A picture circulating on social-media (without attribution but being pumped out by big-name demagogic accounts, like James O'Keefe), has the dead shooter as a reddish-haired white male. Not a full-Asian. Probably full-White. Looks like a drug-user, whoever it is.
I'm already bored. I need a name, and ideally an exciting motive.
Universe DELIVER!
In other news, while I now think that either a Biden OR a Trump presidency could be entertaining, for the sake of the world I need to reiterate my support for RFK Jr.
He's the only candidate who can take a headshot and have only a 50% chance of losing gray matter.
P.S. Yes, I genuinely and absolutely believe that we are foolish to care about presidential elections as though the right king will improve our lives. He won't. The ruling class fight among themselves for titles and positions but whomsoever wins, one thing is for sure, the non-elite class of some 320 million Americans and some 7.9 billion human beings will remain in the dirt.
It's up to US to rewrite the rules but humans are a cowardly herdish species who won't do that and will continue to be led by people who don't care whether they live or die.
This is disturbing. Since JFK and RFK were assassinated the media has striven to portray the shooters as deranged loners. Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan B Sirhan. Even Dr King's assassin James Earl Ray was presented as a variation on that theme. But we KNOW the CIA plans assassinations and covert psyops all over the world. Does anyone really believe that unaccountable spooks do nothing inside the US borders just because there is a law against it?
“ The Secret Service killed the alleged assassin, but the obvious question is how he could have gained the high ground atop a building near enough to be able to take those shots at the former President. Mr. Trump’s rallies are severe security tests, but the Secret Service has had years to know how to protect him at these events.
But the leaders of the Secret Service have some explaining to do. Transparency in the investigation will be critical to avoid the spread of conspiracy theories on the right and left. On Saturday night social media was full of anti-Trump posters saying the shooting was staged to help his campaign.
The shooter alone is responsible for his actions. But leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won’t end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions.”
The shooter has been named as THOMAS CROOKS, age 20. White.
A graduate of a local western-Pennsylvania high-school in June 2022. Some local booster group awarded him a "National Math & Science Initiative Star Award" at the end of his senior year. It came with a $500 prize; about fifteen others also received the prize.
Someone found Thomas Crooks' high-school graduation video. The video of him walking up to receive his diploma matches the photos of the dead gunman. In the video we see a thin, pale, short youth. He walks unconfidently. Not that there's anything wrong with that; life for a male is about growing into some measure of self-confidence and responsibility, and not everyone's "gotten there" yet at 18.
At a glance, Thomas Crooks was a "nerd." Perhaps he was bullied. Perhaps he never had true friends, never had mutually-supportive friendships of an "unironic" sort. This is to say nothing of romantic relationships with girls. Perhaps Thomas Crooks came to hate life, and saw little point to it all. This is the story of a lot of these kinds of shooters, of course. But maybe he'd never have worked himself up to this if he'd had even one true friend.
Possible structural causes to this thing: Atomization. Anti-White-Male bias (even though a Leftist, presumably, Thomas Crooks will have sensed, well enough, even if subconsciously in a way, that White-males are not really "wanted"; so despite his science-and-math interests and skills, what was the point?). Social isolation: And social isolation during some of the most-important years of all of one's life, his mid-teens. The major disruptions of the Corona-Panic and the lockdowns and "remote learning" may have pushed him over an edge.
Thomas Crooks (to look at him) may well have already struggled with friendships and connecting to people. But then the Corona-Panic came down, and powerful people demanded that he stay locked in a room for two years. He lost the latter one-third or so of his 10th-grade year and all of his 11th-grade year to the Corona-Panic. The disruptions certainly continued in his 12th grade high-school (2021-22). The Biden "winter of mass-death" speech was mid-way along in Thomas Crooks' senior year in high school.
Thomas Crooks would've been about age 11 when Trump started his first campaign in 2015. Trump launched his campaign around the time Thomas Crooks finished 5th-grade. All through middle-school and high-school he was around anti-Trump hate-propaganda, and then had two years locked in a room during the Corona-Panic to think it all over. The galvanizing "BLM" riots of mid-2020 were around the end of his 10th-grade high-school year.
Yeah, all true and very interesting. Thanks! At the same time I wouldn't worry too much about it. American males in 2024 are the most cowardly creatures ever to walk to earth. Most have been so beaten into submission that it takes a, uh, "special" fellow to rise above it enough for even so lowly a state as to Die For History.
I'm pretty pacifistic myself as you can see from my most popular video https://youtu.be/pp7OL1kQ5-M but I've got to admit that even something as lowly and dumb as dying for the bullshit the elite teach you, is more impressive than the way most of these kids live.
Trump is obviously as close to a demigod of ego as this generation can muster. He has no parallel. But for 2024 this sad foolish little nerd counts as almost a man too.
What a pathetic and sad state for our species.
P.S. With the technological know-how available to our species in 2024 it's ASTONISHING that people put up with the fact that so many men aren't getting laid, so many women *want* to abort their potential offspring, and that most of our waking hours and energies must still be spent on working just to afford shelter, food, and medicine.
Our natural needs and wants can and should all be met with *ease* yet the ruling class continues to preach (from their yachts) that arbeit macht frei.
I'm attempting a *different* means of getting mankind around to standing up for themselves than by assassinating these or those hairplugs, but your understanding of his likely plight is admirable and accurate. There's no reason why either Earth or Earthlings should still be such shit in this magical age, but here we all are.
P.P.S. You inspired me to make a standalone post out of it. Your comment points out that: the only thing we know about this dumb kid is that his life sucked and he decided that *someone* had to pay.
But why the holy fuck should life still suck for anyone in the age of technological magic?
Yes, this sounds about right but he’s also obviously smart and competent enough to pull something like this off. Scary combo. Crooks is about what I’d think the shooter would look like in Western PA.
NYT didn't send me an email news alert until 9:40 pm, 3.5 hours after the shooting. They didn't use that photo, instead one with his fist raised. I'm not a paid subscriber.
I just realized all the SS agents around him are wearing the same color blue he is, just for moments like this.
Clearly a victim of testosterone poisoning
Also shout out to Doug Mills, who captured the bullet whizzing mid-air right by Trump’s face, 1/1000000 odds
I believe that was a blood droplet. Photographing a supersonic bullet takes special equipment.
I saw the photo and that was pretty clearly the turbulence behind the projectile visible by way of refraction. Cool pic.
Btw the naked eye can see supersonic projectiles in certain conditions.
It is an incredible photo.
I've got an unnamed source saying that the shooter was East Asian.
Sounds hard to believe but Big If True.
Surprising he missed in that case. Must not have been Long Hiriuchi.
He wasn’t shooting at a defenseless woman with a baby in her arms.
A picture circulating on social-media (without attribution but being pumped out by big-name demagogic accounts, like James O'Keefe), has the dead shooter as a reddish-haired white male. Not a full-Asian. Probably full-White. Looks like a drug-user, whoever it is.
I'm already bored. I need a name, and ideally an exciting motive.
Universe DELIVER!
In other news, while I now think that either a Biden OR a Trump presidency could be entertaining, for the sake of the world I need to reiterate my support for RFK Jr.
He's the only candidate who can take a headshot and have only a 50% chance of losing gray matter.
P.S. Yes, I genuinely and absolutely believe that we are foolish to care about presidential elections as though the right king will improve our lives. He won't. The ruling class fight among themselves for titles and positions but whomsoever wins, one thing is for sure, the non-elite class of some 320 million Americans and some 7.9 billion human beings will remain in the dirt.
It's up to US to rewrite the rules but humans are a cowardly herdish species who won't do that and will continue to be led by people who don't care whether they live or die.
Here is the name and a brief speculative bio:
looks like a basement dweller w a similar level of loserness as a school shooter
This is disturbing. Since JFK and RFK were assassinated the media has striven to portray the shooters as deranged loners. Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan B Sirhan. Even Dr King's assassin James Earl Ray was presented as a variation on that theme. But we KNOW the CIA plans assassinations and covert psyops all over the world. Does anyone really believe that unaccountable spooks do nothing inside the US borders just because there is a law against it?
From a WSJ op-ed:
“ The Secret Service killed the alleged assassin, but the obvious question is how he could have gained the high ground atop a building near enough to be able to take those shots at the former President. Mr. Trump’s rallies are severe security tests, but the Secret Service has had years to know how to protect him at these events.
But the leaders of the Secret Service have some explaining to do. Transparency in the investigation will be critical to avoid the spread of conspiracy theories on the right and left. On Saturday night social media was full of anti-Trump posters saying the shooting was staged to help his campaign.
The shooter alone is responsible for his actions. But leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won’t end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions.”
The shooter has been named as THOMAS CROOKS, age 20. White.
A graduate of a local western-Pennsylvania high-school in June 2022. Some local booster group awarded him a "National Math & Science Initiative Star Award" at the end of his senior year. It came with a $500 prize; about fifteen others also received the prize.
Someone found Thomas Crooks' high-school graduation video. The video of him walking up to receive his diploma matches the photos of the dead gunman. In the video we see a thin, pale, short youth. He walks unconfidently. Not that there's anything wrong with that; life for a male is about growing into some measure of self-confidence and responsibility, and not everyone's "gotten there" yet at 18.
At a glance, Thomas Crooks was a "nerd." Perhaps he was bullied. Perhaps he never had true friends, never had mutually-supportive friendships of an "unironic" sort. This is to say nothing of romantic relationships with girls. Perhaps Thomas Crooks came to hate life, and saw little point to it all. This is the story of a lot of these kinds of shooters, of course. But maybe he'd never have worked himself up to this if he'd had even one true friend.
Possible structural causes to this thing: Atomization. Anti-White-Male bias (even though a Leftist, presumably, Thomas Crooks will have sensed, well enough, even if subconsciously in a way, that White-males are not really "wanted"; so despite his science-and-math interests and skills, what was the point?). Social isolation: And social isolation during some of the most-important years of all of one's life, his mid-teens. The major disruptions of the Corona-Panic and the lockdowns and "remote learning" may have pushed him over an edge.
Thomas Crooks (to look at him) may well have already struggled with friendships and connecting to people. But then the Corona-Panic came down, and powerful people demanded that he stay locked in a room for two years. He lost the latter one-third or so of his 10th-grade year and all of his 11th-grade year to the Corona-Panic. The disruptions certainly continued in his 12th grade high-school (2021-22). The Biden "winter of mass-death" speech was mid-way along in Thomas Crooks' senior year in high school.
Thomas Crooks would've been about age 11 when Trump started his first campaign in 2015. Trump launched his campaign around the time Thomas Crooks finished 5th-grade. All through middle-school and high-school he was around anti-Trump hate-propaganda, and then had two years locked in a room during the Corona-Panic to think it all over. The galvanizing "BLM" riots of mid-2020 were around the end of his 10th-grade high-school year.
Yeah, all true and very interesting. Thanks! At the same time I wouldn't worry too much about it. American males in 2024 are the most cowardly creatures ever to walk to earth. Most have been so beaten into submission that it takes a, uh, "special" fellow to rise above it enough for even so lowly a state as to Die For History.
I'm pretty pacifistic myself as you can see from my most popular video https://youtu.be/pp7OL1kQ5-M but I've got to admit that even something as lowly and dumb as dying for the bullshit the elite teach you, is more impressive than the way most of these kids live.
Trump is obviously as close to a demigod of ego as this generation can muster. He has no parallel. But for 2024 this sad foolish little nerd counts as almost a man too.
What a pathetic and sad state for our species.
P.S. With the technological know-how available to our species in 2024 it's ASTONISHING that people put up with the fact that so many men aren't getting laid, so many women *want* to abort their potential offspring, and that most of our waking hours and energies must still be spent on working just to afford shelter, food, and medicine.
Our natural needs and wants can and should all be met with *ease* yet the ruling class continues to preach (from their yachts) that arbeit macht frei.
I'm attempting a *different* means of getting mankind around to standing up for themselves than by assassinating these or those hairplugs, but your understanding of his likely plight is admirable and accurate. There's no reason why either Earth or Earthlings should still be such shit in this magical age, but here we all are.
P.P.S. You inspired me to make a standalone post out of it. Your comment points out that: the only thing we know about this dumb kid is that his life sucked and he decided that *someone* had to pay.
But why the holy fuck should life still suck for anyone in the age of technological magic?
Yes, this sounds about right but he’s also obviously smart and competent enough to pull something like this off. Scary combo. Crooks is about what I’d think the shooter would look like in Western PA.
NYT didn't send me an email news alert until 9:40 pm, 3.5 hours after the shooting. They didn't use that photo, instead one with his fist raised. I'm not a paid subscriber.
I just realized all the SS agents around him are wearing the same color blue he is, just for moments like this.
"But then the Corona-Panic came down, and powerful people demanded that he stay locked in a room for two years. "
Wrong. They were in in-person hybrid from the beginning of the4 2020 school year and went to full-time in person in April.