“Dr. Petrzela is a professor of history at the New School and a fellow of the Carnegie Corporation. Dr. Schreiber is a professor of art, media and cultural history and a co-director of the Gender and Sexuality Studies Institute at the New School”
I respond :
This reminds me of another New Yawk Jewess writer once at this “ New School cult Marxist leftist NYC college - Tamar Jacoby , who supposed had a St Paul/Rabbi Saul of Tarsus epiphamy and supposedly “ saw the light on the Road to Damascus Syria ( how are the Greek and converso J Christians doing there thus week as ISIS retakes Syria?) Tamar Jacoby simply walked out of the New School and got a good paying job at the Wall Street Journal free market economics , J Neo Con wars about , open borders mass immigration to the USA/the West , but not if course fir the J ethnostate Israel .
In contrast I didn t get any paying job or even a job interview through the Stern New York University Graduate school of management , supposedly the #1 MBA program in the USA when went there in 1989. NYU now has it’s first woman President another woke Jewess - the NYU alumni magazine is woke , White make vagina from cover to cover .
Hey Steve S , do you get any decent jobs with your U California MBA? I think I heard you did . So your U CAl MBA was apparently better than my Stern NYU MBA
Jews have been treated better in the US than in any other political community since the Diaspora, so it's a bit rich that they identify with racial/ethnic groups which actually have a reason to complain (i.e., Indians and blacks). Part of this is due to post-Holocaust paranoia, which I can completely understand. However, since the late 60s, the US has been the greatest ally that Israel has, which undermines the justification for the wacky Jewish leftism of the American Jewish population. Maybe the point to be taken here is that, as Steve has already mentioned, stereotypes are only successful when they are generally true. So, Jewish women (who are the subject of this post) get characterized as "domineering, whining and otherwise repellent" because quite a few of them are domineering, whining and otherwise repellent.
But I think that the "domineering, whining and otherwise repellent", are a minority of Jewish women; my experience (limited as it is) with Jewish women is that most of them are pretty nice, good moms and decent friends. It seems the minority color the view of the general population, but how much of that is due to Jewish male dominance in mass media?
A large fraction of second half of the 20th Century entertainment was made up by Jewish guys who married some Jewish girl at age 22 or whenever, had some kids, then got rich and divorced her to marry a beautiful shiksa trophy wife. So there are a lot of jokes about what was annoying about Jewish women, when their real problem was not being a 10 year younger blonde actress.
When most gentiles think of a typical Jewish woman, they think more on the lines of Shelley Winters in "The Poseidon Adventure." But I am showing my age.
"Nobody Wants This" is so stupid I watched it twice. The gentile woman character grew up in Los Angeles but finds Jews as mysterious as space aliens. Seriously, not one Jewish friend to invite you to a bat mitzvah when you were a kid? Written by a gentile woman who converted, the show is not kind to any of the female characters, Jew or Gentile, which I find kind of refreshing. It brings to mind HL Mencken - a misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women do.
All the men are kind of innocent lovable dopes. The main couple are ten years too old for the story. The Jewish parents had to be Russian immigrants to make sense being super Jewy parents of an 80s kid. The conflict is all artificial and manufactured. The main guy dumps his fiancé for not much, and is instantly completely committed to the shiksa goddess. The Jewish women are mean to the gentile ladies yet powerless against their blond hair.
If it's really so hard being Jewish why not give it up? Racial antisemitism was, historically speaking, a flash in the pan that lasted roughly sixty years, if that. It was definitively crushed - by Christians - in early May 1945.
Judaism is hard to get into and easy to leave - the religious version of an exclusive club - so it ought to have withered away if being Jewish were really such a difficult existence.
The parsimonious explanation is that it isn't actually that rough. It comes with plenty of benefits and fewer obligations to others. Why else would it prove attractive to hot, ambitious women, who aren't generally known for dedicating their lives to serving others at their own expense?
Yes, who is less empowered than NYC academic Jews who are able to get their complaints published in the New York Times?
What these ladies touch upon is that a) academia, in which Jews are hugely overrepresented, played a massive and active role in the growth of the worst, most woke politics, b) this includes the rise of the pro-Palestine movement that is anti-Semitic as well as anti-Western civilization, and c) they want to keep the woke parts that empower them but don't want to be held accountable for the bad parts.
Too bad. People like these need a good hard dose of the the medicine they prepared for others, and over a prolonged period of time.
"Yes, who is less empowered than NYC academic Jews who are able to get their complaints published in the New York Times?
What these ladies touch upon is that a) academia, in which Jews are hugely overrepresented, played a massive and active role in the growth of the worst, most woke politics, b) this includes the rise of the pro-Palestine movement that is anti-Semitic as well as anti-Western civilization, and c) they want to keep the woke parts that empower them but don't want to be held accountable for the bad parts."
Back around 20 years ago, when Sarah Silverman was still funnyish, she had a routine where she said ""I got in trouble for saying the word ‘Chink’ on a talk show. The president of an Asian-American watchdog group out here in Los Angeles was up in arms about it and he put my name in the papers calling me a racist, and it hurt me deeply. As a member of the Jewish community, I was really concerned..... that we were losing control of the media."
> A lot of people like to imagine that their problems stem from being outside of the “dominant culture.”
Perhaps better stated as "Many elites like to imagine that their problems stem from being outside of elite culture."
Goes hand-in-hand with luxury beliefs.
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela and Rachel Schreiber:
> In 1979 the feminist Andrea Dworkin quoted Sartre...
Petrzela and Schreiber are correctly wagering that few NYT subscribers are familiar with this feminist and her body of work.
> “Intersectionality,” the term coined in 1989 by the legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw,
Petrzela and Schreiber are correctly wagering that few NYT subscribers are familiar with this legal scholar and her body of work.
The Op-Ed's 423 comments (at this writing) are distressingly un-diverse in their admiration of its thesis. Oppressed Jewish women are nothing like oppressive Gentile women!
Who is the NYT appealing to by running these vacuous and unoleasant editorials? How many actual clicks do they get on this nonsense? Or do they just use the rest of the paper to subsidize the endless resentment among a small, but pretty mighty, group of rich, elite, and influential Jews?
Those notorious anti-Semites Elaine May, Neil Simon, and Bruce Jay Friedman started this whole evil trend with the Heartbreak Kid in 1972, preventing Jewish women from getting fair representation in the media ever since.
Actually, articles like this provide ongoing evidence of how correct were the last few chapters of Separation and Its Discontents about the future evolutionary strategy of the in-group. The best fact checker is time.
Last spring, the National Institutes of Health announced that the federal government has a new non-white category, MENA. It means middle-eastern and north african Americans can avoid being persecuted as white. So now an American Jew of purebred Northern European phenotype can decide he/she is Israeli and check the MENA category.
“Dr. Petrzela is a professor of history at the New School and a fellow of the Carnegie Corporation. Dr. Schreiber is a professor of art, media and cultural history and a co-director of the Gender and Sexuality Studies Institute at the New School”
I respond :
This reminds me of another New Yawk Jewess writer once at this “ New School cult Marxist leftist NYC college - Tamar Jacoby , who supposed had a St Paul/Rabbi Saul of Tarsus epiphamy and supposedly “ saw the light on the Road to Damascus Syria ( how are the Greek and converso J Christians doing there thus week as ISIS retakes Syria?) Tamar Jacoby simply walked out of the New School and got a good paying job at the Wall Street Journal free market economics , J Neo Con wars about , open borders mass immigration to the USA/the West , but not if course fir the J ethnostate Israel .
In contrast I didn t get any paying job or even a job interview through the Stern New York University Graduate school of management , supposedly the #1 MBA program in the USA when went there in 1989. NYU now has it’s first woman President another woke Jewess - the NYU alumni magazine is woke , White make vagina from cover to cover .
Hey Steve S , do you get any decent jobs with your U California MBA? I think I heard you did . So your U CAl MBA was apparently better than my Stern NYU MBA
Left behind in Chicago
"We are white enough to be worthy of scorn...."
Such nice women!
Jews have been treated better in the US than in any other political community since the Diaspora, so it's a bit rich that they identify with racial/ethnic groups which actually have a reason to complain (i.e., Indians and blacks). Part of this is due to post-Holocaust paranoia, which I can completely understand. However, since the late 60s, the US has been the greatest ally that Israel has, which undermines the justification for the wacky Jewish leftism of the American Jewish population. Maybe the point to be taken here is that, as Steve has already mentioned, stereotypes are only successful when they are generally true. So, Jewish women (who are the subject of this post) get characterized as "domineering, whining and otherwise repellent" because quite a few of them are domineering, whining and otherwise repellent.
But I think that the "domineering, whining and otherwise repellent", are a minority of Jewish women; my experience (limited as it is) with Jewish women is that most of them are pretty nice, good moms and decent friends. It seems the minority color the view of the general population, but how much of that is due to Jewish male dominance in mass media?
Also a minority of the Jewish women characters, probably (I didn't check)
A large fraction of second half of the 20th Century entertainment was made up by Jewish guys who married some Jewish girl at age 22 or whenever, had some kids, then got rich and divorced her to marry a beautiful shiksa trophy wife. So there are a lot of jokes about what was annoying about Jewish women, when their real problem was not being a 10 year younger blonde actress.
When most gentiles think of a typical Jewish woman, they think more on the lines of Shelley Winters in "The Poseidon Adventure." But I am showing my age.
"Nobody Wants This" is so stupid I watched it twice. The gentile woman character grew up in Los Angeles but finds Jews as mysterious as space aliens. Seriously, not one Jewish friend to invite you to a bat mitzvah when you were a kid? Written by a gentile woman who converted, the show is not kind to any of the female characters, Jew or Gentile, which I find kind of refreshing. It brings to mind HL Mencken - a misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women do.
All the men are kind of innocent lovable dopes. The main couple are ten years too old for the story. The Jewish parents had to be Russian immigrants to make sense being super Jewy parents of an 80s kid. The conflict is all artificial and manufactured. The main guy dumps his fiancé for not much, and is instantly completely committed to the shiksa goddess. The Jewish women are mean to the gentile ladies yet powerless against their blond hair.
It's big hit
It’s kind of definitional that any individual writing an op-ed in mainstream media is not oppressed.
If it's really so hard being Jewish why not give it up? Racial antisemitism was, historically speaking, a flash in the pan that lasted roughly sixty years, if that. It was definitively crushed - by Christians - in early May 1945.
Judaism is hard to get into and easy to leave - the religious version of an exclusive club - so it ought to have withered away if being Jewish were really such a difficult existence.
The parsimonious explanation is that it isn't actually that rough. It comes with plenty of benefits and fewer obligations to others. Why else would it prove attractive to hot, ambitious women, who aren't generally known for dedicating their lives to serving others at their own expense?
Ask your local Imam if it was definitively crushed.
Didn’t “Bridget Loves Bernie” cover this ground about fifty years ago? It’s all so tiresome.
To say nothing of "Abie's Irish Rose."
I’m old, but I’m not that old. That used to show up regularly as a clue in the Times crossword.
Yes, who is less empowered than NYC academic Jews who are able to get their complaints published in the New York Times?
What these ladies touch upon is that a) academia, in which Jews are hugely overrepresented, played a massive and active role in the growth of the worst, most woke politics, b) this includes the rise of the pro-Palestine movement that is anti-Semitic as well as anti-Western civilization, and c) they want to keep the woke parts that empower them but don't want to be held accountable for the bad parts.
Too bad. People like these need a good hard dose of the the medicine they prepared for others, and over a prolonged period of time.
"Yes, who is less empowered than NYC academic Jews who are able to get their complaints published in the New York Times?
What these ladies touch upon is that a) academia, in which Jews are hugely overrepresented, played a massive and active role in the growth of the worst, most woke politics, b) this includes the rise of the pro-Palestine movement that is anti-Semitic as well as anti-Western civilization, and c) they want to keep the woke parts that empower them but don't want to be held accountable for the bad parts."
Back around 20 years ago, when Sarah Silverman was still funnyish, she had a routine where she said ""I got in trouble for saying the word ‘Chink’ on a talk show. The president of an Asian-American watchdog group out here in Los Angeles was up in arms about it and he put my name in the papers calling me a racist, and it hurt me deeply. As a member of the Jewish community, I was really concerned..... that we were losing control of the media."
> A lot of people like to imagine that their problems stem from being outside of the “dominant culture.”
Perhaps better stated as "Many elites like to imagine that their problems stem from being outside of elite culture."
Goes hand-in-hand with luxury beliefs.
Natalia Mehlman Petrzela and Rachel Schreiber:
> In 1979 the feminist Andrea Dworkin quoted Sartre...
Petrzela and Schreiber are correctly wagering that few NYT subscribers are familiar with this feminist and her body of work.
> “Intersectionality,” the term coined in 1989 by the legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw,
Petrzela and Schreiber are correctly wagering that few NYT subscribers are familiar with this legal scholar and her body of work.
The Op-Ed's 423 comments (at this writing) are distressingly un-diverse in their admiration of its thesis. Oppressed Jewish women are nothing like oppressive Gentile women!
Who is the NYT appealing to by running these vacuous and unoleasant editorials? How many actual clicks do they get on this nonsense? Or do they just use the rest of the paper to subsidize the endless resentment among a small, but pretty mighty, group of rich, elite, and influential Jews?
Those notorious anti-Semites Elaine May, Neil Simon, and Bruce Jay Friedman started this whole evil trend with the Heartbreak Kid in 1972, preventing Jewish women from getting fair representation in the media ever since.
Actually, articles like this provide ongoing evidence of how correct were the last few chapters of Separation and Its Discontents about the future evolutionary strategy of the in-group. The best fact checker is time.
Last spring, the National Institutes of Health announced that the federal government has a new non-white category, MENA. It means middle-eastern and north african Americans can avoid being persecuted as white. So now an American Jew of purebred Northern European phenotype can decide he/she is Israeli and check the MENA category.