," but among the rest who take the religion more as decoration the support for the Left is firm. Look at all the media Jews - New York Times columnists are 67% Jews, with the Sulzbergers running the newspaper. The NYT dictates leftist policy. Look at all the Jews completely dominating CNN and ultra-leftist Hollywood.
"Who runs Hollywood? C'mon." -Joel Stein article
JD Vance correctly identified childless cat ladies as a core Democrat constituency. On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
Obviously, there is a "Jewish" counterpart to CCL exemplified by Mr Emhoff, Ms Harris' consort. In his case, these people will never ever have Jewish grandchildren. So I wouldn't take them into consideration, for the same reason as the CCLs. If you discount those and all real pseudo-Jews (there are plenty of these, the more pseudo, the more they tell you how Jewish they are while supporting XYZ), the Jewish vote has indeed swung strongly to Trump.
Oh, and by the way, there are less and less Jews in Hollywood because of DEI.
The Times of Israel:
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
And why wouldn't they support Kamala, when Biden has been fanatically pro-Israel and pro-immigration, and she would just be a lengthening of the same policies. He has sent them more than 100 weapons shipments since they started the Gaza holocaust, keeping the shipments below the limit where Congress would be required to vote on them to avoid debate. He and the Jew Antony Blinken have feigned concern about the massacres, but never do anything.
Jews have always voted majority Democrat and as Steve Sailer has documented, they dominate among the top Democrat donors. People like George Soros, Larry Fink, Sam Bankman-Fried - lovely group of people, that. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff were some earlier Jewish donors - the list includes some creepy people. There is a lot to gain; Biden has appointed fourteen donors, Jewish and others, as governors. He knows how to reward his wallets.
Bill Clinton was called "an obedient child of Israel, who doesn't know how to say no," by the Israeli government, but Biden has him beat. In the past Izzy called Senator Biden "our man in Washington."
The Jewish Larry Fink has his managers from BlackRock all over Biden's cabinet. What a coincidence, then, that BlackRock got big contracts for rebuilding Ukraine after the war.
Less and less Jews in Hollywood? Look at the Disney board of directors, under the diversity statement at the top of the page. Jews are almost always both the CEO and the president. Then there are more Jews, and other non-Whites. They only allow two White men on the large board, in roles that don't have to do with production.
Look at all the top Hollywood corporations. Jews are greatly overrepresented among directors and actors, because of the bosses at the top. As another Jew wrote, "Of course Jews control Hollywood! And it's good that we do." (He named some of the causes they promoted through that control.) The casting agents, as the Jewish David Cole has noted as he worked with casting, also have heavy Jewish overrepresentation. DEI changes none of that.
Glenn Greenwald, my favorite homosexual Jew, made a funny YouTube video after some Jews claimed they were discriminated against in Hollywood, where he pointed out various Jewish-dominated outfits and how hard it must be for Jews there. So that he would avoid any YouTube censorship he had to make the whole thing with a straight face without mentioning the obvious, how they were actually dominated by Jews, and instead played along with the "anti-Semitism" claim. It was pretty good comedy.
Times of Israel is garbage. It's the US Democrats talking through it. OK, Haaretz is even worse, but not by much. They don't represent what Israeli electorate is thinking. The US Democrats have a problem with real Jews running away in droves, so they imagine 80% rates to stem the flaw. Remember how polls were telling Dems will have a majority in almost every swing state. And Iowa, of course!
Ah,attack the messenger. All sources about racial votes in the election say the same thing, that Jews overwhelmingly voted Democrat as always. The Jewish Virtual Library says the same thing, putting Democrat votes for Biden at 68%, as do all the media and all the studies after the election that mention the Jewish vote, with just some percent back and forth as with every race.
Or if you deny that Jews voted overwhelmingly Democrat, which was the point, do you have a study, publication or politician who backs that?
> On the one hand, childless cat ladies are of course women. On the other side, there is something "unfemale" in not wanting to experience motherhood.
They do want to experience motherhood. That's what the cats are for.
Emhoff has children from a first marriage. They’re proudly non-Jewish.
Exactly. Wear keffiyes and take part in Pro-Hamas rallies too. A shanda.
A whole lot of the people you refer to as “media Jews”, including the Sulzbergers themselves, are actually only 1/4 Jewish, or even less, due to intermarriage. This claim about Jews “completely dominating” Media and Hollywood was a whole lot truer at one point, but it’s quite outdated now.
Tell is as usual just making anti-Semitic shit up.
Aww, using a second account to reply to yourself. LOL
So I made up that the majority of Jews voted for the Democrat candidate, like in every presidential election? You really want to claim that? So funny.
Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
LOL Little Jew pretending that the majority of Jews did NOT vote for Kamala Harris. When a simple google search shows that they did, just like they ALWAYS vote for the Democrat candidate.
Umm, here's the Times of Israel: "Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
OOPS! You were lying again!
So funny, as if being a quarter Jewish wouldn't mean anything. When they fanatically support Jewish causes and when the majority of New York Times columnists are Jews - yeah, it means something. But try again, Schmuel.
Go back to Unz, troll.
There is no such thing as 1/4 Jews. If their maternal grandmother isn't - they aren't. Except for an orthodox conversion. And since they still feature the name Sulzberger - remember, family names are paternal line - they aren't.
True according to Judaism, but these people are typically genetic determinists (at least insofar as it comes to Jews) and therefore only care about ethnic status.
To put it simply - they don't have a Jewish ethnic status since Judaism IS decided by religion AND maternal lineage. If in doubt go read up on Ezra the Scribe (5th century BCE). And no, no-one has ever suggested a one-drop rule for Judaism.
They’re Episcopalian now.
Perhaps The New York Times should go DEI. Hire more Christians, gentiles and conservatives for their newspaper.
I doubt that many Trump voters lied and said they voted for Cumala. Perhaps they declined to answer the exit poll but election after election the Chosen People have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats and nothing would lead me to believe that was different.
Either the polling companies lied on the pre-election polls, or their respondents lied. It's fairly simple and either or. Binary in new-speak? Lots of people no longer trust polling.
Agreed. I have seen no evidence that nationally the Jewish vote moved more than maybe 2-3% in Trump's direction.
One trend I noticed was that there appeared to be an increase for Trump among whites in already red states, plus a trend for Trump in blue states he had no chance of winning like Illinois and Oregon. I expected Trump's vote to be flat or decline in those states due to his voters fleeing because of blue state Covid policies. Part of it may be explained by a drop off in low info Dem voters who didn't get a mail in ballot sent to them. I am thinking Kamala was uniquely repulsive to whites, especially white men. There is no doubt she despises us and it is obvious to even casual observers of politics.
Looks like Trump got more votes from every race, even the most leftist ones. But still the majority of them voted Democrat as usual.
Except Amer Indians, who voted majority GOP - they don't have foreign brethren to let in to the country, they already have their reservations and their privileges, and immigration only hurts that by sharing tax money with foreigners.
I see that Times of Israel wrote in November:
"79% of US Jews voted for Harris, according to largest preliminary exit poll
"Survey says Trump received lowest proportion of Jewish vote for GOP candidate in 24 years; Democrats make up majority of voters who think US support for Israel too strong"
But did anyone actually believe that Jews wouldn't be overwhelmingly leftist? Though some trolls even deny that Karl Marx was REALLY Jewish. "ACKSHUALLY he criticized some rich Jews!", I have heard. Never mind then the overwhelming Jewish support for Marxism. "Some call it communism, I call it Judaism," a fellow Jew wrote to him.
"most exit polling seems to indicate"
I know of one such poll, and Sailer pointed to an article in Tablet debunking that one.
Do you actually have more than that one or are you making up the "most" bit?
You seriously claim that the majority Jews did NOT vote for the Democrat prez candidate like they always do? LOL Try to find a single media outlet that claims otherwise, or admit that you're lying.
Is Times of Israel also "making up" that Jews voted Left?
"Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
Uh-oh, little Jew troll with the oh-so-White name proven wrong!
It would take you about two seconds to google it. NBC news, Jews 78%: ABC same thing: , Times of Israel, Jews 79%:
It isn't like we have decades of data showing that Jews are the second most reliable Democrat voting block after blacks or anything, or centuries of data showing Jews are deeply embedded in the far left.
You will have to try a little harder
It would take you about two seconds to duckduckgo it. That's what it took me.
"Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States." "In an effort to improve quality, streamline data collection, and expand election coverage in 2018, ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News ended their arrangement with the Associated Press for vote tabulation and now exclusively partner with Edison Research for these data."
In other words, "most" (actually all) national exit polls are identical because they all come from one source. The one that Steve Sailer pointed out that Tablet had debunked. You can review the article in Tablet for why the result is so dubious.
You will have to try a little harder.
Ignore the Jewish troll hiding behind the oh-so-White name "Andrew Phillips." His tactic is to always demand that you post links or otherwise you're lying. It's the debate trick "sealioning," meant to exhaust those he targets.
And it's hilarious he claims that it's false that Jews voted for Kamala Harris. He knows they did. A quick google search shows that immediately. He's just looking for something to attack. Any time people mention Jewish behavior.
When I see people riding to the rescue of the poor oppressed Jews, you can safely assume they are being dishonest
Literally circular logic. “Jews are dishonest, therefore anyone who tells me i am wrong about Jews is dishonest”. Don’t you guys call this sort of mental gymnastics “pilpul”?
"The most influential people live, roughly, in-between the 10 (Santa Monica) Freeway, or the short Marina Del Rey Freeway to the south of the 10, and the 210/134/101 (Ventura) Freeway to its north."
Ventura Freeway (Highway) obligatory musical reference inserted here::
For the Steve Substackers, we old iSteve hands love to intersperse our comments with our favorite musical references every now and then.
I wonder how Dewey and Gerry voted? Unfortunately, Dan Peek shed his mortal coils in 2011 at age 61, succumbing to uremic pericarditis.
Seems like Steve Sailer's way of indirectly pointing out that the vast majority of Jewry, about 80%, vote for mass immigration. Well done!
Michael Savage said that as a Jew growing up in New York in the 1950s your choice was between devoting your whole life or only your free time to communism.
In 2016 practically all media Jews were opposed to Trump, with only a handful in the "support" column. The notable exception was Matt Drudge, who then turned against Trump when he refused to start a war against Iran, and instead sacked Jew Sheldon Adelson's boy John Bolton. Unsurprisingly, both Drudge and Bolton were de facto Kamala Harris supporters. Drudge posted Democrat themes and ridicule of Trump.
Jews are the only race whose support for Affirmative Action INCREASES when they are told that it "might" hurt Whites. Even among Blacks support decreases slightly when they hear that point. Jews are in the top in support of mass immigration, and with Blacks are the most in support of "censoring hate speech," silencing criticism of Black crime. Jews are by far the most hostile to the NRA, only 13% being in favor, while every other race is 41% to 59% in favor. Jews rate Evangelicals lower than they rate even Muslims, because they are mainly White conservatives, while Evangelicals rate Jews as high as their own group.
Of course, when they move to the hate state Israel they suddenly turn nationalist. Former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett's parents came from California, where they were leftist activists joining in protests. When they moved to Israel they voted for the Jewish supremacist politicians, saying it felt so "right".
This is similar to how Turks in Europe mainly vote for the socialist parties to get benefits at the expense of Whites, but when these same people vote in the Turkish elections the majority vote for the right-wing parties, especially Erdogan's.
Because electors are always rational, sometimes they're misinformed.
Do you mean the 80% or so of Jews who vote for the Jew-funded Democrats every election are simply misinformed? That was a Trump talking point. That worked out great! (Maybe the Jews in the top Democrat media boardrooms and dominating the top Democrat donor class are also misinformed about what the Democrats want.)
Likewise the Breitbart talk about "Democrats are the REAL racists, because they give the Blacks all that they ask for, which is racist somehow. Blexit!" Then going ga-ga over the minority of non-Whites who voted for the GOP until they have been talked up to sound like they're the majority, never mentioning that only Whites vote majority Republican, and that the party wouldn't exist without Whites.
I mean exactly the opposite, that 80% are perfectly rational in voting left abroad and right in Israel. It is literally what I wrote.
Then I misunderstood, but in my defense your original post wasn't clear on which side of the voters you meant were misinformed. And I've been seeing so many posts before and after the election now, in various forums where they talk up the minority of non-White voters who voted for the GOP and claim that soon the rest will follow, the Dems-are-the-real-racists against Blacks/Jews, etc. We used to have "the Dems are the real racists!" as a joke on Twitter in 2016, but these people actually think the sarcasm is real and approve.
I discusse earlier my assessment about the election here: TL;DR the litmus is not White but whiteness
"not white but whiteness"? Whiteness is a phrase Democrats use. They have "Whiteness Studies" in college about how evil whites are. You mean Jewish voters voting for Trump should have voted Democrat?
I believe a writer named Steve Sailer years ago wrote that Jews fear living in areas that have confident white identity populations. Think of the parts of America with the largest Jewish populations- New York City, Boston, Washington, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles. The white gentiles of those cities not only lack a feeling of white racial identity, but they frown upon white identity. A writer named Kevin MacDonald has made the same sort of claim.
Jews are uncomfortable in large portions of America. Where I live in West Virginia, there is no Jewish presence at all. I could only guess where a synagogue might be located. Perhaps Charleston, Huntington or Wheeling might have one.
Erik Kohn, President of the Jewish Community in Oslo, Norway, wrote that Norway is "too White" and welcomed the Arab mass immigration to Europe in 2015. He is also the Deputy Director of the Norwegian Center Against Racism.
Avraham Feldman was praised in February 11, 2018, in Chabad org News for being "the first rabbi in Iceland." Six days later you could read in Iceland Monitor:
"Reykjavik Rabbi: Iceland Must Do More For Refugees"
From the Jewish publication Forward, 2019: "Only One Thing Can Stop White Supremacy: Solidarity Between Muslims and Jews"
YNet, 2019: "For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy."
YNet continues: "Grek refugee centers are mainly operated by Israelis; In Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of 'Tikkun Olam' and Jewish volunteering around the world."
Tweet by Embassy of Israel, @IsraelinUSA: "For Israeli org @IsraAID, every day is #WorldRefugeeDay Watch their amazing efforts for Syrian refugees in Greece"
CIJNews, 2015: "Jewish and Israeli organizations help boat people to find refuge in Europe"
They wrote that The American Jewish Committee, the AJC, helped IsraAID start its activities on the Greek island of Lesvos, where Arab immigrants were housed. "The aid delegation was jointly operated with the Jewish community in Greece, headed by Elias Frezis." Shay Avshalom Zavdi, who took part in the operation, "was excited as a Jew and Israeli".
IsraAid, September 2015: "After what we suffered in the Holocaust 70 years ago, how can we not help tens of thousands seeking refuge from wars in the Middle East and Africa?"
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "European Jews, mindful of risks, urge aid to refugees"
The "head of the Jewish community in Thuringia" said there should be "no limit" on the number of immigrants. Meanwhile he was strongly Zionist.
The group SOS Mediterranée has shipped Africans to Europe. They are working with Médecins du Monde, co-founded by the Jew Bernard Kouchner. The pro-immigration Jew George Soros has funded NGOs shipping Africans to Europe.
Rabbi Baruch Efrati in the occupied West Bank said in 2012 that "Islamization of Europe is a good thing." Jews should "rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity."
The rabbi added, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity."
Canadian Jewish News, 2015: "Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees."
Jewish Telegraphic Agency: "HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, and Islamic Relief USA ... have formed a joint initiative to help the thousands of refugees in the country [Greece]." They wrote that after more than a million Arabs passed through Greece, some 60,000 remained in Greece and needed the Jewish/Muslim help.
Barbara Spectre, head of Padeia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, said: "Jews will be resented because of our leading role in forcing multiculturalism upon Europe. But without that leading role, Europe will not survive."
Support Refugees, in the UK, was a project by more than 30 Jewish organizations.
Various headlines from the time, mainly from Jewish publications:
"Jews unite to defend Policy on Syrian refugees - with a few exceptions"
"Jewish groups lead push to crack open doors to Syria refugees"
"Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews demand open door for migrants"
"French Jews plan coordinated push to help Syrian refugees"
"Jews push Washington to admit more Syrian refugees, even as some worry about backlash"
"Over 1,000 U.S. rabbis petition lawmakers to welcome refugees"
"Recalling Shoah, European Jews urge aid to refugees"
"Dutch Jewish refugee village may shelter Syrians"
"Jewish groups slam White House for 'baby step' on Syrian refugees"
"How can we call ourselves Jews and bar Syrian refugees?"
"British rabbis call on Cameron to admit more Syrian refugees"
"Jewish Canadians mobilize to help Syrian refugees come to Canada"
"Vancouver Jews rally to help Syrian refugees"
"Montreal Jews and Muslims unite to help Syrian refugees"
"US rabbis envy Canadian counterparts' chance to welcome refugees"
"10 Jewish groups defend plan to admit refugees"
"British groups lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees"
"British Jews come to the aid of refugees in Calais"
2017, opposing Trump's proposed "Muslim ban":
Jewish Meetup Co-Sponsors:
-Bend the Arc
-National Council of Jewish Women
-Religious Action Center
-Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
-Jewish Council on Public Affairs
-JCRC of Greater Washington
-Central Conference of American Rabbis
-New Israel Fund
-Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice
-Arizona Jews for Justice
-Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
-The JCC Manhattan's Stern Center for Social Responsibility
-Jews United for Justice
-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
-Washington Board of Rabbis
-Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
-J Street
-Hill Havurah
-Anti-Defamation League
Major Jewish organizations that pressured Congress to accept more Muslim immigration into the U.S.:
-The Union for Reform Judaism
-The Orthodox Union
-The Rabbinical Assembly
-The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, HIAS
-The National Council of Jewish Women
-The ADL
-The American Jewish Committee
-The Jewish Council for Public Affairs
-The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies
-Habonin Dror North America
-The Jewish Labor Committee
-The National Council of Jewish Women
-T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
-The Workmen's Circle
-The Rabbinical Assembly
-Jewish World Watch
-The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
HIAS wrote that 62% of rabbis support open borders - for the U.S. Jewish synagogues help settle Africans in the American heartland, they wrote.
During the Arab mass immigration in 2015 and onward HIAS had a campaign with the slogan, "Welcome the stranger, Protect the refugee." In this campaign Jews held up hand-written signs, to be posted on social media, such as:
"I support refugees because I am Jewish, period"
"I support refugees because they have taught me kindness, positivity, and resilience"
"I support refugees because they strengthen our country + our communities"
Moshe Kantor, the head of the European Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, as well as three other top Jewish orgs, lives in Russia. You'd think he'd be grateful to the Whites he lives among, and would want to stop Arab immigration to Europe, right? Instead he created the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, where he pushes for European/EU laws to censor "hate speech" online. Any criticism of immigrant crime.
Jewish Labour peer Alf Dubs urged Theresa May to take in 3,000 extra "refugee children" in 2015 when more than a million Arabs flooded into Europe. Jewish Miliband, head of Labour 2010-2015 and leader of the opposition, said it was a disgrace not to open Britain's borders to more immigrants.
Way back in 1968 Labour wrote Britain's Race Relations Act. The author was the Jewish Home Secretary Frank Soskice. He was succeeded by Roy Jenkins in 1965, with the Jewish Anthony Lester behind him. Lester wrote Jenkins' important race speech. He was the leading race campaigner in the Society of Labour Party Lawyers, and on the Society's Race Relations Committee. He urged Roy Jenkins to write more race laws. In 1975 Anthony Lester wrote Labour's principles for new race legislation, in "White Paper on Racial Discrimination."
Britain's top judge in 2008, the Jewish Lord Phillips, said that Sharia law should be allowed in Britain via contractual agreement, instead of British law.
The DNC chairwoman, the Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, said about Arab immigrants that, "As a member of a minority religion myself, a religion, Judaism, that has been persecuted throughout our existence; it's incumbent upon us to stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters."
The ADL circulated a petition in 2016 urging Jews to denounce Trump.
Jewish protesters outside Trump Tower held up a long banner saying: "Yom Kippur is Hebrew for Abolish Ice"
Haaretz, 2020: "London Mosque Attack: Jewish Community Quick to Show Solidarity With Muslims"
Jew David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of Foreign Policy Magazine, 25 January 2016:
"White men have had a great run, but finally, thanks to the mobility revolution of the past century ... the status quo is going to undergo a profound change. In Europe alone, the influx of migrants and refugees is already producing irreversible demographic shifts - a great blending of cultures.
"The politicians in America and Europe who spew nationalist bile and fan the flames of anti-immigrant furor are tapping into a growing if unconscious cultural recognition that time is running out on what has been the world's most privileged ethnic class.
"To be sure, we should not - not for one minute - lament the passing of the white-male era."
Farther back, the Jew Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy, an associate of the ADL, wrote:
"It was only after World War II that immigration law was drastically changed to eliminate such discrimination. ... the Jewish community had a leadership role in effecting those changes."
He continued: "The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogenous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever."
The Jewish judge Stephen Reinhardt was called "a liberal giant" on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the AP says he sided with immigrants, struck down California's gay marriage ban, and tried to ban "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
In 2016, during the "Trump is anti-immigrant and racist" furor, several Jews in the U.S. were revealed to spray-paint swastikas outside their homes and the homes of other Jews. One Israeli teen who also had U.S. citizenship made 245 bomb threats to Jewish community centers and schools in the U.S., threats that received great media attention. Strangely, he had a bitcoin account worth millions. Israel refused to extradite him.
The ADL partners with schools against "racism," and their definition declares that racism is "the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people." The definition goes on about how racism is something Whites do against non-Whites.
Fun headline during the BLM riots: "400+ Jewish Organizations and Synagogues say: Black Lives Matter".
The Solicitor General's brief on behalf of the U.S. government to ban race-separate housing was written by four Jewish lawyers: Philip Elman, Oscar H. Davis, Hilbert Zarky, Stanley Silverberg. However, their names were omitted from the brief. Deputy Solicitor General Arnold Raum, also Jewish like his boss and the four others, complained that it was "bad enough that [Solicitor General Philip] Perlman's name has to be there, to have one Jew's name on it, but you have also put four more Jewish names on."
In 1978, 64% of U.S. physical anthropologists with a Jewish mother said that race was "a social construct," compared to only 34% of those without a Jewish mother.
Jews contribute half of all money to the Democrat Party, according to Jerusalem Post.
The first NAACP presidents were Jews like Joel Spingarn, not Blacks, and the funding came mainly from Jews. He worked to win the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education ruling. The college students who went to the South to register Black voters were to a large degree Jews. The leader of Black riots, Michael "Martin Luther" (false name) King, had an advisor and close friend named Stanley David Levison, treasurer of the American Jewish Congress in Manhattan. He aided in the defense of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the Jews who gave U.S. nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, bringing the world closer to destruction. He was a major financial coordinator for the Communist Party USA.
As Einstein wrote to the Jew Paul Ehrenfest in 1919, "I get most joy from the emergence of the Jewish state in Palestine. It does seem to me that our kinfolk really are more sympathetic (at least less brutal) than these horrid Europeans. Perhaps things can only improve if only the Chinese are left, who refer to all Europeans with the collective noun 'bandits.'"
Decades later, a former teacher reveals that children in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools in London are taught that non-Jews are "evil," in a worksheet.
Greek Orthodox clergy in Jerusalem say that Jews spit on them, they are "used" to it.
Jews are the ethnic group that least believes there is an IQ gap between Whites and Blacks. Or so they say.
Jews are the ethnic group that least of all agree with the statement that "political correctness threatens our liberty as Americans to speak our minds."
Jews are by far the ethnic group most hostile to the NRA. Only 13% had a favorable view of the NRA in a survey. For every other group it was 41 (Latinos, Asians) up to 59.7% (Whites).
Headline in the Jewish Journal: "Jewish groups urge Senate to pass gun control legislation."
Haaretz: "U.S. Jewish Groups Back Obama's Gun Control Initiatives." Suffice to say that Jews like Barbara Boxer have initiated or been part of initiating all major anti-gun legislation.
Of religious groups on campus, Jews are the most negative to free speech: Only 35% support the statement "Protecting citizen's free speech rights" as the most important, while 65% say that "promoting an inclusive society" is more important. Mormons, Protestants and Catholics all favor the free speech quote over the leftist quote.
The Jew George Weinberg invented the word "homophobia."
The Jew Robert Allen Iger was the chairman and CEO of Disney in 2019, when they had a Disney character say "I'm gay" for the first time. The character was named Cyrus, played by the Jew Joshua Rush, in Andi Mack. The shows creator and executive producer was the Jew Terry Minsky.
In 2016, the Jewish Rogue One writer Chris Weitz tweeted, "Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization."
When J.J. Abrams was hired to direct a Star Wars movie, he said: "I walked in and it was the whitest room you've seen. So I thought, why not mix it up a little?" He made the central character Finn, a White man with blond hair in Star Wars comics, a Black man. Then the media claimed fans were "racist" for calling this out, without mentioning that the character had always been White or mentioning Abrams' statement.
Maybe the correct response by white right-wingers in this case is not to bemoan the hordes of immigrants crossing our borders. Maybe the correct response is to do what we can to help turn those immigrants against the Jews.
It never happens - Arabs know that Jews dominate the media, but it is too profitable for them to vote for the Left. They hold a protest against the theft of Palestinian homes but they don't do anything. Only a few do something, like speak against the Jewish influence on politics through media, and they are then prosecuted - this has happened in various countries. The rest go on voting for Social Democrat parties whatever those parties do or don't do.
Except that a 90% Arab town, I forgot the name, now gave Trump more votes than Biden, though neither of them got a majority - the vote was also split with the Green Party, as they oppose the Palestinian holocaust. They voted for Trump in 2016 when he was anti-war, then voted for Biden in 2020 when he said he'd end wars, now they gave Trump more votes because he at least has expressed some wish for the ethnic cleansing to come to a halt. Probably because of Barron's influence, as Trump said "we have all seen the videos" of what is done to the Palestinians. Barron is the one who tells him about social media.
"Barron is the one who tells him about social media."
LOL! Is THAT why Trump started Truth Social, when Barron was 15?
The fantasies are strong in you, but you really need to learn to not imagine that what comes out of your ass is "facts".
Aww, little Jew baby nitpicking again, so cute! Media have been writing plenty of times this year about Barron talking to his father about which online personalities people listen to, and showing him media. That Trump set up TruthSocial before that as he was banned from Twitter doesn't change that. Go cry harder. LOL
It was Dearborn and I was talking about Latinos, not Muslims. The latter will generally be impervious to our culture’s philo-semitic indoctrination regardless of how they vote.
But Latinos are mostly Christians and share the values of middle American whites, without the blinders that evangelicals have.
If you think anyone except your anti-Semitic confreres read your immense walls of text you are deluded, Yes, there are many Lefty Jews. But there is no such monolithic grouping, "the jews", that you imagine, and listing what Lefty Jews say does not in fact advance your argument. I made this point to Sailer when he implied that the Israeli government was being hypocritical in not accepting mass Muslim immigration to Israel: Unless Likud promotes mass Muslim invasion of Europe that "hypocrisy" is not a thing. In response you claimed in one of your tediously long posts that the Israeli government had criticized the Polish government for not accepting Muslims, but when challenged to substantiate this all we heard from you is crickets. Could be true, I suppose, but you are full of so much shit that there's no reason to believe you.
LOL Aww, it's the little Jew troll who pretends to be White. LOL
You can't refute a single thing I write, when Jews themselves support mass immigration, up to the World Jewish Congress. You can only lie and claim I said it's all Jews. Typical troll.
"As a Jew growing up in New York your choice was between devoting your whole life or only your free time to communism."
--The Jewish Michael Savage
Oops, you claimed I said it was all Jews? NOPE! So now you have nothing.
Sorry, little troll. I know there are Jews who oppose mass immigration. And they also point out that the majority of Jews support it.
Here is David Cole, who comes from a long line of communist Jews, talking about anti-White Jews. Too bad for you I have this quote, and many more.
When I speak of blacks as “vessels” for Jewish revolutionary mischief, what I mean is that Jews, who always couch their revolutionary urges in the rhetoric of do-goodism, need a group they can claim to be fighting for—a helpless, hapless group, whose plight will never, can never, improve, thus giving permanent revolutionaries the permanent losers through whom to wage their permanent war.
Jews are not placated by their own success. If only they were mollified by material success. But no, there’s an impulse not satisfied by mere prosperity. They need the struggle, and if they’re no longer the ones struggling, they need a proxy who is.
you: " claimed I said it was all Jews? NOPE! So now you have nothing."
you: "...what I mean is that Jews, who ALWAYS [emphasis added] couch their revolutionary urges in the rhetoric of do-goodism, need a group they can claim to be fighting for..."
As the second sentence demonstrates you do in fact routinely make claims about what all Jews do. Do you ever write a comment in which that claim ISN'T made or implied?
Umm, little liar, THAT WAS A QUOTE FROM DAVID COLE. I specifically wrote that I was quoting David Cole.
But nice try! LOL
" The white gentiles of those cities not only lack a feeling of white racial identity, but they frown upon white identity."
So, in your opinion the Jews there don't differ from the gentiles?
LOL Little troll trying to grasp at something again.
I know you're too blind and stupid to grasp the point, no need to drive that fact home.
LOL You don't even address all the other points he made, you just go sniffing like a rat for something to attack. Typical troll.
I'm of course under no obligation to fisk everything he wrote before pointing out the implications of something he said. I know you're too blind and stupid to grasp the point I made, and your failure to refute it is what I'd expect from a little rat-brain like you.
Ignore the Jew troll hiding behind the oh-so-White name "Andrew Phillips." You know how he jumps in EVERY TIME someone exposes how the vast majority of Jews vote Democrat and support mass immigration.
His two tactics aside from showing his hate is to pick some little thing he can attack, and to always claim "you-can't-prove-that-i-demand-you-show-links-or-you're-lying!"
That debate trick is called sealioning, used online to exhaust opponents. The tell-tale sign is that he never admits all the other things written which are proven or easily found in a search. He'll only pick out whatever phrase he can use.
I have a clear conscience. I am not anti-Semitic. I am very much anti-left and about 80 % of Jews are on the left.
"Seems like Steve Sailer's way of indirectly pointing out that the vast majority of Jewry, about 80%, vote for mass immigration. Well done!"
Seems that way to no one except you.
Aww, little baby claims that the majority of Jews do NOT vote for the Democrats. Umm:
"Several surveys conducted since Election Day find that 63% to 71% of Jewish voters backed Democrats, keeping in line with historical preference for party"
Oops, Jew troll proven wrong again!
And you pretend Steve Sailer would not know the score about Jews, despite that he has written about them many times? Hilarious. Steve also writes for, which highlights Jewish behavior, but you don't want people to know that.
The claim in the exit poll that Tablet debunked was of course 79% for Harris.
And of course you can't quote me saying that a majority of Jews do not vote for the Democrats because I didn't.
LOL Even the ISRAEL TIMES says that the majority of Jews voted for Kamala Harris. You Jews always vote mostly for the Democrats. But you ignore that I have written several times now that it's from the Israel Times, and pick the one post where I don't mention it's from that publication.
LOL Nice try.
Um, and yes, you attack every post that says the majority of you Jews vote socialist. "Seems that way to no one except you!" Aww, little liar.
Didn't old Hollywood prefer Beverly Hills? Jimmy Stewart lived there. His next-door neighbor was Milton Berle. I believe 100-year old Eva Marie Saint still lives in Beverly Hills. Of course, old Hollywood is pretty much dead.
I was wondering what impact all the anti-Israel campus protests would have on the Jewish vote and it seems like not a ton really. What would be interesting is to see how much campaign donations shifted since Jews as a share of the voting public are not very significant, Jews as a share of political donors are massively important.
Still an interesting bit of information, and I'd be curious to see the same for NYC, the other pole of Jewish power in America. I live in a large rust belt city, and amongst my Jewish friends and acquaintances I would say political allegiances are more 50/50, and the more right leaning Jews are culturally very middle America (like guns, outdoors stuff, barbeque, etc.) and their social circle revolves more around that than ethnic identity.
Big donors are much more inclined to support Democrats. It's simply regulatory capture - Democrats' life blood is regulating so you donate to them because of that. Trump was a major Democrat donor before he threw his hat into the ring for GOP presidential candidacy in 2015. That says little.
Nevertheless, one of the big events that did Democrats in was that Zuckerberg no longer ran the humongous get out the vote campaign in 2024. In 2020 his campaign was to the tone of 400M.
I'm not seeing that a donation to Harris which she then flushed down the drain advanced anyone's regulatory interests.
Perhaps you can make this into something meaningful:
Look at the little troll sniffing and complaining again. "Someone criticized Zuckerberg, a JEW! How dare they!" As Steve Sailer has shown, Jewish donor support for the Democrats is huge, they dominate among the top donors. But you don't want people to know that.
LOL Keep complaining, little troll.
You keep reading things that aren't on the page, such as any fondness of mine for Zuckerberg. Maybe your doctor could prescribe something to help with your hallucinations?
Calm down.
Does anybody know what % of 2024 campaign donations are now listed in Open Secrets? How long does it take after the election for all pre-election contributions to get listed? I want to do a study of big donors in recent elections, but I don't want to jump the gun and announce some big finding only to learn it's incomplete.
You should have contributed $200 to someone on the day before the election so you'd know when it showed up, the data was all in.
Open Secrets PAC data now says: Based on data released by the Federal Election Commission on October 26, 2024, so you'd better wait 'til next year. Elon Musk's last contribution (to the NRCongCommittee) is listed at August 8, 2024, so I expect they're pretty far behind.
Ignore the Jewish troll with the oh-so-White name Andrew Phillips. When Steve Sailer posts about Jews overwhelmingly supporting the Left, he must jump in and troll the whole comment section. Because he has no life. He sees you post something criticizing Zuckerberg, a Jew, so he must rush to claim that Zuckerberg's support for the Left doesn't mean anything. And demand proof, demand more and more, in order to exhaust you, a debate trick called sealioning.
Actually, Zuckerberg went head over heals in supporting Biden in 2020. In 2024 he was much more reasonable. Maybe he didn't like what the Dem administration did to Libra - Andreesen also wrote about it. Maybe people DO learn.
People say Zuckerberg has mellowed, though I haven't read why, maybe something to read up on. Zuckerberg does strike me as the kind of guy who will be "in his own head" at times, with his own ideas - like how the Democrat Elon Musk comes to support a Republican.
(In that case people always miss the fact that he sent his son to an expensive private school, and the son came back as a Marxist transvestite who hates his father. It is obvious: He is a father fighting to get his son back. It doesn't matter that he lost some billions on Twitter. It matters that there is an outlet where people can speak and change society so maybe the son is changed eventually. Then the intense hate and attacks from Democrats pretty much forced Elon Musk to go GOP. Labour, helping the Dems by knocking doors, had "Destroy X" at the top of their printed list.)
But Facebook censors Republicans like always. The whole news team on Facebook is obviously still Democrat. When there is some important news and the first source is right-wing, they STILL link to a left-wing site.
So how much has Zuckerberg changed? Even if he has had second thoughts about something regarding the Democrats, he hasn't done any changes on Facebook. And I haven't checked Instagram, but I bet they'd still censor the same pro-gun memes etc that they've censored before.
Doesn't this include the entire BH zip code, the northern half of which is not in City of BH proper, so has less-responsive LAPD and the 5% mansion tax? Could those be a big red pill for the worried new rich?
The late writer Cathy Seipp described our once mutual abode of Los Alamitos as being rednecky 50 years ago, which I was too young and rednecky to notice, and it appears to be the pink spots on the western edge of the O.C., so she may still be right.
Before Biden dropped out I was eating pizza outside in Beverly Hills when a car drove up the street honking, decorated in pro-Trump. A woman, very ethnic looking, eating in the outdoor space of the next restaurant over, said "you wouldn't have seen that a few years ago." It was clear from her tone that she very much approved.
So what did she look to be - Jewish? Latina? Persian? Calabrese?
Persian maybe
Having your own small city that you control is a good thing.
For some reason I thought Sherman Oaks would be light pink at least.
I have to say that I’m a bit surprised that people on social media are so unrepentantly gleeful at the death of Brian Thompson, the CEO of United Healthcare who was gunned down in cold blood yesterday morning. When they have been called out on it by a few of his defenders, they will then double down!
It's not exactly news that the medical monopolists ought to be hung from lampposts.
It certainly occurred to me that the guy who shot him probably had good reason to do it.
No, no good reasons for murder.
You're such a Law & Order fuddy duddy 😂
You don't oppose violence, you oppose "illegal" violence. You can't imagine any ethical systems so, not wanting anarchy, you fall back on the magic word "law", as though it means anything more than "orders written by lawyers".
You're welcome to your opinion, but mine is that some people deserve to be killed. (E.g., the DA persecuting Daniel Penny, Alvin Bragg, has earned it. See "Watering the tree of democracy with the blood of tyrants", etc.) Taking on the burden of doing it myself is not often going to be worth it to me, and organizing the doing of it has its own problems, but I won't fail to applaud appropriately if someone else does it and I think it warranted.
I despise abortionists but I do not support their murder. Brian Thompson's murder is evil.
I wasn't thinking that he deserved killing because he was paying abortionists.
What he is responsible for doing to the person who killed him remains to be seen. When I find out I'll decide whether I think he earned it.
The Jewish troll with the oh-so-White name Andrew Phillips trying to find allies in the forum, taking a short break from attacking anyone who knows the majority of Jews voted for Kamala Harris. Whenever Steve Sailer posts about Jewish behavior he comes to sniff out posts to pick out details to attack, to exhaust people, but if you post something neutral in the same thread he'll post an agreement in the hope of making you an ally. It's amazing how he keeps at the same behavior over and over.
Of perhaps general interest to posters here: It seems that all the posts by "Tell" have disappeared. Maybe they'll come back. Or maybe SS decided to ban him. My activity list shows all his replies to me (some 11 of them, all in a row) now say not that he is the writer, but that "1 user" is. Some of my posts (and those of others) have disappeared as well, but they might all have been in threads replying to him.
I’m still seeing them. I’ve got him blocked and muted too. Muting works really well at the WSJ. Substack needs to catch up.
You are still seeing them on THIS page? Because for me the only appearance of "Tell" is the one in the post immediately above.
Perhaps Steve has the power to block you from each other, an easy way to break up fights while still allowing the rest of us to point and sputter at you.
Perhaps. Can YOU see the posts by "Tell"?
HAVE you been pointing and sputtering? I'm not seeing those either.
Also, why does your (and Frau Katz's and YDYDY's, I notice) handle appear twice on your posts whereas mine and Sailer's appear only once? Because neither of us are paid-up members?
1. Yes, unfortunately, I can see all your crap, but I quickly skip over your combined threads as uninteresting.
2. I am now!
3. We are paid subscribers to Steve, so apparently, we can write our own personal substack if we want (I haven't tried yet), and the second name links to it.
Your #1 is of course not an answer to the question I posed. Did you use a power blender to clear out your earwax? Evidently you need to walk carefully lest your poor excuse for brains drip out of your ears. Obviously your mental disabilities go beyond merely being hard of reading.