How to Support Steve

In the decades that I’ve been writing, I have discovered, to my surprise and gratitude, that some of my readers are highly generous in supporting my writing career. In case you feel like contributing even more than the cost of your Substack subscription, here are ways to contribute.

I really like getting money, it cheers me up no end and encourages me to keep going, so thanks in advance.

Here are ten ways for you to help me carry on:

First : Most banks now allow fee-free money transfers via Zelle .

Zelle is really a good system: easy to use and the fees are nonexistent.

If you have a Wells Fargo bank account, you can transfer money to me (with no fees) via Wells Fargo SurePay/Zelle . Just tell WF SurePay/Zelle to send the money to my ancient AOL email address steveslrAT — replace the AT with the usual @). ( Non -tax deductible.) Please note, there is no 2.9% fee like with Paypal or Google Wallet, so this is good for large contributions.

Zelle contributions are not tax deductible.

Second : if you have a Chase bank account (or even other bank accounts), you can transfer money to me (with no fees) via Chase QuickPay/Zelle FAQ ). Just tell Chase QuickPay/Zelle to send the money to my ancient AOL email address ( — replace the AT with the usual @). If Chase asks for the name on my account, it’s StevenSailer with an n at the end of Steven. ( Non -tax deductible.) There is no 2.9% fee like with Paypal or Google Wallet, so this is also good for large contributions.

Third , Zelle might work with other banks too. Here’s a Zelle link for CitiBank . And Bank of America .

Fourth : You can use Paypal non -tax deductible) by going to the page on my old blog here. Paypal accepts most credit cards. Contributions can be either one-time only, monthly, or annual. (Monthly is nice.)

Fifth: You can mail a non -tax deductible donation to:

Steve Sailer
P.O Box 4142
Valley Village, CA 91617

Sixth: Stripe:

Click here:

Or scan this QR:

Seventh : send money via the Paypal-like Google Wallet to my Gmail address (that’s isteveslrATgmail .com — replace the AT with a @). ( Non -tax deductible.)

Eighth : I added Square [which is now Block] as a fundraising medium, although I’m vague on how it works. If you want to use Square, send me an email telling me how much to send you an invoice for. Or, if you know an easier way for us to use Square, please let me know.

Ninth: Venmo

Tenth : You can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here. Note, the New York state attorney general Letitia James is attempting to use the power of the state to silence VDARE because she doesn’t like their views, so please check in on the progress of this campaign.

When donating via VDARE, please make sure to specify the money is for me, Steve Sailer.

VDARE has been kiboshed from use of Paypal for being, I dunno, EVIL. But you can give via credit cards, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, check, money order, or stock.

Note: the VDARE site goes up and down on its own schedule, so if this link stops working, please let me know.