“The uploader has not made the video available in your country.” — that’s what I’m seeing.

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Caitlyn naively must assume it’s just them trying to knock her down a peg like talented rookies in the NBA.. I notice it’s envious, probably racist black lesbians committing flagrant fouls attempting to injure.

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Jun 16Liked by Steve Sailer

Oh, I'm sure Caitlyn knows the score, but she knows enough to not verbalize her true feelings on this matter.

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You could be right. Better keep her head on a swivel. The fever need a huge enforcer type player.

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You mean like the one with the ball out of bounds on the incident where Clark was shouldered to the floor? Big, sturdy woman, but all she did is help Clark up, despite Clark apparently being her ticket out of irrelevance. On this one three of them do it, but no one gets in Reese's face. Is it just a lack of testosterone or a lack of teammate solidarity? I don't know, but I can't say it's a good look.

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And violence against Asian players. Check out YouTube videos to see the treatment Jeremy Lin got in the NBA

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Hanania doesn't look human to me; it's as if he has just returned from tryouts to be the second understudy to play the Emcee in his local summer-stock production of Cabaret

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He’s a weird-looking guy.

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His shtick is to play the cute conservative contrarian.

He's just come out of the closet as a father, but in the strangest way. It has to be read to be believed.

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I tried to read his Father's Day column, but I found it unbearable. He is completely off-putting.

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I was shocked that he's a father.

It seems he's married (to a woman) but no mention of a wife in the piece. Nothing about love. It's all me, me, me.

Very weird dude.

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They're trying to hurt Clark. If she gets injured, the WNBA goes down in flames. But they're so insanely enabled that they don't realize this.

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I don't care for that narrative. I think Clark's popularity is a temporary blip that can't rehabilitate the WNBA. She's just not good enough.

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Your comment is

1. Not to the point that I made

2. Inane, she's massively popular. This is not "Linsanity" - it's something that's really touched a chord in white America. Look at all those little girls.

3. No clue as to her future, I just know that she was a spectacular college player and that if she gets injured it will be very bad for the WNBA.

I'm an old hand at internet arguments, so from now on you're muted. Bye!

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Muting people you disagree with is not an old hand internet tactic, it’s a post Tumblr safe space tactic, but go off.

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OK, you I'll block.

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White supremacists have been blocking Blacks for the past 400 years -- slavery -- Jim Crow -- ongoing systemic racism.

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1. She has this blip in popularity, but it's not sustainable because she's just not that good at playing basketball. Did you actually see the two plays that are getting attention? On the one where she was shouldered she'd lost the player who she was guarding who hit the shot, and then she stood there asking for the ball instead of coming to get it or breaking downcourt for the pass. This doesn't in any way justify the attack, but it was bad basketball on her part. On the one where Reese clocked her in the head she drove to the hoop and the player behind Reese totally obliterated her shot, totally independent of what Reese did. SHE"S NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO SUSTAIN INTEREST IN THE WNBA.

2. This is worse than Linsanity. Lin could actually play exciting ball, and that was totally unknown and so a great surprise. Then he got unlucky in that Carmelo Anthony recovered and didn't want him on the court and the management chose Anthony. Lin said there was a racial dynamic, and maybe so, but was good basketball at he core of Linsanity. Clark can't do that. She's good at the boring shot in the sport, the side step three pointer, but nothing else is above what you can see at your local high school.

3. If you can't refute but can only disagree and block, that's on you. I wrote what I wrote to initiate discussion with anyone with knows basketball and has an open mind. If that leaves you out I won't miss you.

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I think we need Congressional hearings and a "Caitlan's Law" that awards three extra free throws for "hate fouls." This is a national crisis. And Black Lesbian Democrat power forwards are the real racists.

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Caitlyn Clark is the Jackie Robinson of our time.

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Screw the haters, they can’t and never could stop us, we will succeed, they will fail, regardless of all the creative rule breaking to make them “equal”. They will hate is forever anyway, so fuck em, don’t give em a second thought.

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